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I come across the cutest girls

420 Posse

New member
I am in some sort of zone/flow where I encounter several drop dead gorgeous girls everday at the store, etc... I have about 1/2 dozen girlfriends already but asked Santa for something cuter. Come to realize, all my girlfriends sorta picked me. I am a loss of words at small talk. "How's the weather?" is lame. Any suggestions tokers den? Please don't suggest "Hey baby...let's do it in the bathroom" cause I'm a germiphobe...LOL.

If you don't hear from the Posse before Christmas, have a safe and chill one. Oh, and a happy new year tokers den! :santa1::xmastree::gift:


Ohhhhhhhhh wow, at first I thought this was a yummy thread............ but the 'coming across the cutest girls' title is too funny. Nice catch Mala.

I once won best team name at trivia for the name "Your mom has the whitest teeth I've ever come across." Ahhhhhhhhhhh, good times.

On another note, I really have no idea what the question is here. Just be yourself, and try to be funny. Smalltalk always leads to bigtalk..............and boinking.


Stick to Q and A. Q's that she will enjoy answering and A's with double meanings. She can pick the A she likes.
Sample Q: Dogs or cats?
Sample A:I drive a stick. It's pretty hard when I'm too baked.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I am in some sort of zone/flow where I encounter several drop dead gorgeous girls everday at the store, etc... I have about 1/2 dozen girlfriends already but asked Santa for something cuter. Come to realize, all my girlfriends sorta picked me. I am a loss of words at small talk. "How's the weather?" is lame. Any suggestions tokers den? Please don't suggest "Hey baby...let's do it in the bathroom" cause I'm a germiphobe...LOL.

If you don't hear from the Posse before Christmas, have a safe and chill one. Oh, and a happy new year tokers den! :santa1::xmastree::gift:

You ask: Any suggestions tokers den?
then end your post indicating you won't be around for the next two weeks?

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
we can trade problems if you want.
i always get the big mama's eyeing me up.
the kind you wouldn't hit w/ a 2'x4'


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I am in some sort of zone/flow where I encounter several drop dead gorgeous girls everday at the store, etc... I have about 1/2 dozen girlfriends already but asked Santa for something cuter. Come to realize, all my girlfriends sorta picked me. I am a loss of words at small talk. "How's the weather?" is lame. Any suggestions tokers den? Please don't suggest "Hey baby...let's do it in the bathroom" cause I'm a germiphobe...LOL.

If you don't hear from the Posse before Christmas, have a safe and chill one. Oh, and a happy new year tokers den! :santa1::xmastree::gift:

WTF? LOL Yummy The Deuce.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Any suggestions tokers den? Please don't suggest "Hey baby...let's do it in the bathroom" cause I'm a germiphobe...LOL.

You should really lock your front door more often.

Can you shower a little further back? The camera is always out of focus.

So what are you doing later tonight? Walking back to your car alone in the dark?

You remind me of my sister.

Can a felon own a shotgun here?

Are you doing anything later? Would you like to help me make sausage from scratch?

Roofiecolada ladies?

Do you know the essential difference between sex and conversation? Would you like to talk about it?

Don't worry, it's not very communicable anymore.

Would you mind if I sat in your closet tonight and cried?


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
comment on what they are wearing, and make sure what you comment on is actually something that looks new.

you can stare at them for a while and then comment on her hair, or something that you noticed about them.

women do what they do to themselves to be noticed, so just notice it and your golden. shoes, hair, pocket book, makeup.

always look for girls that are walking a lil more confident than the others around her. shes normally the one looking to be noticed.

girls who walk around with an attitude are not to be ignored, it may seem like a challenge but what they are doing is testing the water and your confidence level!! sometimes she may just be thinking of something when you caught her eye. still approach and if you get shot down then you get shot down, but best believe she WILL remember you as "the one out of everybody"

whatever remark you make, do it in a humble manner and be honest about it. dont ever try to be too slick since theyll see you coming a mile away and dont comment on something that you dont know i.e if you like her shoes tell her why you like them as far as how they make her look . you dont have to be gay to comment on a womans shoes; her hair, a man already knows how a woman feels about her hair!! women play the game just like men do, remember that!!!

but be careful, once you go down that road, a woman will test you by asking you something that she thinks you may not know about or wont be honest about, but be honest, if you dont know, then you dont, but if she needs a touch up then tell her that.

***always keep in mind and speak from this mind state: i want you but i dont need you so just be honest

as far as going out i always offer to pay in the beginning. some women after a while will take advantage but a real woman will offer to at least help out after the second or third date, if she doesnt then shes a bum bitch straight up!!! now you do have some women that arent too chivalrous themselves (we can call her "MS. INDEPENDENT") and want to show that they got it. i never mind that but i end up offering to go dutch or pay for some part of something, that's just me though.

it may not seem so, but opening doors and shit like that, is cool to do and seen as strong point by most women. what i do is, the basic respect i give my mom is what i give females that i am trying to check out and deal with, and yes once you are "in there" you will be "dealing" with her!! lol
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We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
I'm with the whole bathroom idea. Germiphobe or not, grow a pair and hit it in tha bathroom.

Cookie monster


isn't the bathroom supposed to be one of the cleanest places in the house?

Lord Doobie

What I've found is that women like non-threatening (non-sexual) guys and want honest friendships first (makes sense). This is why they sometimes hang with gay men. They're totally non-threatening (for obvious reasons), friendly, and talk about women's issues (be it hair, make-up, changing roles, women in politics, or what-have-you). Adopt this same non-threatening attitude. When a subject you're interested in comes on the news, jot it down to discuss with women at a later date. Show an honest interest in women's issues. Don't be a phoney. Get real. Soon, you'll have tons of non-threatening subjects to discuss with a whole cross-section of women from around the world.

If she's interested in you taking it further with a sexual relationship, she will let you know.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
... and there was me thinking "OMFG, not another Bukkake thread from our resident ICMAG Sex God Yummy ....."


High Grade Specialist
What I've found is that women like non-threatening (non-sexual) guys and want honest friendships first (makes sense). This is why they sometimes hang with gay men. They're totally non-threatening (for obvious reasons), friendly, and talk about women's issues (be it hair, make-up, changing roles, women in politics, or what-have-you). Adopt this same non-threatening attitude. When a subject you're interested in comes on the news, jot it down to discuss with women at a later date. Show an honest interest in women's issues. Don't be a phoney. Get real. Soon, you'll have tons of non-threatening subjects to discuss with a whole cross-section of women from around the world.

If she's interested in you taking it further with a sexual relationship, she will let you know.

thats great advice if you dont want to have sex with women and be their girlfriend instead.