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I got better quality cannabis and better service in the black market


Up here every Johnny come lately hack with a garage is pumping out kush, luckily that shit be hard to produce.... Market flooded with bunk ,prices took a nose dive, people lost their shirt instead of making the thousands they thought they where and shut down.... But yeah I seen a lot of shit weed, and lowest prices I ever seen in 25+ years in the market...

But basically we built expectations so high that commercial is a challenge... Not that they can't do it.... But it's funny watching them try!

Top end of the market is humming along real nice, seen some nice packs the kid lets are calling "quads" lol, dispensaries are cheap though so most of those are for export, probably showing up in black market communities near you,lol....


All the weed I smoked in CO this year (Denver, Golden, and a couple other towns) from the stores was absolute garbage, and that included the "medical" selection as well. Dry as shit, clearly tumbled, cut early, over-fed, absolute trash...we tried probably 25 stores over the course of a week and probably had every bit of 50 or 60 different strains to try. Then I went to the cup thinking that surely I would see some good herb there...just as bad or worse. Literally the only pot I smoked that was actually enjoyable was from BOG's booth at the cup and even that was barely better than mediocre at best. (no offense bog)

Either I'm a snob or I picked the wrong time to visit CO.


I think it's like tomatoes, the best ones don't come from Whole Foods they come from you're garden..........


if it smells like fish
theres a reason I grow my own..matter of fact several reasons...lol..yeehaw,,did you try his sour bubble..????


theres a reason I grow my own..matter of fact several reasons...lol..yeehaw,,did you try his sour bubble..????

I did, got the SB, Bogglegum, and maybe Blue Kush? I don't remember the third one exactly, but the SB was the winner with the Bogglegum a close second because it reminded me of the old school Indiana bubblegum cut and I lost access to that one a few years ago.


Well-known member
I'm in Colorado and also a MMJ. That pot is decent, but I have heard reports that the REC is poor. The everyone is going for the money. The state gets a tax of 25% and the cities throw in a sales tax of approximately 3%. Most of the growers are really rushing product out to get the money. I have heard the grey market (diverted MMJ) has some decent product. I grow my own normally but sometimes go to the Dispensary for new flavors. I am guessing that in a few years the bad growers will be gone and the remaining growers will put out good product on the REC market.


Funny how things change. Circa 2000 to 2006 ish. I was able to get some of the finest cannabis money can buy. Fast forward to modern day, Ive never seen so much half asses grown, non cured, over fertilized, poor customer service as I see today. Trying to get someone out of bed for $200 bucks is like pulling teeth and even if you do you receive some stale, old, horribly mislabeled product.

Awhile back on this site, there were a few that warned that if we legalized it would lead to nothing good, I use to argue with those folks, in hindsight they were spot on.

The Cannabis industry has gone to pot. Horribly grown, old, stale, non cured, garbage. Maybe in Colorado its different but from what I see, this is a nightmare.

I hope one day it becomes legal and people who love the plant start growing it again, sharing clones, and overall just trying to produce the best Cannabis they can.

Who woulda thunk it. Black Market > Legal Market by a large, large margin.

Also now everyone is a bitch, if you dont have a med card they are too scared to make a deal.

Crazy times. Best Cannabis Ive ever expirenced was circa 2000 ish to 2006 ish... The strains coming out of cali were insane. The tastes, the variation in high, the care and manicuring.


What do you expect?? On large scale warehouse grows I would need to hire a crew who would not know or care as much about the product.

then hand trimming and Mason Jars??

Who has time for that in a warehouse?

You would need to go with trimming machines and turkey bags.

But I have no desire to be a warehouse grower my only desire is to one day own my own coffee shop and greenhouse indoors too nothing huge but I ain't going to be in the city so there you can expect Budweiser and Coors with the occasional bottle of Patron which is overpriced but good.

Only advice is grow it great or find that elusive dank because that's not coming out of any warehouse in the country.


Active member
Dispenaries aren't growers and only sell medicated medicine.

So with that In Mind,I'd Bring up the SourDiesel Saga to Budtenders because it was here when Rez created a foul market to others.The AAAReservoir Seed just so that it was higher than,,guess who ? Bogs in the alphabetically order.

So again,It helps to let them know what to look for in medicated medicine such as Bog's lifesaver.

Seems in Colorado that some growers are holding out for better spot prices and let other know and not sell good medicated pot.Talk with the Owners for better medicated pot.If you're here at icmag,one has started at the right place to learn more about the seed.


Active member
All the weed I smoked in CO this year (Denver, Golden, and a couple other towns) from the stores was absolute garbage, and that included the "medical" selection as well. Dry as shit, clearly tumbled, cut early, over-fed, absolute trash...we tried probably 25 stores over the course of a week and probably had every bit of 50 or 60 different strains to try. Then I went to the cup thinking that surely I would see some good herb there...just as bad or worse. Literally the only pot I smoked that was actually enjoyable was from BOG's booth at the cup and even that was barely better than mediocre at best. (no offense bog)

Either I'm a snob or I picked the wrong time to visit CO.

I'm always impressed by the size of the balls on people who think nobody knows they tumble their weed and use the crystals elsewhere.


Active member
Some people want to grow great dope, some people want to make money; sometimes those two cross-over. By from those people that cross-over.


Whoa, this got a lot of views. Glad a lot of people feel the same. Grow my own? Yes, I have and I'd love to. They built a damn school right next to my neighborhood.

People now a days don't even know what good Cannabis is, they've never had it. Everything is mislabeled now a days. People are growing the same old strains over and over again. And gosh forbid you love Sativa's, your F'd. No one grows them.

Im looking to take a trip to Denver just so I can get this swagg taste out of my mouth, if anyone has any recommendations on recreational or medical shops let me know. I'm looking for really high quality, cured, tasty, smooth, unique smelling Cannabis, I dont need anymore commercial "weed".

Its really sad we can't all grow and just share strains openly.

With all this being said, there is elite growers among us. Anyone can grow weed but it turns out to be a Cannabis Connoisseur is rare. There isn't many who can do it right. There isn't many who appreciate the plant.

Peace. Thanks for everyones replies.



if it smells like fish
dispensaries lowball people ..so they don't care....they cut early,over fert and tumble that shit..why cause their getting lowballed anyhow....yeehaw...I would pile my stuff up and burn it before getting lowballed that bad...just so they can then over charge and make the real $$$$$$...I laughed at some of the last offers I got...can you say hell no mutherfucker..I don't feel bad stealing their customers one fucking bit..compassion my ass


I hear ya cannabis quality has gone down hill. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it's starting to become more and more commercialized like the alcohol industry.


Eventually it will be just like beer you will have your standard Budweiser for $5-$10 a gram then you will have your craft brew like Dogfish Head for like $50 an 1/8.
I've been smoking only my own for the last almost two years. Just bought a bunch of commercial weed from a local farmers' market. I can't believe how shitty it is. I have low self esteem so I always assume my stuff doesn't compare to what's out there. But of six or seven different commercial flowers I've had recently, none of them have come close to the killer homegrown stuff. I have had a few killer things out of med dispensaries back in 2014 but I'm not sure how much of that blow your head off gamesmanship is still out there.

I can tell the recent stuff was pulled early and grown without much concern with no cure and shitty drying. It's manicured down to the bud too which I guess people like but I don't because you lose tons of THC crystals for a tight commercial manicure.

I really am not impressed but it did make me feel better about my own growing.