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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


Good to see you man, figured you were slammed with chores...

Good ethics to live by-

Can't wait for the pics-


Life is one big grow........
Sorry for the lack of updates and my absence from the forum for a while. Been real busy. Lots of exciting things happening in the world of Cannabis right now and I am happy and proud to be a part of it. Our world is changing quickly right now and we can either make preparations for it or we can stick our heads in the sand. I for one will not be caught with my head in the sand. I have a passion for Cannabis and my community and want to see both thrive in the coming times.
Humboldt county has always represented Organic farming, Sustainable living, environmental activism, and a close knit community. I stand for these same things. I take pride in knowing my neighbors and community and lending them a helping hand. I care for my land, my neighborhood, my rivers, streams, and trees. I try to live side by side with the native wildlife and minimize my impacts on their habitat. I try to educate those around me and new comers to my community why it is that we love living here and how to value and respect this land that has given us so much bounty.
Humboldt means so much more than just the best Organic, Healthy, Sustainable Grown, Cannabis available. We are trying to set the standard of how we can responsibly cultivate Cannabis and cultivate a strong, healthy community and lifestyle at the same time.

Big updates coming soon. I promise.:)

big up ...great words

Ganja D

Check this link then read post!
Here's some shots from today over at HL's with our mesh trellis over our hoop rows and plants.:)




Here are a few plants I've had my eye on.:)
Burmese Kush/Goo

Hindu Kush/Blueberry x Blackberry Purple


Sorry for so many pictures,I took a lot and wanted to share some of my favorites.
Nomad's Blue Dream

Purple Trainwreck/Grapefruit x Grapefruit Purple F2

Purple Trainwreck x Purple Star

And last but not least one of our Sequoia Mist's

Some our over 8 feet!
I also took some pics of our males to show what phenotype expressions HumboldtLocal and I look for when choosing keeper males,but I'll save that for tomorrow afternoon when I take a mid day break.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!:)


Damn every time I stop by here you continue to blow my mind with your grow. That double scrog you got going looks like it is going to work well. Nice song to go along with the pics.Keep up the good work over there...


Active member
Hello Ganja D, nice to see hip-hop lovers here :)
From Gang Starr I also like Who Got Gunz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4VD8IhHmX4 :dance013:
The plants are so beautiful as usual with you, the Sequoia Mist looks so nice and tall :)
Can't wait to see huge monster buds growing everywhere on your thread :D

Keep up the very good work ;)

Peace :rasta:


Active member
I really dig that Sequoia Mist. Goes without saying, but everything is looking very very nice.


hahahah oh man someone dropped some gangstarr to soundtrack their post. i knew there was more use to the hoop ribs..that was great. that works great. those plants look great.
Hey Guys nice update those are some treeeeeees!!! I really dig the horti trellis on the hoops thing. It has mad support for sure. See you guys later.


seeker of greater knowledge
lol...gangstarr ...those guys are some classic old school.......but seriously the garden is looking very awesome...that sun is really making monsters outta those beauties......the BK/Goo is soo awesome looking ,,and the sequoia mist is just exploding with growth.....very lush dark green and healthy plants.....i cant extend enough rep to you and humboldt for your great work .....it must be a great feeling to walk through the patch at sunrise with a cup of coffee and a nice joint , just admiring the garden.....great luck on the season...i hope its a record season for you guys...:tiphat:
:thank you:

Ganja D

Thanks for all the wonderful compliments guys. It really touches my heart and makes me feel great.:)
I have dreamed of breeding cannabis since I was about 15 years old and have spent countless hours observing and thinking about herb plants ever since. I actually dream at night about growing multiple nights a week and now each day of my life is a bit cooler than some of my dreams.
HL and I are keeping all these males to make seeds for next year. It is a great challenge and loads of dedication to put the proper energy and efforts into selection. Here is a small example of my thoughts.
HL's Hindu Kush/Blueberry x Blackberry/Purple is awesome. The blackberry clone only is terrific smoke but not the best yielder(we have a few of those as well). In choosing which HK/BBxBB/P male it's complicated.
We have one standout that has the purple traits of the Blackberry clone and the smell of sweet Blackberry,but it's not the sturdiest male we have and it's node spacing could be tightened up a bit. It was early to show sex and has vigorous growth.

On the other hand we have one that has the purple traits as well in color but not in smell. The smell is more musky like the Hindu Kush. This one also has a great sturdy structure and will likely produce offspring that can hold massive buds that weigh a ton and tight node spacing.

I love the first one because it will surly pass on it's strong sweet berry smell and flavor but the other clearly is the winner when it comes to structure and sturdiness. For personal smoke I would choose the first,for heavy yield and strong stone I would pick the second. We will keep both and collect pollen. I think these will be males HL and I will test on a variety of his strains.
Sorry if this was too much info,just want to share how I think about the plants and maybe even get some feedback. The HK/BB x BB/P is a winner either way.:)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Real nice structure to both the males. I like the seconed one the best. I have always picked my males by how vigorous it is and then by structure. Smell's seem as theycan vary pretty widley after you add the female to the mix. But if your shooting for a certain smell of course you should use the male that has the smell you want. I always look at it as if I was trying to breed humans. Good looking people probley have better odds of having good looking kids. You have 2 big ole fatties mate ussually the offsping are big ole fatties. But we all know it dosen't always work that way.

Anyways I love what you guys are doing in the gardens this year. And thanks for sharing the journey with us.


seeker of greater knowledge
keep em both but the second male looks like it has a real tree trunk like stem and also is showing some color on the stems, ya never know the next generation from that second male might unlock something special....and might be one hell of a yeilder


Active member
Way to have the choice on the males. It'll be great to cross the ladies, keep them labeled and see if you are right on the dot.

Great Plants draped with Hortonova pics.



Active member
Nice job HL and ganja d you guys are killlllin it , i love seeing those plants reach through the netting. it must provide so much support.....ideas for next year :thinking: . I hope you guys have a great day .


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