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I find a bag of weed on sidewalk

I find a bag of weed on sidewalk

  • Throw away right away to take away temptations

    Votes: 9 10.6%
  • Save and use when all out

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Give to a friend, tell friend you find it

    Votes: 14 16.5%
  • Just smoke it and not worry

    Votes: 52 61.2%

  • Total voters


A friend and I were driving down a back road to go fishing, and ahead we see a plastic grocery bag lying in the road. My friend is bombed out of his mind (like always), and starts yelling "slow down slow down let me grab it - I've found weed like this before". So I do, he scoops it up, and pulls it in. Along with a super foul stench. He's looking in the bag, muttering "hunh. Fish guts" about five or six times, while I'm yelling "throw that shit out!" Took him forever to throw it out, he couldn't believe it was fish guts.


Professor Organic Psychology
KSP that is some funny shit.

I have found weed before in my life... hitch hiking and different things. I guess now day I am just more concerned with my health. Never thought of bugs and bug spray when I was young.

One time I was broke and found a bag of clippings (big bag) it was a savior. I run out of gas in this big city about half way home and was selling joints (for 50 cents I think) to get gas to get home. I then went home and picked mushrooms and sold them to get back. Those were the days.
??? what fucking crazy ass city do you live in?

people dont believe the stories about weed being covered in some deadly spray?

as scarface from Half baked would say

Just fuckin' smoke it B!

this is actually one of the funniest threads I have ever read.... fucking stoners gone smoked themselves retarded...

sorry to laugh but it sounded like you picked up a stray and didnt know if you should love it like your own... "I cared for it like my buds"... hahah

icmag is funnier than cable tv.
I found a bag of weed in a gas station in Washington state. Looked like it fell out of somebody's pocket, I got out of my vehicle and there it was, about 1/4. Was ok, Vancouver BC bud. Just in case, I stopped for gas there again on the way back - no bags of weed laying anywhere.

how did you know it was from Van?

was there an business name and address on the zip lock?

bc bud... hah.


Professor Organic Psychology
I take the picture tomorrow for inquiring minds. Let you decide lol.

Someone posted a report on commercial weed being analyzed in lab and they found insecticides on it. I guess I am just paranoid about strange buds now.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If i was 14 again I would smoke it. Since I have been growing I would look at it and say WTF is this and put it back on the ground where I found it.
^^ wrong... so it can get wet and ruined?? at least grab it for the next homeless person you see....

Never throw away drugs. rule # one.

pot snobbery at its finest, lol.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
You better stash that shit before the bikers who dropped it start lookin for it.

I bet there was even a trashcan really close too... I heard once that LEO does that stuff all the time to find out who smokes pot in different neighborhoods. They'll drop a bag of buds and see who picks it up; smokers will look at it real sneaky like, look around real quick to see who's watchin, and slip in their pocket, while walkin away with a shit eatin grin. Idiots pick it up and throw it in the trash. Future snitches call 911.

They write it all down and keep it until they can fuck somebodies life up with it.
^^ hahah too many movies brosif

give it to the guy at the gas station for free coffee for a month...

this thread keeps getting better...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I would never give something to anyone not knowing whats in it. You would be an idiot to do that to someone. I should take it to the trash really.


33 posts in and no one has said it... so i will.

You Motherfucker, that was my sack. You better pm me and arrange to send that shit back to me.

Im from... where ever you found it... however im on 'vacation' and will need you to send it to my current location...


One time I was in amsterdam, it was my first time, I was very young, not even 20 yet

alone (took a bus from another eu country)

I am awaiting my bus to go back

I walk outside, and I see this baggie with weed in it, afghooey, I just leave it there

I go inside the terminal, and inside at one point, I see this pack of younger looking kids
looked like trouble makers, 10-12 of them

I got a bad feeling, I felt like they we're looking for a prey, like they had no business there

so right there I decide I'm not staying around, I decide to go out the exit

they start runnning after me, I get to this shawarma cabin, where there is a huge line-up
when they see this, they stop

then I try to evade them by going around, further down

I noticed that some we're waiting for me under a tunnel, I had to go further around

I eventually managed to lose them, I went around the terminal station... pick up the damn afghooey, roll that shit, smoke that shit

then I went inside some ticket shop to wait for my bus,
inside we're 2 gentlemen from my country (5600km away)

felt good to have a connection to home

bottom line

man was I glad to find the weed

better safe then sorry


ICMag Donor
I was standing in line number 4 ...5 people deep inside a liqour store in Rehoboth Beach Delware.I look down on the carpet .And theirs a 20 bag of yayo..I stepped forward and put my foot over it .Then reached down and picked it up.Well we know what happened to that bag...

Then theirs the guys at the festival.A nice fat quarter ,laying on the ground out in the thoroughfare where people walking by .Attached to a guy with a fishing rod 15 feet away.God that was so funny to watch people ,try to pick it up then chase after it.When he starts reeling.He had quite a crowd going....


Active member
Leave it alone.

It might belong to that ex-cop who busts crooked cops. You're on camera and you'll be depriving a donut dump his opportunity to be on You Tube.

It could be your chance to help make an internet star.


best practice dictates walking on by.

when the stash jar is empty though, all bets are off!!

i am NOT a pot whore i am NOT a pot whore i am NOT a pot whore

aww fuck it i'm a pot whore...


Active member
Make bho out of it. Sounds like you have the equipment to do it and i believe you don't have to worry so much about the possibility of adulterants on the found cannabis.

Good read here, laughed a bit for sure.