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"Abandon The Earth"


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Stephen Hawking Warns Us, "Abandon The Earth" - But Beware of Contacting Aliens

Stephen Hawking, famed astrophysicist and author of "A Brief History of Time," warned that humanity's long-term survival depends on our doing one thing. We must abandon the Earth. But Stephen Hawking also said contact with aliens could get us killed.

Why Does Stephen Hawking Say To Abandon the Earth?

Hawking said that global warming, the threat of nuclear annihilation, and man's overall greed are the biggest threats we face as a species. He explained that the human race must learn to live in space and move to outer space if we are to survive.

Stephen Hawking's call for us to live in outer space seems couched in scare tactics, but he insists he's an optimist. "If we can avoid disaster for the next two centuries, our species should be safe, as we spread into space," Hawking said.

Why Does Stephen Hawking Say Contact with Aliens Could Get us Killed?

On an April broadcast of "Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking," he warned that "contact with aliens could get us killed." His argument, according to the New York Daily News, was, "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet."

So Why Does Stephen Hawking Still Say We Should Live in Space?

Stephen Hawking said that as long as we are the only intelligent life in this galaxy, we should be fine living in outer space. But it needs to happen soon. Optimism aside, Hawking warned, "It will be difficult to avoid disaster in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand or million."

Stephen Hawking also said that while contact with aliens could get us killed, we're not likely to find many intelligent alien species. We're more likely to find alien microbes or animals. Of course, "War of the Worlds" should be kept in mind when dealing with alien microbes. The aliens who tried to kill us off died from the common cold.

Is Stephen Hawking's Call to Abandon the Earth Possible Now?

Katherine Freese, who is an astrophysicist with the University of Michigan, was quoted by the London Telegraph as saying the next closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri, 4.2 light years away.

If we take Stephen Hawking's warning to abandon the Earth seriously enough to stage a mission to Proxima Centauri to find a livable planet, with current rocket technology, it will take us 50,000 years to get there.

Stephen Hawking's call to abandon the Earth shouldn't depend on interstellar travel. Until we develop the means to make a trip between stars shorter than the age of some civilizations, Hawking's call to live in space will be more easily served by building space stations and moon colonies.

But Should We Listen to Stephen Hawking?

It's not that Stephen Hawking is one of those people who is so smart he's always right. There's no such thing. But Stephen Hawking rarely gets this adamant unless he's sure. Also, he's not the only person who's called for humanity to abandon the earth and live in space over the years.

Stephen Hawking's warnings about the threat of human extinction are obvious to most people. We are our worst enemy. Even Pogo had that right when he said, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Of course, Stephen Hawking's call to abandon the Earth leaves us carrying our own worst enemy into space. Those calls to get along we've heard and made over the years may be even more vital now than ever.
50k years to the closest inhabitable world. Live in space? Abandon earth?

Can we even be Human without the Earth?

I just want to know wtf these people are smoking.

Serrated Edges

We are all doomed to be doomed! No way we are getting off this earth! We can't even get along on a forum. Our leaders have us chasing our own tails. Science is only used when there is a profit involved, same goes for medicine.

I have a ton of respect for Steven Hawking, but Mike Judge's vision of the future in "Idiocracy" is more accurate in my mind...

Mr. Mountain

The exploration and colonization of space should be one of humanities top priorities. Until we get off of this rock and colonize space our entire species could be wiped out in an instant.

There is no greater thing we could do to further our kind than to keep exploring.

Mr. M

Classic Seeds

all you have to do is look with a open mind and you can see we are entering a time when we will destroy most of the life on planet earth and have to hide from killer rains and winds and basket ball sized hail .sounds like we will either be living under ground and coming out on safe days or be living in space if we are to survive .

you can not judge a man by his looks hawkings was one of the smartest people we have had to date .i only wish we all half as smart and maybe we could all see the big picture and make a few changes to delay or prevent the coming super storms that nasa and other science organization forcast .

anyone who thinks we are not looking over a cliff at eternity without man is a fool .we either all pull together or its going to be a long time waiting for things to be safe on the surface of this planet ,we do not need a nuclear war to end civilization all we need is for us to keep doing the stupid stuff we do now for power and fuel and it will all be gone end of progress end of comfort end of hope .

we can make a different outcome happen but only with global awareness of what lays ahead if we do nothing .so we make it to space no one yet has been able to breed and not have countless birth deffects in the mice from weightlessness so its not just building a ship its countless things we know nothing about overcoming in a sealed inviroment and we need a whole army of hawkings if we are going to be able to do it in the time frame we have before us.

so lets all look at our world and try to be possitive about it and everyone in it regardless of the physical body a mind is shut away in a genius is just that and we need .everyone we can educate and harness to saving us and all life on this planet is deperately needed. i for one would like to save this planet and not have to live in space to survive in the future we have a wonderfull home here if we can just learn to quit crapping all over it aloha brothers and sisters of planet earth we are the future before anything can exist it first has to be a idea ,so my idea is we all work together and save this place while it is posible to do so


Cautiously Optimistic
Hawkings isn't smarter than anyone, per se. He was an average, run-of-the-mill student until his accident. It was then that he decided to apply himself and focus. The potential to obtain and retain knowledge is there for all of us.

how much does land cost on the moon?

It's free. No one owns the moon.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I love Hawking. He is a big thinker. "The Universe in a Nutshell" is a great read. Theoretical Physics is a fascinating area of study because it combines philosophy and science.

Certainly one of the great minds of our time or at a minimum his mind has made some great contributions to our understanding of our place in the universe.

Serrated Edges

i wonder how much moon dope will go for?

DJ Short has been ahead of the game on the lunar strains:

Blue Moonshine

How about some Lunar Kush? NG Kush (Night Grown)?

You can't do outdoor on the moon, because one side stays dark and the other stays lit! I will grow some Mr Nice Pink Floyd on the darkside of the moon, hehe!