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I gave up the major leagues for weed


Back in the day we didn't have A.D.D. or A.D.H.D...

a friend explains it to me this way, let's call him Brian.

So one day, Brian's dad calls out to his son "Brian !!!". Being a young child Brian ignores or does not hear his dad. His dad smacks him in the head and his A.D.D. falls to ground never to return.

Lack of discipline has a lot to do with that shit if you ask me... Now I am not advocating child abuse and i don't condone slapping a kid in the head. my dad beat my ass with a belt TWICE in my life. From then on he had a look i understood and we had no further problems...

just sayin :tiphat:

Yeah, this is how my dad got rid of my 'add' too :laughing:

My brother's girlfriends brother is on a full ride scholarship to some big college in Texas for baseball, he's one of the biggest stoners I've ever met in my life. We'll see which one he picks, lol.


When I was a kid there was no televised football bullshit...now, between all the fucking commercials and ignorant rants and statistics, tv sports have become boring as fuck...sorry...live is cool but not worth the $$$...and concerts are getting just as cheap shit...


Active member
Who the hell watches commercials anymore? I DVR everything, or pause live TV and wait a while after the game begins to start watching, and skip every commercial. An hour long drama has about 22 minutes of commercial time, so that's how long you wait to start watching live TV. Wait an hour to start your NFL game, and you can even skip the halftime.


Active member
Should of done if for the 5 or 10 years you might of lasted. Plenty of time to smoke weed after. Shame to waste a good talent.


Why are you guys still replying to him as if what he is saying has any truth or chance of truth? What did he say that made you believe his story? Let me tell you he said plenty of things that scream "I'm full of shit". Couldn't pick them out? Really? Use your heads people.

Individuals work a LIFETIME achieving the skill-set needed to compete at an elite level. Literally thousands upon thousands of hours. You don't do this to one day have a brain explosion and say "I just don't want to tow the company line, I chose drugs over baseball". NO, just NO. You have so much invested, countless hours of training working towards that goal, your mind was made up hundreds of hours into your training, let alone the thousands upon thousands it takes getting to that level. You also don't one day talk to an MLB scout and have him tell you you're the next best thing. You have worked through high school and perhaps college proving your dedication and dependability year after year with eyes on you.

You don't hold the delusion you "could have been" one of the best. You realize it is your life choice if you even had a chance at being it in the first place. If you "need" to smoke weed or do cocaine, you find out ways to beat the testing system. Do you think people in the NBA don't smoke on the regular? NFL? MLB? NHL? NCAA level down through the high school levels? Bullshit. Yet this man had an epiphany that he wouldn't "give in to the man", so he passed up millions and an illustrious sports career to sit in his moms basement and smoke weed when he could have defeated drug testing with 1/1000000th of his salary money? The fact some of you buy this shit hook, line and sinker shows how idiotic humanity can be.

It is not the fact that "it could be possible", it is what he said does not give one ANY inclination to believe the story, in fact his words completely shatter his credibility and scream the opposite. I am sorry so many of you have no ability to detect bullshit from more bullshit when it's staring you right in the face.

To the OP, keep smoking weed and living delusions of grandeur. It takes not only natural "talent", but a literal lifetime of dedication to achieve anything in professional sports. it is not that someone simply cannot do it, it is that people such as yourself choose to talk about it and delude yourself instead of spending those full days in the gym, every day for the past decade. Keep dreaming buddy.

Let's see some scouting info on you or a synopsis of what the scout said. This is a professional business with billions on the line. They don't entertain psychopaths who think they "can just see the ball". Please, add some credibility to this story and prove me wrong. I entertained the possibility that maybe what you were saying could be true, because hey - why not? There are thousands of us here and I am willing to bet a handful had the talent to make it to AAA and maybe work their way up from there. You? Not at all. You are completely full of shit.


I don't need someone throwing movie quotes at me as to how I spend 10 minutes of my time. Big post? I typed that in 200 seconds. How much time do you spend jerking around every day? Probably more than 200 seconds, so don't bother. I enjoy this forum and am amazed when people fall for this crap and crap like it. I happen to work in the field and I see this every day so I figured I would contribute my informed opinion.

Yes, no shit it is for attention. Every post on any forum is "for attention", good or bad. What is your point? Without people looking for attention forums would cease to exist. That is what every grow journal on here is about. ATTENTION. He has my attention, and I have his. I don't grasp what you're getting at, it is the reason both of us are present.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
He made the right choice imo. Never take your eye off the blunt.


Professor Organic Psychology
wow that was a pretty mean attack.

Look lots of guys get a crack at getting on a farm club for baseball. Not that big of deal. And working all your life to develop skill set? What age are the people we are talking about? I was 25 at the time and spent a life in Colombia swinging a machete. I played ball in college in Colombia too.

I do okay now, I work in art. Not rich, but happy.


They are just words on a screen and my opinion, just like your opinion of what you are. Don't take too much offense as if I knew you, I'd roll a blunt and smoke it down with you.

You're forgetting there is more to baseball than swinging a stick at a ball. At 25 you'd be old news to most scouts. You in particular stated you gave up the majors for weed. At best you gave up baseball for weed, at worst you gave up nothing but a day dream. And yes, all your life at a skill set. That's why we pay professionals hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. They not only had the talent from an early age, they also recognized it and honed it for countless hours knowing exactly what the end game was. No one walks into anything where they will be compensated so well, without knowing a decade beforehand that they would walk through that door.


Professor Organic Psychology
I had two scholarships apple. And 25 is not the old for someone that played in college.

I can see what your saying though, a lot of bs in these kinds of places. And your right, I had a lot of proving to do to get anything out of it, including dropping out of the partying.

In Colombia we didn't have video games. We all worked very hard and played hard. We played baseball when it was too dark to see.

And in my case I was just a good hitter. I was not that fast to play the positions except outfield or first base. My recruiter said I would work better in the American League. Every year about this time I wonder what would have happened if I took a different path. I do know that the reason I come to America to begin with is because my life was in danger from FARC who are basically just gangster. I could have drawn unwanted attention from wrong people if I did make it big.

But I would smoke with you too.


It is difficult to say. If you're lying or the rare exception it is very hard to determine what the best decision is or would have been. There isn't, just is. It is hard to argue against such comfortable sums of money if you play your cards right. There is then the question of what you give up to get there and how it changes things but who is to say the good isn't ultimately better than not having the money and getting stoned. You can't quantify what money does for you if used "correctly". Few things match what options it gives you in this one life. You could have played and like I said, if you're crafty a mere fraction of your salary would have allowed you to have your cake and eat it to when it comes to banned things. That's why I think you're lying.

In any case, you only have now. Obviously you wanted to reflect or show others what you "could have been". Whether it is because you feel you made the wrong or right choice only you know. I have contemplated giving up everything for the herb but I've come to realize the herbs purpose for me is to see life in a different way and take advantage of that, including getting stoned and playing an enormously competitive sport in front of millions if I had chosen that avenue.


Active member

cock-fighting and fucking whores is cooler than playing baseball anyways....

on a side-note, miss playing baseball used to love that sport...our little league team was the shit. i just stood in the outfield and watched my infield get double and triple plays..and occasionally drop a ball when it came my way lol..never hit a homerun personally.


Imagine playing a child's game while making millions of dollars for working out and playing 6 months a year. I couldn't say no to such things. All of us chase money whether we chose to admit it or not.
You know...., there's like a boat-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bow staff.


Professor Organic Psychology
When I was in Colombia I seen ways to get rich fast and passed on them as well. Perhaps I am a real hippie and put quality of life and integrity above money. I have never stolen or cheated anyone for anything either. Now I sell art, and the markup is high, but that is the game and it is a luxury. It isn't like I am telling people the car they are preparing to buy comes from a little old lady that just used it to buy groceries.
Next time I would go with Venezuelan or Dominican. People just aren't going to buy a baseball player being recruited out of Columbia. There have only been like 2 players from that country to ever have any success in the majors.

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