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I Dont Know Whats Wrong ! Please Help



Btw, that's a very tight little closet setup you've got going there. Nicely done. And no, I don't think it's a pest issue, I really think it's a nutrient uptake and utilization issue. It's not just this one plant, either.


I just noticed that is a bottle of CNS17 RIPE. That has almost no Nitrogen in it and is only good for the last stages of a grow. Are you using that now? I think it said you have 1/2 qt left. The Pure Blend Original you have is more of a supplement and not a really a base nute, especially with an incomplete soil/soiless.
I also think the smaller plants will start to show the same problems when they get as big as the larger plant you are having the issue with now.
Sorry, my phone froze and I couldnt finish the video


thank you for the compliment on my set s.m , iv put a lot of work in getting it all set up so far and still have more to do lol

I know our urine has N in it but i always thought people were just joking when they say to use it lol

So my 3B mix is soil less ? so like hydro in a way ? no nutes or micro nutes until you add them , so instead of my ph being at 6.4 should i drop it to 5.8 ?

Like i said i do not have the extra funds right now to buy more nutes , but i do have a little bit of m.g organic soil , for now until i can get more nutes should i just transfer into the m.g organic soil that way at least their getting those little trace nutes / micro nutes ?

Also is their any particular brands nute solutions out their that has all the little micro nutes in it also instead of having to buy 2 or 3 different type of nutes ?

Im still trying to read up on things its just taking a while because i cant stay online to keep reading , im off and on because i have 3 kids and i have to deal with them also lol

Once i get a good read going on something happens with them ( fussing , fighting ect ) and i have to get back off lol i love em though


I just noticed that is a bottle of CNS17 RIPE. That has almost no Nitrogen in it and is only good for the last stages of a grow. Are you using that now? I think it said you have 1/2 qt left. The Pure Blend Original you have is more of a supplement and not a really a base nute anymore.
I also think the smaller plants will start to show the same problems when they get as big as the larger plant you are having the issue with now.
Sorry, my phone froze and I couldnt finish the video

No i have not been using those nutes ,

Iv been using the maxiblloom ( trying that lucas formula ) been trying to k.i.s.s but not turning out so good lol


thank you for the compliment on my set s.m , iv put a lot of work in getting it all set up so far and still have more to do lol

I know our urine has N in it but i always thought people were just joking when they say to use it lol

So my 3B mix is soil less ? so like hydro in a way ? no nutes or micro nutes until you add them , so instead of my ph being at 6.4 should i drop it to 5.8 ?
Yes, it has NH4, not NO3. Assuming you've got a bit of soil microbes, but even if not, it should work just fine. Remember that the form of N affects soil (or more properly, media) pH. This is but one reason why dilution is important. Just as you wouldn't dump any of your other nutrients, even the really low NPK nutes, directly onto your plants, you cannot dump urine directly onto anything but trees without diluting it properly. However, it contains damn near everything, including some amino acids. Your grow being small and assuming you're healthy, you should be easily able to use it to supplement your bloom nutrients, making them stretch a bit while giving your plants a full compliment of both macro and micronutrients.

Make sense? Otherwise, I'd be saying to get and use some worm castings and make some teas, get away from the chemical salts here if you can.
Like i said i do not have the extra funds right now to buy more nutes , but i do have a little bit of m.g organic soil , for now until i can get more nutes should i just transfer into the m.g organic soil that way at least their getting those little trace nutes / micro nutes ?
Better'n the man-made stuff. It's just like using real, natural (filtered) seawater instead of the salt mixes--IT'S JUST BETTER. I don't know why, but it is. For example, did you know that, especially if you're keeping invertebrates and other delicate organisms like sharks or rays that *if* you're using a mix you MUST let it age at least a day under aeration/circulation? The longer the better with a mix. If you allow water to drop onto dry salt mix it causes a hell of a chemical reaction, and it BURNS. Ya feelin' me?

Seawater you only need to filter so as to ensure you're not loading up your tiny little aquarium (and yeah, even a 3,000gal tank is tiny compared to even a small lagoon) with nutrients, pathogens, pests, etc. Filter that and you can simply use it immediately. I know of one public aquarium that went with sea salt, switched from filtered natural seawater, and I haven't read of how they're liking it a year or two later (Steinburg, at Cal Academy, Monterey and Long Beach are still using filtered sea water, collected some distance from the coast and at some depth).

So urine is a more natural form of nutrients to enter the soil/media, and *if* you have within your media those microbes that like to 'eat' it (in this instance, nitrify; i.e. oxidize the NH4 --> NO2 {nitrite} --> NO3 {nitrate, we recognize that one, right?}). Or, got an aquarium? Start using that water as your mixing water. Got a friend with an aquarium that needs a water change? Hit them up and save that water, including *all* that mulm and detritus, debris, keep it mixed up, use that to water. It will give up its nutrients and assuming it's a gravel-based aquarium, and especially if an undergravel filter was used you'll not only be getting all that fish crap and its nutrients, but many nitrifying bacteria as well.

In the trade there are those who use their own urine to 'start up' biological systems. ;)

Also is their any particular brands nute solutions out their that has all the little micro nutes in it also instead of having to buy 2 or 3 different type of nutes ?
Honestly, IIRC the blue orchid nutes have a lot of stuff in them.
Im still trying to read up on things its just taking a while because i cant stay online to keep reading , im off and on because i have 3 kids and i have to deal with them also lol
Oh jeez! Get them to pee in a bucket as a game! It'll save all that water from flushing, saves you or whoever cleans the toilets that problem, gets your plants fed and most kids think it's fun unless they're totally weird. Many girls need to be taught how to do it, for example my granddaughter still pees on her feet or her panties when we go outside, she still hasn't quite gotten that thing about having to hang her ass way past her feet yet.
Once i get a good read going on something happens with them ( fussing , fighting ect ) and i have to get back off lol i love em though
You do and it shows, your setup really is nicely done, but please note and remember--the other plants are showing issues in that leaf folding and twisting. They're not quite happy with parameters and pH is the suggestion to my eyes, which is why I suggest dropping the feed pH closer to 6, perhaps even below. This is especially important if you're not growing 100% organically.


If youre gonna piss your plants, just make sure you keep all your intake clean.



Last night was a dinner of (organic, pastured) chicken satay with homemade Thai peanut sauce, homemade spring rolls made ALL with our own vegetables (store-bought tofu and spring roll skins) and herbs, and a rice mix that was comprised of California wild rice, California organic brown long grain, and California organic Basmati, cooked with a homemade chicken stock.

I. Was. Stuffed.


Thank you s.m ,

it seems you really know what your doing ( a lot of good info soaking in )

I do have a little bit of superthrive stashed away , think it would help ?

Also just a thought , but i do not have any co2 in their ( could that be causing any issues )

I can make some up if need be diy style , cup of sugar , yeast , warm water and run a 2ft flex air tube between the girls ( Air stone flex tube like this -- http://www.ebay.com/itm/130617906903?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 )


Just read threw the kiss method thread some

I asked if the maxibloom would provide enough of the other micro nutes and not just the npk and they said it would

maybe my 6.4 ph is to high for my 3b mix , gonna lower it

Also i transplanted into a bigger air pot , the rootball was full and thick

she was in a 3 liter air pot and im thinking maybe she needed to be transplanted ( i know the air pots root prune so i dont want to say root bound but maybe the roots was to much for the 3L and not letting her take up nutes properly )

I guess ill find out lol



Last night was a dinner of (organic, pastured) chicken satay with homemade Thai peanut sauce, homemade spring rolls made ALL with our own vegetables (store-bought tofu and spring roll skins) and herbs, and a rice mix that was comprised of California wild rice, California organic brown long grain, and California organic Basmati, cooked with a homemade chicken stock.

I. Was. Stuffed.
Don't just describe it darlin...show it...


Don't just describe it darlin...show it...
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damn that looks mighty tasty lol

There are your micros right there

LOL right

I went to test the ph in my dwc bucket to see if it was staying stable and it was up and i noticed that i had to add a quite bit more of my A.N ph down to bring it back down

which got me thinking that maybe my ph meter is off and needs to be calibrated ,

so all this time that iv been adjusting my ph to 6.4 maybe its not really been that at all and maybe its really been a lot lower

I dont have any distilled water but i just boiled some of my tap water and gonna let it cool to room temp then calibrate my ph meter

maybe that was the problem ( idk though )


Ive tested distilled water out of the bottle in ranges between 6.0 and 7.5
The meter is going to need to be calibrated or atleast checked often. Ive been through several pens that needed to be calibrated every week. My Bluelab pen hasnt needed to be calbrated yet.

Dave Coulier

Active member
Just read threw the kiss method thread some

I asked if the maxibloom would provide enough of the other micro nutes and not just the npk and they said it would

maybe my 6.4 ph is to high for my 3b mix , gonna lower it

Also i transplanted into a bigger air pot , the rootball was full and thick

she was in a 3 liter air pot and im thinking maybe she needed to be transplanted ( i know the air pots root prune so i dont want to say root bound but maybe the roots was to much for the 3L and not letting her take up nutes properly )

I guess ill find out lol

I just reread the label after you mentioned MaxiBloom said it had micros, and sure enough its listed in the ingredients, but it doesn't show the % of each micro except Iron. It'd be nice to know those exact values so we could troubleshoot better.

6.4 isn't going to be an issue. 5.8 to 6.2 is ideal for a soil-less media, but you're fine with 6.4.

Your issue isn't with too many roots. The more roots the better.

Just how often are you feeding your plants? And how many ml/gallon. It may be a simple case of under-feeding all along. Wouldn't that be nice.

If you are going to calibrate your pH pen, you really need 4.0 and 7.0 solution for a two point calibration. Ive never heard anyone trying to calibrate it with boiled water.


I just reread the label after you mentioned MaxiBloom said it had micros, and sure enough its listed in the ingredients, but it doesn't show the % of each micro except Iron. It'd be nice to know those exact values so we could troubleshoot better.

6.4 isn't going to be an issue. 5.8 to 6.2 is ideal for a soil-less media, but you're fine with 6.4.

Your issue isn't with too many roots. The more roots the better.

Just how often are you feeding your plants? And how many ml/gallon. It may be a simple case of under-feeding all along. Wouldn't that be nice.

If you are going to calibrate your pH pen, you really need 4.0 and 7.0 solution for a two point calibration. Ive never heard anyone trying to calibrate it with boiled water.

Once a week with the maxibloom ( 1 tsp per gal ) it says 1 to 2 tsp per gal though

And i have calibration solution that came with my pen when i first got it , i just dont have distilled water to mix it with so i boiled my tap instead

I took a pic of the back of the maxibloom bag for you to see the percentages of the other nutes


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Id go with a calibrated setup for awhile before you try and solve deficiencies. It could just add to the problem when all youre likely dealing with is a pen thats not calbrated.


Active member
Definitely a deficiency imo.You probably still have enough nutes in the soil because your girls obviously aren't using them up.I would test your run off water and see what the ppms are.if you don't have a truncheon/ppm meter , you should be able to tell enough with your ph pen.If the ph of the run off is really low(cause you know you are giving it 6.4) then its full of nutes. Give it a good drink and let us know what the run off water tests like..I like the flush and no nute advice given earlier.If you do my suggestion you'll know for sure..Good luck


Well fellas , looks like it was my pen

I just calibrated it and it was way off

That first solution is supposed to be 6.8 but my pen read 8.1 so i had to adjust it down to 6.8

The 2nd solution is supposed to be 4.0 but my pen read 5.2 so i had to make that adjustment also

I tested my dwc res and it read 3.9 ( whoops ) yea my pen was way off

Im sitting here kicking myself in the ass over that

Im gonna go get a bottle of distilled water tomorrow to double check , i googled it and it said distilled water ph is 7.0

Im gonna have to order some calibration solution for sure so i can keep it accurate

Im not saying that is the problem but thats what im leaning towards now that i know my pen was out of whack

Thank you all for your quick replies and your help it is greatly appreciated , :tiphat:


100% that was the problem. Flush with atleast 3 times the pot volume with a very light nute dose(20-25%), then feed them at the proper ph. Sounds like you dont have any ph adjusters? You might want to go with the CNS if the maxi needs to be adjusted. Ive used the CNS coco formula mostly because of the ph buffering and cost. The CNS is designed for RO but I think Maxi is designed for tap.
a fluctuating temperature is going to alter the ph. I wouldnt trust something you put so much work into on a variable like that. Its also not a bad idea to store your pen in the solution.