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Medical Pot House Explodes - Butane Extraction


Yeah, why rape the plant by using volatile chemicals when a great product can be produced without it?? Ah well, live and learn, eh?


I agree Skip, never understood providing medical patients with a product made with cancer-causing petrol chemicals.

Hash Oil At Home - A Connoisseur's Guide To Home Oil Extraction

P/E or Ligroine is the best solvent for making a high quality oil although the method in the link had well be performed in a full lab as it is as explosive as butane and likes to make an even heavier cloud near the floor. It is only different from butane in the volatility of the solvent and is not very easy to get in tech grade or better
IMO both are incomplete extracts and not worth the effort to do correctly.
IMO there is nothing more needed than a simple tincture/butter if an extract is desired but the whole plant is by far the superior product from many standpoints.
PS when I think of the folks making BHO in PVC I truly shudder:yoinks:


Active member
I gotta agree with you skip... Butane has no place in my medicine cabinet..> seems completely INSANE.
I mean the health ramifications alone from smoking ethyl mercapetin is extremely bad... let alone the possibility of blowing up....

dry sifting.. wet washing... and edible extracts to me are a much more beneficial medicine without the potential side affects of blowing up or damaging your central nervous system..

My two cents

Bubble man


Just Call me Urkle!!
making BHO at 2:30 A.M while you are medicated is NOT what i call very safe hehe....lesson learned for sure.

No shit right? Fucking dummy yea lets make BHO in a closed bedroom and it'll be safe no diff than the garage huh baby? Pubic hair burnt off later wife says no baby never again I don't care how high we can get off it!


Feeling good is good enough.
Once a tweaker...

Always a tweaker.

NOT good for MMJ Public Relations.

Had enough back in WA with Meth labs exploding.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I always thought Butane was bad for the enviroment.

Appears to be so.

It's not nice to piss off Mother Nature!

These peeps appear to be "neighbors" , just a short drive up the hill. Ya know, I used to think it was the high altitude and lack of oxagen up here, that made some people do goofy things, then I moved to sea leavel for a few years - and I learned people can be plumb goofy everywhere.

I will say this -

I'm waiting for some of the best bubble hash I have ever made to dry.

where's that propane bottle??????

awwwwwww MAN it gets a lil juicy, but still no melt,
I got a pack of LUI beans - I bet that shit will melt
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Active member
There should be small lab-facilities where users, or med-growers, could bring their stash and get it extracted (whatever the solvant) in a professional way for a small fee, plus have it tested so as to get the cannabinoids & other terpens/phenols ratios. This would help user to accurately ajust their dosage, plus getting to know which cannabinoid/terpens/phenol ratio works better for thier specific condition. It would also help to lower the release of all that crappy vapours in the atmosphere.
Is there anything that would legally prevent the settling of such an activity (I mean where medical Mj & dispensaries are legal).

Irie !

that could be awesome. . !
and I believe where it is legal and tolorated , it will be possible to raise such facilities with the right permits and ristrictions .
there's already privet companies around the world that do % and purity tests of plant material extracts and edibles, I dont see why we shouldn't have a place that could also offer proffesional extractions.


Use liquid CO2 instead of butane.Does same thing without the nasty odor/contaminants/and explosion factor. If you search the net you can find the scientific info on it. Called cold soxlett extraction process IIRC. Turn the bottle upside down or get the one with the tube in it for paint ballers. This is used for herb extraction by the top companies. Only pulls out the oils. Run through an active charcoal filter supposedly gets the color out also.


Active member
I gotta agree with you skip... Butane has no place in my medicine cabinet..> seems completely INSANE.
I mean the health ramifications alone from smoking ethyl mercapetin is extremely bad... let alone the possibility of blowing up....

dry sifting.. wet washing... and edible extracts to me are a much more beneficial medicine without the potential side affects of blowing up or damaging your central nervous system..

My two cents

Bubble man
Yes, besides the dangers to your health and house from using & making hash oil, there is the simple fact that it is for the most part a MUCH BIGGER CRIME in most places to make or even possess hash oil. It's considered to be a chemically processed drug, and the laws are much harsher than for simple marijuana.

I've noticed recently that certain decrim/legalization proposals will continue to outlaw hash oil, while allowing other forms of hashish.

Keep that in mind!

Why take the extra risks with your health, your house and your freedom?!

I will admit to smoking hash oil starting back in the early 70s with the honey oil that was available then. It was the strongest smoke you could find then. I learned that smoking a fair bit of it will leave you feeling like you've been smoking the resin from your pipes. Your lungs & head get pretty screwed up. It's not the same experience as smoking good bud at all. And I'm sure there's enough butane residues to cause problems if you smoke it regular.

I also seem to recall that even the Dutch were treating hash oil differently. You won't see it for sale in a coffeeshop. It's a bigger crime there too.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Alright I'm not a huge fan of hash oil or anything, it has its uses and I admit to enjoying it when well made from good material (dry sift is best!), but more than anything this thread has sort of worked my contrarian hackles up.

Criminality never stopped me from smoking pot, bigger penalty or not, it wouldn't stop me from making hash oil if I'd be so inclined, it might make me even more inclined to do so. :moon::nanana: Also, on the other hand, I'd be a LOT less likely to get caught carrying around some easy to hide hash oil, than a stash of buds.

Is the extra-ordinary criminality of hash oil based on empiric data or fear-mongering/political posturing?

Just because a particular process is dangerous if performed by idiots with inadequate safety measures doesn't mean that process should not be undertaken by competent actors. There is a logical fallacy taking place in some of this line of thinking.

Where are dangers from using hash oil documented or even reasonable doubts about its safety raised based on facts? There are plenty of anecdotal reports of people not liking it, far stronger evidence of its safety is seen in the many long time users of hash oil who have had no problems, I've never seen evidence of someone getting sick from it, and frankly, that is an illogical and unsupported view; the amount of butane in properly made has oil is minute, I'd be willing to bet that it is more than an order of magnitude less than taking one hit off a bong using a butane lighter, and probably a lot less than regular atmospheric exposure. Why aren't the anti-hash oil crusaders crusading around against lighters, air-conditioning units, and camp stoves?

Bubbleman, we have been over this before, it is disingenuous for you to continue to go on about the supposed dangers of methyl mercaptan when that has been thoroughly debunked, if you continue to go on and on about something you know is wrong... well... :ying:; if hash oil was made from butane that contains methyl mercaptan as an odorant, the end product would reak of rotten eggs and be utterly, ridiculously, and laughably unpalatable.


Skip, as soon as you say there may be a negative impact from anything related to MJ some wing-nut will be here to start preach'n otherwise.
This is not what Mother Nature intended.


It sounds too much like a methlab I wouldnt want neighbors doing it even if I got some

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Skip, as soon as you say there may be a negative impact from anything related to MJ some wing-nut will be here to start preach'n otherwise.
This is not what Mother Nature intended.

Wait, what? Are you making a personal attack on me? Please clarify.


It sounds too much like a methlab I wouldnt want neighbors doing it even if I got some

No Shit. If you want to 'cook' at least be safe about it. You can be sure we'll hear more stories like this in the future...

It'l be bad press for MJ if someone is hurt living next door to these geniuses. Standard call to arms by the local PTA and so forth. If I had kids and lived next to these guys I'd be pissed for sure. Find a wharehouse and stay out of the residential neighborhoods.


the shit spoon
Butane extraction = disgusting

If that kind of process is your bag go boil some heroin in a spoon.