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Marijuana Inc: Inside America's Pot Industry


Active member

i think you will enjoy it. i think it shows the exact events that happened to get to where we are at today.. and if you believe thats what our gvt did wayy back then in the 30s, just imagine whats happenening today... and they're still trying to pull that old bs scare tactics out from time to time to justify why it should stay illegal -- shit i see still even in this cbnc documentary -- opinions and mindsets of the uneducated/uninformed, lol

question their motives ...



Guys this is a great opportunity to mention some things that can help us as marijuana users/lovers/growers.

If you are ever in a position to be interviewed on CNBC-----PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dress the part. Put on a suit. Put on a tie. Fix your hair properly. Look like a capitalist. This is so important that I cannot stress it enough. The person interviewed in Oakland had a tremendous opportunity to impress. He is sharp. He would have been more impressive in a suit. Sometimes you have to blend in to play their game.

We want respect as marijuana users. Sometimes it starts by putting on the right costume.

overall, 7/10 mainly because it was on CNBC. The three things that killed me. Old sherrifs and police with the attitude that it is wrong even though it is legal. Second when they showed the house that had two generators then interviewed the detective who said this is an environmental disaster, essentially comparing a grow house to a meth lab. total bullshit. and finally, they reached back into old us history looking to blame our Southern Neighbors for environmental destruction of our national parks. Ohh yeah, they ate beans and tortillas. The racial tilt to that was very weak.



legal. Second when they showed the house that had two generators then interviewed the detective who said this is an environmental disaster, essentially comparing a grow house to a meth lab. total bullshit.

Exactly the point I TRIED to make earlier, thanks johni! I think you said it better than I did. That part really cheesed me off too....

As soon as it's legalized, I plan on putting all 100 acres of farm here into some primo bud. Now, that's a nice sized pot patch.

fred norris

i didnt like the racial shit either.wouldnt be suprised if they planted that shit.

officer 1: what do we have here? a bottle of hotsauce, a landscaping rake, a sombrero,some beans, a lawnmower,64 impala ,a flannel shirt, and two julio iglesias albums

officer 2: god damn beaners taking american grower jobs.

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pack a bowl

yea the whole hotsauce bottle seems like something straight out of south park, but they have been finding mexi food at those west coast grow camps for years now. heh


i didnt like the racial shit either.wouldnt be suprised if they planted that shit.

officer 1: what do we have here? a bottle of hotsauce, a landscaping rake, a sombrero,some beans, a lawnmower,64 impala ,a flannel shirt, and two julio iglesias albums

officer 2: god damn beaners taking american grower jobs.


LOL Fred! You forgot the little dog in the back of the Impala with the bobbing head!

I wondered where my Julio Iglesias albums had gone.....LOL

I'm always leaving shit behind.

fred norris

officers found a nearby camp with the following supplies:
2 packets grape kool aid
chicken bones
a basketball
a marvin gaye lp

i mean cmon

Mr. Tony

Active member
My problem is that growers as a whole are not stupid hicks.Sellers and smokers , I don't know that's your choice I just can't stand to see "them", yup "them" making people who have worked hard and smart for years to make up the good shit look seedy and stupid, dumber than pig pen washer, all but for the little M%M looking acne dude, he's fine, he's just there for the $.ay?

have you ever sold pot that you've grown?


Redneck grow camp supplies found:

Empty jug of moonshine,
White bread
Can of Easy Cheez & half eaten roll of bologna

Loretta Lynn & Hank Williams Jr. CDs
Shotgun shells
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Old Geezer grow supplies found:

Bottle of Geritol
Preparation H
Case of toilet paper
Lawrence Welk CD
Bottle of prune juice & Tang
Jars of baby food

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