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I hate blunts


Active member
You should of heard this dumb ass hippie I was talking to at a house party the other month. Talked hella shit on blunts and talked about how he never smokes blunts, so I rolled up a grape swisher and gave him green rip. He puffed, puffed again, and passed, and repeated when it was his turn. The guestimate is that probably 20% of you who hate blunts will actually refuse a blunt that comes your way. The others would gladly hit that shit!


I seriously doubt I'd ever find myself in the position where someone is passing me one of those nasty things.And I'd definately turn it down


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Everything has it's place. Sometimes you need the right tool for the job, whether it be a 4 oz ball peen hammer or a 10 pound sledge...


all my friends are into mokes, bong rips made of half tobacoo(americanspirits) and half ground herb. its all for the experience, cause when i asked a friend why he'd taint the herb he said"its like heroin for a minute". it also burns smoother and comlete. wow not the intention when smoking herb i thought. reminds me of when in highschool we had italian exchange student friends who we smoked with, ALWAYS spliff not a joint, and bong rips with tobacco, theyd get mad if you made them do pure herb. weird.

there will always be people who absolutely cherish herb and its flavors and magic, and those who use it to get "fucked up" and dont care about qquality or means of use, would probably inject it if they could. then of course they'll be everyone in the middle who dont give a fuck, and live on.

EDIt: the moke trend comes from humboldt co, friend who goes to school up there brought back the trend and now all the llocal friends do it religiously.



Oh, and as my friend's doctor puts it, "Hot smoke is hot smoke." Its all detrimental either way. Thats why there is always ice in my bongs.

My next project is some tobacco plants I am going to acquire. I am aiming to only use them to make my own chemical free blunt wraps. Should be a very amateur thing do.

^ sheesh, you're taking it a little personal aren't you . . . :rolleyes:

Dude, you know ice doesn't make smoke safer, don't you? It only reduces the temporary irritation from the hot gasses. It is the burnt debris in the smoke which is bad for you. Cool or hot, it's still burnt debris you're inhaling. Don't kid yourself that ice is making your smoke safer.

It's all about moderation. :joint:

Speaking of bongs, I don't like them either. The water traps too much stuff. Now, I know what you're thinking: THC isn't water soluble. So? I'm not talking about mixing water and oil, only that some of it just stays there, physically trapped by the water (rather than chemically mixed with it.)

Joints are pretty inefficient, too, what with all the smoke they give off, and the way resin built-up in the tip increases the rate at which the good oils are trapped in the thing. Unless you smoke them down to the tiniest nub, there is loss. I haven't milked a roach like that since college.

Vaping, and not with forced-air vaporizers, is probably the most efficient method aside from eating that I can think of. You control everything.

It's all just physics and chemistry.


The guestimate is that probably 20% of you who hate blunts will actually refuse a blunt that comes your way. The others would gladly hit that shit!

You are probably right about this.

I'd be in the 20%, though, as I am an ex-smoker and hope to remain entirely nicotine free until I die.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
nothing beats a fresh, clean, ice catcher bong. grind up the weed nice, and pack it. ill get higher on one pack of the bong, then a blunt. cleaner high too.


everyone who hates blunts are just jealous theyre friends arent hood enough to hang ;)

edit:i do smoke blunts sometimes, not by choice


Id hate blunts if I smoked some form of tobacco everyday. However i do not, so I enjoy a blunt once in a while. Wasnt there a study done that found smoking tobacco with weed allowed the body to absorb more THC? I thought I seen it on this forum a while back... Anyway, I must say I dont smoke high quality bud that often.. but i do remember smoking about .7 grams of Grape Ape with a buddy who is a medical patient, through a blunt. It was good weed... but in my opinion smoking through the cigar tube made the session a little more enjoyable.. more savory. I could still taste the bud, and it burned for a while... I guess its all relative.. I've never smoked a pack of cigarettes in my life, nor shisha or any other tobacco products...probably why im more inclined to puffing on the occasional blunt.


Haha, props to the Trailer Park Boys! But yes, for the most part I just don't dig blunts. I prefer to toke on a solar bowl, joint, or the vaporizer.


Active member
Haha, props to the Trailer Park Boys! But yes, for the most part I just don't dig blunts. I prefer to toke on a solar bowl, joint, or the vaporizer.

Amen to the solar bowl!

And props to all you people that quit smoking cigs and actually refuse blunts. Major props!

And I know ice doesnt take away the long term effects of smoking herb, but it at least cools the smoke enough to where it doesnt mess your lungs up for the time being.

One more thing. When you smoke a blunt and the herb completely overpowers the wrap it is truly a magical thing. I love when my herb is so tasty that nothing can hold back the flavor!

Anyways, sorry to get all militant earlier. Happy toking everybody! Well, not for me being as we dont cut down for a little over a month :/
You are probably right about this.

I'd be in the 20%, though, as I am an ex-smoker and hope to remain entirely nicotine free until I die.

Thats me too. I quit smoking cigarettes 10 years ago why would I want to inhale a cigar wrapper...YUK! Only weed in these lungs.

A few years ago I caught some kids trying to steal my neighbors car. I chased them off and woke my neighbor up. He was very appreciative and the next day came over and gave me a huge blunt. Luckily he was on his way to work so I didn't have to smoke the thing with him.

I emptied it out and loaded about 20 bong loads with it.


good looking! wish I had neighbors like you....or like you'rs....lol

I used to smoke a pack of Marlboro reds every day for 8 years I havent had a cig in 5 years, but do enjoy a nice blunt after work now and again.... i find that most people who smoke blunts will smoke multiple in a day ( I used too) but with out those cigs one blunt every couple days is enough (although I was just at a funeral for a friend and we smoked about 12 blunts between 3 of us)


Active member
My problem with them is that usually they are rolled with "blunt wraps" and those things are reconstituted tobacco (and other fillers?) cardboard soaked (in god knows what)..

::takes bong rip::

We don't live in a democracy.. we should live in a Chucktatorship. That where Chuck's going to go down to congress to ask Ron Paul who the honest congressman are. They are going to go down the line... Honest...Honest...Ok this guy is dishonest...then Chuck is going to say "YOU'RE FIRED!" and if they don't leave IMMEDIATELY he is going to choke them unconscious and drag them to the pile.

He said that he couldn't choke out Nancy Pelosi, or any of the other women though...thats all well and good for me...Leave them bitches to Angelina Jolie.
We are going for a spectacle here.

And the door prize for the tards who leave peacefully will be a lifetime supply of bluntwraps. Only 2 flavors though: Monkeyballs, and Dogshit.


New member
I'm reading through this and I'm in shock. Everyone here acts like the only cigars (to roll blunts with) that exist are the gross flavored gas station cigars (like white owls, optimos, swishers, and the worst are blunt wraps). It seems like none of you have ever tried green leaf cigars, palma dutches or any other 'non-flavored' cigar. I smoke mainly green leaf garcia vegas when I smoke blunts and I can taste my delicious herb perfectly fine. I also saw a post about them being too much of a pain to roll, which is such a lame excuse. Rolling a blunt is just like rolling a joint in the sense that you're not going to be good at it when you do it the first few times, but with practice it'll be just as easy as packing a bowl. I also find it peaceful and almost meditative to sit down after a busy day, hand break up some fine bud, then take my time and roll a perfectly sized, proportioned and shaped blunt.

To each his own I suppose...

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