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I dont have a facebook...am i in the stone age?


Yeah it's always good to know you can delete that shit with a couple clicks

I have one to stay in contact with people and whatever, but no info or pictures of me on it. I don't post many status's either.


The one thing that is popular about Facebook and ICMAG is looking at the pictures of the ladies.:) I like the ladies on ICMAG better. I have a real lady to look at so the only other ladies that i care to check out are the kind that are smokeable.


Active member
Ok, I have a facebook and a myspace account, but it is for the stay in touch part. I moved a whole state away from all my friends and family and it gets really hard keeping track of peoples phone numbers and addresses. Another great thing is that they both let me know when the bands I like are coming to town(would have missed the Kitty show last week if it wasn't for myspace). I guess you could get all tied up in it, and mess up your computer by downloading a bunch of stuff that you know zero about(which you can do anywhere btw), but overall it is a good thing. Also, if you don't want people on there to know what your up to, just don't tell them, and if some one keeps telling you about their breakfast, just tell them to STFU, or even better, just delete them


Its a data mining operation, the company then can sell that information to other businesses or even government agencies. Most people think it is free to just sign up and use... but in America nothing is ever free. What you are paying with is your privacy. Once you give it away, don't expect to ever get it back.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor


wanted to delete my account, can't. you just can deactivate. fuck facebook. one guy has even made an account for his dog and comments on his status with his dog's account.


wanted to delete my account, can't. you just can deactivate. fuck facebook. one guy has even made an account for his dog and comments on his status with his dog's account.

No you can delete it.

Follow this link and then look to the left hand side of the page, you will see another link that sends you to the delete option. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=16929680703

For this to work you must submit a request to delete your account, at that point it will say it will delete in 14 days. During those 14 days if you try to log into your account it will reverse the delete request and you must start over. If you do get through the 14 days without logging in, everything associated with the account will be deleted and irretrievable. Not sure if FB completely discards the information though, seems counter productive considering what type of business they are in, but your account will be gone forever.


It started out innocent enough, but now that shit has completely depersonalized people, when I'm at parties its easy to spot the facebookers always constantly taking pictures of themselves instead of actually being in the moment.


Fuck facebook!! That shite should be locked down! I think people will see sooner or later that bigbrother is watching big time.

GF is using it like I'm icmag.. ;) Think even more!! :D


I prefer to live off the grid in this way. I see no benefit to having what amounts to an open invitation for every tom dick and harry to know what's going on in my life.
me no usem face book either. half the time i ignorantly refer to it as spacebook. also good on my space. i agree with keeping things private. especially for teen girls. what are they thinking? oh yeah, brains no workem so good


I think it just depends on your personality and situation in life. My lil' sister is in college and loves it, but she's an open, social person. I'm a loner, and just don't really give a shit what friends in another life are up to. My dream in life is to work from home. I don't get much out of peer interaction.

I don't think it's correct to judge people who use Facebook. If you're highly social, it's a great way to talk to a wide variety of friends whom you otherwise might not communicate with.