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I love my iPad 3! Best purchase I've made in years. After using it for a week, my laptop felt like dinosaur.


The older people love ipads. It's cool but not worth $700+ in my opinion. You can only do one thing at a time on them. Not good for multi tasking. rather spend a bit extra and get the macbook air.

The new ones support multitasking


May your race always be in your favor
Trich...It depends on your carrier. Verizon has no contract its a monthly 5 gigs 50.00. I also have a MIFI wireless wifi for my alp top so I use both on it when I need to. As for the iPad anywhere theres free wifi you don't pay for the web or your carrier for air time.
My bro has an iPad 2 and turned me on to a web site where you can download free book on kindle. www.pixelofink.com They have new free books daily, a lot are new releases that the publisher is having out to generate interest. Got some great reads coming up.
Kim Kommando the computer whiz says " The reason she has a Mac is ... Because they work. I should have got an iPhone but I'll way for the 5th gen by then I'll be ready to update and go cloud.


The older people love ipads. It's cool but not worth $700+ in my opinion. You can only do one thing at a time on them. Not good for multi tasking. I'd rather spend a bit extra and get the macbook air.

Even the iPad2 can multitask...


ICMag Donor
Slave labor conditions hammalamma, And a plethora of engineers looking for work. (Written from an Apple PowerBook G4) NS
On the Verge podcast I think they said something like $85 more which I think is more realistic for assembling the ipad's in the US.

I mean its a battery, screen, board, and exterior shell...assembly is minimal, so the labor rate wont really cause too much of a difference. Component sourcing though only US suppliers, would be ridiculous; but I doubt it would be 2800% ridiculous though.


Active member
You would want to throw your smart phone/computer/ipad/tablet away if you worked in one of those hell holes.

Thanks for the cheap electronics China!


On the Verge podcast I think they said something like $85 more which I think is more realistic for assembling the ipad's in the US.

I mean its a battery, screen, board, and exterior shell...assembly is minimal, so the labor rate wont really cause too much of a difference. Component sourcing though only US suppliers, would be ridiculous; but I doubt it would be 2800% ridiculous though.
$14,000 does sound ridiculous but so does only $85 dollars more.:tiphat:


Active member
I personally hate PC, and would choose Mac... Ppl say that u can't mod Macs like aPC but fuck that mess I dont wanna have to Mod I want a perfect computer out of the box, and no tower is also an incentive....

I've been using Mac computers for 5 years... I recently bought PC and the tower is unhooked in the corner, hated it... macs NEVER freeze, I swear maybe 3-5 times in 5 years and I consider myself a personal music library,and avid photo uploader..

Just my experience with Mac systems vs. PC

fyi only diff between a "mac" and a "pc" is really the keyboard, mouse, and macOS.


May your race always be in your favor
Kim Kommando uses a Mac she said in an interview that she uses a Mac because they work.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
I am currently takin a shit right now and posting from the John

- sent from my ipad
Unlike the eleventy bazillion PCs running Windows?
Gimme a break....

It's much deeper than just 'what works' with these people

They think buying a mac is like the equivalent of voting for Barry all over again, when in actuality they still have the same hand up their ass as Charlie McCarthy did.Fucking trip...lol

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