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I can confirm


Active member
if you get high of veg stuff your either a lightweight or you got the bomb stuff. i could toke all day on veg material and not get a buzz.


This is like a jeff foxworthy line. You know your a pot head when.....

Cool people have tried it but not for me. I smoked good bud to long that I opt to not smoke in the past over the middies that leave me asking am I really high.


New member
if you get high of veg stuff your either a lightweight or you got the bomb stuff. i could toke all day on veg material and not get a buzz.

+1 I just got out of Hotel California ;) and I have no tolerance... I was getting super blazed off straight shwag weed, Im still getting really high off good indoor, I bet someone who is clean would get high off good strain trim like something from an OGK or similar strain.


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Don't worry, gingerale... you're getting your balls broken, but it's all in fun. I remember doing the same stuff while waiting for my first harvest, I was excited, impatient, experimenting, etc. I harvested my first plant just because it had clumps of hairs! Only about 3 weeks flower! hahaha I had no clue what I was doing, and of course I dried most of it with a microwave, or on top of a heater, and of course I tried getting high from leaves and stems. Fresh leaves and stems were sometimes preferable to the shit weed available on the market! :) I bet most of the people joshing you in here have done the same things, or things similar when they first started growing. In the beginning, you're a beginner... and you see things through the beginner's eyes. Nothing at all to be ashamed of. ;)



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i was thinking placebo but i cant call it....might be some sticky icky on that stem:dunno:;)

There are traces of THC found in leaves but not very much. Yeah smoking leaves or smoking male plants can give you a buzz if you're so desperate you'll try anything.

Personally I think it's better to resist harshing your lungs out on leaves and wait until you can grow or buy some proper buddage. I say this because if you can keep yourself from doing this not only will your lungs breath easier but when you do finally get ahold of some smoke your tolerence should be lower meaning you need less to get high.


There are traces of THC found in leaves but not very much. Yeah smoking leaves or smoking male plants can give you a buzz if you're so desperate you'll try anything.

Personally I think it's better to resist harshing your lungs out on leaves and wait until you can grow or buy some proper buddage. I say this because if you can keep yourself from doing this not only will your lungs breath easier but when you do finally get ahold of some smoke your tolerence should be lower meaning you need less to get high.

hehe what kind of tolerance you gonna build up from smoking growing tips? i blame that book by either Cervantes or Ed from way back, which tells you that you can smoke and get stoned from growing tips lol.

to the OP, male flowers will be the next idea, but 2 or 3 months from now you'll say never again, once you smoke a properly grown and dried bud of decent genetics you will understand. if there are no visible trichomes on the plant matter to be smoked it will not really get you high.

Baba Ku

Active member
Some of you simply were not born early enough.

Back in the day...before afghan genetics were seen much in North America, many a long hair tried their hand at growing the ganja, most often to find that the plants only produced very wispy, not done buds. Even with the best of care and the most pristine environments, it was rare to see a plant fully finish and produce buds like..well, like the brothers in SCA were puttin out...or what we saw coming from either Speedy Gonzales, or Juan Valdez' knap sacks...

Consequently, if you were of the lucky few that were close to the grow you may get some of the spider buds...and don't get me wrong, those early spider buds would kick mucho ass. But the majority of the plants were always going out as "homegrown"...which had a different connotation than the term does today. Back then it equated to a sack of leaves.
"Got any pot?"
"I got some homegrown"
"Ah, man no thanks, I think I'll just break down and score a $30 ounce of bo".

Homegrown was leaf hay. You can't imagine the market there was for good hay.
And yes, Virginia...it would get you right stoned.

Listen, OP....if you want to nuke some early shit and smoke it, then by gawd nuke away! LOL...it's your stuff...enjoy it at will.
I gotta go with CC on this one...

I bet none of them wank off either....lol...

Homegrown's alright with me...
Homegrown that's the way it should be...
Homegrown is a good thing...
Clang that bell and let it ring!


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Some of you simply were not born early enough.

Back in the day...before afghan genetics were seen much in North America, many a long hair tried their hand at growing the ganja, most often to find that the plants only produced very wispy, not done buds. Even with the best of care and the most pristine environments, it was rare to see a plant fully finish and produce buds like..well, like the brothers in SCA were puttin out...or what we saw coming from either Speedy Gonzales, or Juan Valdez' knap sacks...

Consequently, if you were of the lucky few that were close to the grow you may get some of the spider buds...and don't get me wrong, those early spider buds would kick mucho ass. But the majority of the plants were always going out as "homegrown"...which had a different connotation than the term does today. Back then it equated to a sack of leaves.
"Got any pot?"
"I got some homegrown"
"Ah, man no thanks, I think I'll just break down and score a $30 ounce of bo".

Homegrown was leaf hay. You can't imagine the market there was for good hay.
And yes, Virginia...it would get you right stoned.

Listen, OP....if you want to nuke some early shit and smoke it, then by gawd nuke away! LOL...it's your stuff...enjoy it at will.
I gotta go with CC on this one...

I bet none of them wank off either....lol...

Homegrown's alright with me...
Homegrown that's the way it should be...
Homegrown is a good thing...
Clang that bell and let it ring!

That really is true too. I remember as a teenager some of my buddies had closet grows going all the time, most of them would end up plucking leaves, drying them and selling it as home-grown.
Cinci and Tia were the bad ass weed but it was rare when anybody could even get it.


Now in technicolor
This reminds me of the threads on the Shroomery of people making mycelium tea instead of just waiting a few weeks for fruit bodies (mushrooms.) I suppose it can work with some strains but why bother.. with all the time and money being invested, you're better off just buying a dimmie off your street dealer.


Well-known member
well... let's throw the first stones ;)

i mean, come on family!!! don't blame the man doing fan leaves n such... i remember times when i used to pluck fresh leaves of males or use whole males for cooking in milk (fresh veg matter), just to get a buzz, cause there was no weed in town...

each to it's own, shalom!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
hehe what kind of tolerance you gonna build up from smoking growing tips? i blame that book by either Cervantes or Ed from way back, which tells you that you can smoke and get stoned from growing tips lol.

to the OP, male flowers will be the next idea, but 2 or 3 months from now you'll say never again, once you smoke a properly grown and dried bud of decent genetics you will understand. if there are no visible trichomes on the plant matter to be smoked it will not really get you high.

Well true, you're not going to really be keeping the tolerance up there smoking leaves but I was just trying to throw an incentive in there as to why one might not want to smoke those leaves. Personally I hate leaves, especially the ones that don't have visible amounts of resin on them. So much so that when I trim I'm one of those only leave calyxes behind kind of guys.


Active member
The rest of you: the insinuations that I'm a "noob" and don't know what I'm doing are laughable. LOL. Don't patronize me, you dicks. I've grown and smoked plenty of dank ass herb before. I knew exactly what I was doing. I heard a theory that cannabis plants produce THC even in the vegetative state. So I tested that theory...and guess what...they do!

You know, some of us are adults with responsibilities, such as expensive ass college tuition, rent, grocery bills, etc who don't have a lot of spare money to blow on weed. The first and last time I tried to buy a sack of weed in this town, a month ago from somebody who seemed cool, I got ripped off for $150. And why in the world would I pay to get high (or not get high) when I can get decently high for free, off a hermie that's getting tossed anyway? Makes sense to me. If it doesn't to you....then maybe you should keep your opinion to yourself.

I mean it's just irritating how every single "new" idea somebody comes up with on here gets laughed at like the guy who came out with it is borderline mentally retarded. Then inevitably you get a few old timers who chime in saying oh yeah, thats how we used to do things back in the day, and it was fine. Seems like this forum is FULL of ignorant little 17 year olds who think they know shit, but the truth is most of yall dont know a goddamn thing. Hey kiddies, how about keeping your mouths shut and ears open so you can learn something for once?

For those who came in with posts that actually contributed something to the thread, thanks.
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Active member
i mean, come on family!!! don't blame the man doing fan leaves n such...

Thanks for the support, but these aren't fan leaves. These are the leaves from growing shoots. They are said to contain a lot more THC than any fan leaf. And I'm definitely not smoking any stems.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
The rest of you: the insinuations that I'm a "noob" and don't know what I'm doing are laughable. LOL. Don't patronize me, you dicks. I've grown and smoked plenty of dank ass herb before. I knew exactly what I was doing. I heard a theory that cannabis plants produce THC even in the vegetative state. So I tested that theory...and guess what...they do!

You know, some of us are adults with responsibilities, such as expensive ass college tuition, rent, grocery bills, etc who don't have a lot of spare money to blow on weed. The first and last time I tried to buy a sack of weed in this town, a month ago from somebody who seemed cool, I got ripped off for $150. And why in the world would I pay to get high (or not get high) when I can get decently high for free, off a hermie that's getting tossed anyway? Makes sense to me. If it doesn't to you....then maybe you should keep your opinion to yourself.

I mean it's just irritating how every single "new" idea somebody comes up with on here gets laughed at like the guy who came out with it is borderline mentally retarded. Then inevitably you get a few old timers who chime in saying oh yeah, thats how we used to do things back in the day, and it was fine. Seems like this forum is FULL of ignorant little 17 year olds who think they know shit, but the truth is most of yall dont know a goddamn thing. Hey kiddies, how about keeping your mouths shut and ears open so you can learn something for once?

For those who came in with posts that actually contributed something to the thread, thanks.

Well it isn't really that anybody thought you were a newb per say. It's more that most every body I have ever talked to since I started growing knows that plants produce thc even from very early stages of veg. It wasn't anything "new"...

Now if weed is difficult to acquire in your area that you are forced to smoke leaves, then I really suggest that you snip the balls off of that hermie and grow it out. Keep an eye on it and if possible maybe even isolate it from other ladies. But keep it's nuts cut and make some weed.

I mean really man. Those leaves you're smokin have far more potential and smokin em now may cause psychological problems. Like I heard that smokin premature weed leaves causes people to have self important delusions along with anger and stress issues compounded with bronchitis and anti-social tenancies coupled with hysterical dementia.

All from a few tiny little leaves that get killed a few weeks too soon.
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Baba Ku

Active member
...self important delusions along with anger and stress issues compounded with bronchitis and anti-social tenancies coupled with hysterical dementia..Also, contact your doctor if you have an erection that lasts more than 4 hours...


Freedom Fighter
Some of you simply were not born early enough.

Back in the day...before afghan genetics were seen much in North America, many a long hair tried their hand at growing the ganja, most often to find that the plants only produced very wispy, not done buds. Even with the best of care and the most pristine environments, it was rare to see a plant fully finish and produce buds like..well, like the brothers in SCA were puttin out...or what we saw coming from either Speedy Gonzales, or Juan Valdez' knap sacks...

Consequently, if you were of the lucky few that were close to the grow you may get some of the spider buds...and don't get me wrong, those early spider buds would kick mucho ass. But the majority of the plants were always going out as "homegrown"...which had a different connotation than the term does today. Back then it equated to a sack of leaves.
"Got any pot?"
"I got some homegrown"
"Ah, man no thanks, I think I'll just break down and score a $30 ounce of bo".

Homegrown was leaf hay. You can't imagine the market there was for good hay.
And yes, Virginia...it would get you right stoned.

Listen, OP....if you want to nuke some early shit and smoke it, then by gawd nuke away! LOL...it's your stuff...enjoy it at will.
I gotta go with CC on this one...

I bet none of them wank off either....lol...

Homegrown's alright with me...
Homegrown that's the way it should be...
Homegrown is a good thing...
Clang that bell and let it ring!

Ahhh the $10 Lids!! :tiphat:


Active member
ICMag Donor
i see alot of taunting here -all in fun dude - because i even got a good buzz outta a full blown male recentely! amazing amount of trichs on the little male parts!!

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