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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Yummybud a stud of studs. Remember his co worker girl stories? Hilarious.


Active member
Do you believe in him, Verbal?

Keaton always said, “I don’t believe in God, but I’m afraid of him.” Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Yummybud.
How can you not love the pathetic story of yummybud he'd make an alcoholic crackhead living on skid row look like a superstar lmao! Wonder if he ever got that law degree lol i miss that warped little fucker!

Yes I did I got into law school after icmag and I just graduated but no job yet. I've been calling up every law firm in my province trying to get an internship. Had a couple interviews recently but no position yet. It's super completive every place i contact tons of other graduates apply to also. I'm trying smaller towns and cities right now. I want to eventually start up my own firm maybe doing criminal law if i can get some experience in that field and notarial work.

and when back when I left icmag was a rough time for me too, i was trying to get into law school and my girlfriend had just broken up with me and I was all depressed over it. It's kind of funny looking back right now. I'm pretty stressed looking for an internship at the moment, but trying to stay positive and persistent and not be depressed about it.
Yummybud a stud of studs. Remember his co worker girl stories? Hilarious.

sadly I still suck with women and still single since my gf broke up with me back in icmag days haha. Had a fwb relationship with a girl a year ago while i was finishing school but nothing yet. I'm stressed about work right now so I don't care about any of that.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Yummybud was before my time too or at least in one of the gaps when I wasn't on the boards for long periods of time. Anybody want to type the cliffnotes? Wasn't there something about a shitty "growtent" with blankets hung up and stuff?


Active member
haha and I don't think she "faked it" she was extremely loud and at the time I was living in a dorm (moved to an apartment later on), and first night i brought her over she was screaming super loud and the next day all my dorm mates were like high fiving me lol. anyways don't think anyone cares about details haha.

How does your mom feel about this tramp deflowering her little yummybud?
How does your mom feel about this tramp deflowering her little yummybud?

haha that's funny you ask. I had a girlfriend before her and i'm an adult lol my mom doesn't care. But.... my mom didn't think she was a "good girl" and told me to be careful and not get a disease lol, kind of awkward thing for your mom to tell you. so yeah my mom basically thought she was a ho and told me to watch out. I just told my mom she was my "friend" bc I brought her over to my mom's place when i went to visit my mom during christmas break.


Well-known member
HAHA!! yummybud my ass! Oh,by the way "i dont want to believe".lololol i wish a pox on thee that would stoop so low that they would actually pretend to be yummybud.thats actually worse than being yummybud.yummydud
what? no it is actually me, what benefit would I get from pretending. I just saw this thread posted and thought I'd reply and update on what I was doing. I can prove it's me but whatever. I'm still driving the same car I did in icmag days.


To Have More ... Desire Less
what? no it is actually me, what benefit would I get from pretending. I just saw this thread posted and thought I'd reply and update on what I was doing. I can prove it's me but whatever. I'm still driving the same car I did in icmag days.

then go take apic and post it....
Heres a pic of my arizer solo tape I bought recently and one of my txt books. not going to post my car again it's too personal. anyways it's not possible to 100% prove it's me but I guess it's up to you to decide, don't really care, just wanted to respond to this post about me.


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