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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


Trinity Gold

Good job with my girl we are at the same place with her. If you want more for next season let me know and we'll make it happen. I would like to try the Shoe Goo and the Mr Nice for next year. See you soon. Big love D


I'm here. In the ever blackening Nordic night, almost bursting to tears from being touched by the beauty of your grow and it's surroundings. Call me lame, but I'm really enjoying this so much. And spreading the happiness onward...I know you are too!

Just in comparison, check out my sig (Finland's Finest - page 2) for what true beasts of plants up here are like ;). These guys own it!


Active member
Hello all,

HL, been watching for months now...what are you using for ferts?

Outstanding job.



Absolutely fantastic! Definitely a cannabis wonderland!
A fine exhibition of how it's done.......Well Done!

What a beautiful landscape you have there as well.

I will tip my hat to you with pleasure.
:tiphat: :bow:


Active member
Whats up cali brother
County took me all this spring, but they couldnt stop me, my lady handled the planting and got er going. The "hostage" situation found me way behind in lifes daily grind but I have a decent joy to work in but very little time to shoot n post.

I have several questions ill get to in a bit

Looks like the flocks manipulation of your plants gave them a beautiful shape no?

Will be back to share asap

One Love


Man I respect your garden big time....im actually jealious, your set up is A grade. Is there any way you can give me a few tips so mine can become like that? Your grow is professional I really admire your work. Keep up the good work!!


Active member
Goin into a garden tomorrow we'll be using the twister on. Didnt get to work the crop but I heard its imense, Ill link my own thread when I get it together.

Thanks for sharin Humbyloc

Cant wait to see the machine, I get to assemble n run it.

Trims all mine, freeze it n in to the washing machine it goes.....

You're an inspiration to get outa my funk HL!
Feelin like a freak on a leash


yo HL and Ganja D.... i think you fellas might seriously have a problem of some of those nugs being to big for the trim machines.... hahahah what an amazing problem to have!!

very beautiful clouds im sure you guys see some beautiful sunsets up with those ladies...

great show


I know I am thinking ahead but what tools do you use when you cut your plant from the ground? I have been trying to think of the easiest way to accomplish this.


I have found hand tree saws work well, but these trees may need someone licensed and will shout......



If I was in his position I would use a gas powered chainsaw. Although if you used a hand saw you would develop some pretty crazy muscles!

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