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I got ripped off tonight.


I remember recently getting ripped off. Gave this girl $30 to get 3 dime bags. 10 minutes later she comes back and gives me only 2. Where's the 3rd dime bag Bv asks? "Oh, these are the new $15 dollar bags" she says. The dude with her goes "Yeah I have heard of those."



Registered Pothead
Sorry to hear your story but you said it yourself that he was shady in the past. I wouldnt hand off any cash to anyone if i didnt know them like that. People get killed for less around my parts. Consider yourself lucky and try to find a different connect or do as a lot have suggested and grow your own.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
what can I say that isn't mentioned above??? If their guy won't trust them with a little weed then why would you trust them with your $$$???


Active member
Hello all,

One night a couple of buddies and I went into north Memphis. We were looking for a good time that night and were trying to score.

We hooked up with a couple of local dudes that said we could score from them but had to go into this alley, give him the cash and wait five minutes while he went insode this building.

Well, 10 minutes had gone by and the hair on my neck was standing up and I decided it was time to go.

As we reach the entrance to the alley, my buddy in the car comes screaching around the corner with the doors open some 5 blocks down the road. Upon looking behind us, I could see 4 guys on the other side of the street running to catch up with us. I saw one pull what looked like a bike chain from his coat sleeve.

I and the guys with me knew exactly what was going to happen...we were going to get jumped and robbed (at least).

Man oh man, we started running for the car. jumped in got out of there with our skin.

Lesson learned...first, don't go looking for weed in the ghetto of Memphis when you are corn fed white boy. And two, never ever front your money.

Sorry for your experience. Now don't let it happen again.


This occured 30 years


Active member
been thru it FAR more severly than this story...and been thru it on this same level.

sorry for your luck man

it's why i live in the backwoods and grow my own.

...and BTW $200 bucks over a drug deal aint worth a life sentance, or someone elses life.

I stay strapped, but i would draw the line quite a bit higher before bustin a cap.
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Active member
Ahhhhh.... the good ole "give me the money, I'll go get the bag" routine! A classic along the lines of three-card monte.

Anatomicaly- it sucks man, and as you've seen, many of us have been there. I understand why you feel the way you do; it's to be expected. I hope that it all works out for the best. Let's hope the g/f doesn't get pissed when/if you tell her...

I suspect many of the people who were most vocal about you being an idiot are the ones who have fallen for that bit MORE than once. And there is the good news... You will prolly never do that again. Lesson learned. But, if you do, you can always wait till someone else posts the same misfortune, and rag on them! Good luck with the bills and shit man, that really sucks. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.....



Active member
happen to me once,with 20,and i couldn't do anything

i tell the kid,take some out for your self,get the bud and leave it in front of my house(in a mailbox or something i forget) well,i go look where the bud is supposed to be,nothing,talk to the kid,swears he put it there....i know he didn't,but what was i supposed to do? he very well could have put in there and somone took it

he did smoke me up,in place of the bag,basterd smoked me up with MY bag of weed,that pissed me off,but it was my own stupidty that did it


Been there, done that!

Been there, done that!

Blackvelvet said:
"Oh, these are the new $15 dollar bags" she says. The dude with her goes "Yeah I have heard of those."

Not to laugh at your misfortune, but that's pretty hilarious.

My story:
I, myself, have been duped once or twice. I recall one time my friend and I were hanging out behind the local movie theater wasting time until the show started. A guy we know was riding through, spotted us and pulled over. We chatted for a few minutes and then he was like "you guys want any weed?" He said he had a quarter of "hydro" for $40. At this point in my life I was pretty young (12 or 13) and I didn't even really know what buds looked like (until this point the only weed I'd seen was broken out and ready for a blunt.) My friend was like "Hell yeah, that's a deal," so we both threw in $20 and the guy left for 10 minutes, came back and gave us the goods. The end, you say? Not necessarily. We were in a hurry as we'd already missed the first few minutes of the film so I crammed the bag into my coat pocket and we went inside. After we got home we inspected the bag, only to find out it didn't quite look or smell like weed. To this day I don't really remember what it was but if I had to guess I'd say it was some mixture of oregano/nutmeg and maybe some random plant material. I flushed it down the toilet and warned all my friends not to trust the guy we bought it from. Last time I heard anything, that guy that duped us was losing hair from doing too much ecstasy or something. Karma for the win!


Same story here about 17 years ago (was 20 then...).
Got ripped off about 700/800 $ (lot of money at that time) on a different transaction.
But I lost all of this money to a far more elaborate scenario (a fake buyer came before &
in front of me and I saw one transaction taking place... ).

You could have gotten screwed of far more I guess but now, you learned a good lesson (unless someone you know very well & you trust, never give upfront the money... plain simple).


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
sugabear, no weed no money is fucking right man....

and all the gun talk... its not worth it...i think your life is worth more then 200 bucks...
george jung said it best, "a weed deal is done with a handshake, and a coke deal is done with a gun...." if you are fucking with high dollar, high risk coke heads, and junkies, i agree that a gun might be necessary because you never know what they are on. but you also need a great disposal plan to go along with that gun there son...

i feel bad for your dad... YOU owe him now. PAY him back BIG somehow later in life (i.e. give him some dank nuggs when you run across them)...

and also, i agree that you did just spend $200 for the tuition to the school of hard knocks......

but for me though, in my area, 200 would have been a SHADY price for a half O. That would have tipped me off right away...

but remember, karma my friend.... although it may just a be a feature on this website, its meaning holds true in real life. that bitch who took your money has something coming back to him. maybe not now, but sometime.....

you live, you learn.... unfortunately it cost you 200 bucks and a bunch of unneeded drama...


shit man, no need to carry a gun- i doubt some trigger-happy crackhead dealer is going to have quality weed to sling anyways. plus, when you get suspiciously good deals like this, something's gotta give- they're not just giving you a discount


don't let them beat you down man, just about everybody learned the same lesson the same way you did.
You got burned, just about everyone has, most just don't want to admit it.
As for those of you who "stay strapped" ..... thanks for holding up getting weed legalized. That's just the shit the government wants to hear to keep it classified in the same arena as hard drugs. Honestly, I had a gun pulled on me once, it didn't go the way the guy thought it would. He hesitated, I didn't. Funny how carrying a gun gives people balls, its when they loose a few teeth and their face gets ripped up from from the gun site during the pistol whipping, that they realize they may want to reconsider carrying a gun or they may want to learn to pull it, aim it, and fire it faster then someone else can punch them in the face. I'm not a bad ass and I was scared shitless during the whole thing, in no way am I implying I had a plan or would try it again, I'm older now and a lot smarter. Looking back, the guy was probably just trying to scare me into giving over my wallet, it worked, he scared the shit out of me, but different people react different ways in situations with or without a gun.
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Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Sometimes decisions that we make are driven by our need/want for it at that particular time. AS was in a party mood, plus spending quality time with his Dad made it all the better. It's times like that when we're vulnerable, and start thinking like the eternal optimist - "oh, nothing can go wrong. It's just a simple purchase of smoke and i'll be on my way." now if you had options at that time, you might have been able to pick up the shadiness involved because you think clearer when you're don't feel "pressure" to buy. Thinking of kicking somebody's ass after you got ripped off is a normal thought, but will bring you more trouble than anything else - especially if you're dealing with that "friend" of yours. Even if you did kick his ass, he "knows where you live." Might know where your Dad lives, too, so it ain't worth it. If I were you, I'd feed that fucker with a "long handled spoon" from this point on and cut his ass back. Remember, "there's no honor among thieves." Grow your own. That way you're in TOTAL CONTROL.
Oh yeah, props to your lady. You're lucky to have her. :respect:


Take Five...
Blackvelvet said:
I remember recently getting ripped off. Gave this girl $30 to get 3 dime bags. 10 minutes later she comes back and gives me only 2. Where's the 3rd dime bag Bv asks? "Oh, these are the new $15 dollar bags" she says. The dude with her goes "Yeah I have heard of those."


What kind of weed growing badass of the ICMag realm gives "this girl" money to buy "dime bags"? Only a loser in a Jay and Silent Bob flick or a junior high school kid buys dimebags..... which are you, oh weed growing expert badass?

Anyone here bad enough to be half the expert grower badass BV is, smokes DIMEBAG JOINTS.

Seems this "45 year old", "I saw Rush when they were playing high schools". who happens to be in his 20s and grows more and better than anyone ever, tends to get ripped off a lot on his weed purchases.....

If it isn't those new 15 dollar dime bags, it's a bag of glass, lint, crack, gravel, and whatever........

What a pro! Sending a girl to do a man's job....

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A dime bag was three fingers in a sandwich baggie. 12$ would get a Lid.5 fingers.
Lesson Learned we all go threw it its pain :asskick:

But now the fun part you cannot let this crime go unpunished its time for a mexican showdown! I would feel like getting a plastic spray bottle and putting some hydrochloric acid in it. Then i would feel like setting those mother fckers up some how some way and when you get them close you spray use the spray bottle of acid and spray it right in there goddamn face. I feel that this would work very well at sending the appropraite message about taking a war vets herb money :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:


Non Conformist
Shit happens!

Shit happens!

It's happened ta all of us at one timer er another.So don't feel bad.I do beleive I'd move his nose ta one side with my fist the next time I saw him though ( a broken nose would coast at least that much ta fix )....What some idiots will -never- get/learn is that yul make more money workin with someone on an everyday basis rather than burnin em once and then have ta worry about the repercusions.Always lookin over yer shoulder is no fun.Besides their never gonna beat karma,no matter how fuckin smart they think they are.Sorry fer yer loss man. Take care...BC