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I got ripped off tonight.



Having been on both sides of the loosing end, now is better. Seems some think just because it grows - it should be no problem if they disapear for a few months, while owing.

I can - let by goens be by gones but trust is lost and - it would be better it they never came back. I'll pay that much to never have to see them again.

I used to want to get even, - I'll leave that job for karma to sort out. I have more enjoyable pastimes to partake.

Ya gotta kiss a lotta toads to find Prince Charming.


HuffAndPuff said:
Ahhhhh.... the good ole "give me the money, I'll go get the bag" routine! A classic along the lines of three-card monte.

Anatomicaly- it sucks man, and as you've seen, many of us have been there. I understand why you feel the way you do; it's to be expected. I hope that it all works out for the best. Let's hope the g/f doesn't get pissed when/if you tell her...

I suspect many of the people who were most vocal about you being an idiot are the ones who have fallen for that bit MORE than once. And there is the good news... You will prolly never do that again. Lesson learned. But, if you do, you can always wait till someone else posts the same misfortune, and rag on them! Good luck with the bills and shit man, that really sucks. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.....


i wasnt gonna post until i saw this, couldnt resist, so heres the story. . . many moons ago, on fordham rd in the bronx, my mother was at some appt. (cant remember exactly) and she sent me across the street to get something she needed really bad with 20 dollars. i saw the table and couldnt help myself. i watched the cards for like a half hour, and called it each time EACH AND EVERY FRIGGIN TIME!!! ofcourse i knew about the possers that stand on teh side and chide you into putting your money up, i payed them no mind, they saw the money and called me out for the whole half hour, and got pissed after a while since i was taking up considerable "pattsy" space. i put the money down, he told me to turn it over and bam it was a black king instead of the red queen. so i had to go tell moms what happened, and needless to say she was not pleased in the least. but heres what i learned:

*never do anything foolish with other peoples money
*always use discression about the routes you choose to "creep on a come up" with.
*you never give or get something for nothing.

so AnatomiclySound although i was much younger, the same feeling s you have at teh end of it all are the same ones i had when i got jerked.

dont be too down though, if anything just work it back, or sell something you dont really need, or something.

thats why i dont like to do anything unless its hand-to-hand


Two things i can say, enough though i've never bought from the streets (i've grown from day 1).

-They are the one's who need the money to live off of, you don't NEED the weed. Everything should be on your terms.

-This incident should give you incintive to grow all your own now.