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Humboldt's Secret Golden Tree, legit or snake oil?


New member
I did my entire run using Age old organics and Golden tree nutrients grown with HydroGrow Sol 4 100w LED lights...HUGE difference! lol


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ICMag Donor
Side by side grows with all parameters being the same are essential for objective observation of differences between these differing products.

While a peep can post pics of some beautifly grown plants, there is no substitute for a side by side experiment.
Grow to grow there are minute variations that could effect the final outcomes of finished product. Most important, imo, would be comparing the exact same cut, using the different solutiins, at the exact same time.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor

I do like the video (sans music :D) though. "You have given out too much reputation" blah blah blah, I'll getcha tomorrow.


New member

I do like the video (sans music :D) though. "You have given out too much reputation" blah blah blah, I'll getcha tomorrow.

dank you very much...........what?? You didn't like the music? That is classic Tupac right there! Lol. But with the golden tree it's about more than just results, the plants just seem to be.....happier? It's nothing I could tell you, you would just have to see it for yourself on your girls to really understand.
Greyskull. I'm also interested in what u find with the golden tree. And I agree whole heartedly with what u say about "milking the cow"....and if the guys at canna mixing the nutes wanna come over and water, trim, and feed my ladies for me while I get the finished product, well that would be icing on the cake!!! Pretty sure the american dream was based on having other people do shit for u while u reap the rewards....u think bill gates stays up late sifting through code? F*#K NO!

I grow micro for personal use only....I guess if I ran a bigger setup it might benefit me to reinvent the wheel. Until then bring on the bottles.

...ok gotta go. Big trip around the world to collect landrace seeds so I can sift through thousands to find the best phenos to make some exciting crosses....ohh wait...someone already beat me to it... looks like ill just buy my genetics from the pros! Hahahahaha


New member

I do like the video (sans music :D) though. "You have given out too much reputation" blah blah blah, I'll getcha tomorrow.

Ok.....didn't like that one huh?...here is one that shows the happiness of the plants a little better [YOUTUBEIF]http://youtu.be/4iqxuWTz15o[/YOUTUBEIF]

You like this one or Nah?


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Much more appropriate music :D I love all time lapse. Really shows you what's going on overall, the big picture so to speak.
Side by side grows with all parameters being the same are essential for objective observation of differences between these differing products.

While a peep can post pics of some beautifly grown plants, there is no substitute for a side by side experiment.
Grow to grow there are minute variations that could effect the final outcomes of finished product. Most important, imo, would be comparing the exact same cut, using the different solutiins, at the exact same time.

I've run those strains and this room for four years. I know how it "normally" turns out. The Golden Tree definitely makes the plants stickier and increases resin. I will wait until I finish a full run with this stuff, but it is reminding me of Floralicious Plus. I quit using that because although it looks better and smells better it leaves a taste that bothers me. It definelty adds some sweetness to the flavor on buds which I don't like. I used it from weeks 4 to 9, and right now on a full run from veg to finish.
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I'm loving this Golden Tree. It ended up leaving no after taste and the plants did great. I tested it side to side vs liquid karma/Hydroplex and sweet. The Golden Tree will be the only supplement I will use from here on out.

Here's a sour bubble seedling at day 36 of 12/12. It was feed PureBlend Pro Bloom for soil/coco and Golden Tree at recommended levels as recommended by Ben from Golden Tree.



Active member
just a curiosity anyone in humboldt use it?
i can tell you that the two of the major chains of hydro stores in humboldt and one of the larger stores in trinity dont even carry it. theyve heard of it but have no intrest in putting it on the shelf. i have not been to them all, that being said, it should be noted that for some time nutrient companys have been using the emerald triangle namesakes as marketing tool.
names like ,"humboldt county's own" , and "humboldt nutrients" are common place here. but they are actually made here. and have lists of ingredients on the bottles clearly written, so all of you MIY types can at least see where to get started. id like to ask for some more side by sides and pics as well, the more the better. and at least we could all make a fair conclusion for ourselves each individually.
as for mixing your own boost in hawaii, i just thought that all strange... have you been there? its not B.C. that is for sure. there are not grow shops on every corner. to find a decent feed program that matches the challenges of growing in the islands can/could be difficult. to mix your own boost, enough repeatedly to replace the $300 bottle needed for ones program would probably be counterproductive at best. not to mention the other nutrients needed. its unfair to criticize a hawaiin for not doing it like a canadian.. it cant be done..besides he's too busy catching rainwater to feed his plants and family , and storing/having enough to do everything you need is alot different than catching butterflies for fun.
hawaii is arguably the most difficult place to grow cannabis in the entire usa. and way more difficult than B.C.. the challenges involved in growing commercial cannabis in the islands are completely unique and regional to them and them alone. there are many factors to consider before bashing a hawaiin for not being frugal enough. the rewards are high and the quality could be said to be second to none so the benefits outweigh the challenges by far.
the lack of soil, the lack of space/privacy, the tightly controlled agg industry and difficulty importing seeds(in cali the Post office would just throw my seeds in the trash, in hawaii im comitting a felony for importing non native species into what equates to one of the largest natural preserves in the U.S.).
i honor the courage and effort it must take to grow well commercially there. i also honor the respect it takes to live off and with the 'aina. it is more akin to the 80's in california.. now the choppers still fly here(nor-cal), but they are just taking pictures and cataloging information, not hanging from ropes and cutting down everything in sight.
so i guess my final question is, " why the humboldt name?". why use it if you are not here and it is not made here. and the answer would clearly be "marketing strategy"..
so thats why side by sides are necessary here. because if it works call it what you want, but if it doesn't then we here in this community can call it a fraud as well. i am thankfull and much respect tho those who have posted their experience with golden tree so far. but lets see some side by sides with pics. say a canna run beside a canna run and swap boost w/G.T. ...possibly a canna run with neither as a control..that would start a real dialogue here so all of us armchair experts can be more informed..pics or it didn't happen..as the saying goes round here! cheers to all..
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IMO after using it I would say it helps, but it is way overpriced for what it is. I found no noticeable difference between it and other sugar/kelp/humic/fulvic products that are much cheaper. I'm a soil grower FTR. I eventually settled on just Pureblend Pro for soil and Liquid Karma in hard tap water. Yields are basically the same and nobody ever noticed a difference when I stopped using Golden Tree.


Why would anyone be put out, by someone buying bottled nutes. I honestly don't think they are that expensive. Not when you think how much you can get out of it. I buy a 5 l coco A-B and it lasts me months, and I have a fare few plants to water.I grow outdoor , full organic , with all the goodies in the soil mix. And do Coco indoors with Canna& H&G nutes. Organic just doesn't compare in yields , size or bud density . It takes me long enough to mix up liquid nutes , without having to mix up and buy seperate ingredients. Just don't make people out to be stupid , just because that's the way you do it. Just makes it look like your a Dick!