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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010

There is no doubt that the trench garden will hedge out at this point. The truth is the hoops worked as good or better than we expected. Last year the plants in that garden did not fill in the space at all and that is something I wanted to avoid at all costs. We probably could have planted 2/3 as many plants and filled in the same amount of space and next year that will be the case. I grow for a 5,000+ patient collective so plant counts are not an issue for me. I am just happy that the whole area will be covered with buds. Each plant will not reach its full potential weight wise but I think for the sq footage of my garden I will max out for what it can produce.
Here are some pics of the trench garden last year. You can see there was a lot of space between the plants and that was something I wanted to avoid.

Thank you HL. I appreciate the time and it makes total sense.

Madrus Rose

post 69
This is HL's greenhouse that he kindly let me grow some Reservoir Seeds strains in plus a few of his.

SFV OGK/Chemdog



Here is some Rez Sour Diesel. We only have two females. This is the only strain I've never been sick of smoking. It's one of my all time top 3 favorite strains to smoke and grow. Probably will end up my personal meds. Yum!:dance013:

Lot's more to do. I'd like to show you our males soon. I've been keeping my eye on them all season and eliminating the weak. We have some real keeper boys for sure. I'll take some pics over the next few days.:)
Enjoy your weekend everyone.:tiphat:

Have you been or are u taking cuts along the way from some of these tester gals your trying out ? Lot of added work to maintain a clone are but wasn't sure to assume u guys do take cuttings along the way from some of the seed~stock experimentals .

Have a nice 4th up there guys!!

(put your feet up , take a load off & get some nice pretty
asian girls to run up & down your backs in their bare feet !;)


Ganja D

Have you been or are u taking cuts along the way from some of these tester gals your trying out ? Lot of added work to maintain a clone are but wasn't sure to assume u guys do take cuttings along the way from some of the seed~stock experimentals .

Have a nice 4th up there guys!!

(put your feet up , take a load off & get some nice pretty
asian girls to run up & down your backs in their bare feet !;)


We will be taking clones of some of the more special plants. Getting excited about juggling indoor and outdoor. I will be busy
Have a good 4th weekend everyone.:)

Ganja D

Happy 4th of July everyone! I enjoyed the weekend and had a bit of down time. Hope everyone had a great weekend as well.:)

Here is our males. We have 1-2 males of each of HumboldtLocal's stains and a few others as well including SSSDH,SD IBL,and a blue moonshine. The males are the very best of each strain. Many didn't make the cut. We look for strong structure and branches,good symmetry,vigorous growth of the plant and it's roots,and a strong smell when choosing males.


Check out this gold frog on a SSSDH in the greenhouse.


GH is rockin!
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Amazing, wow you guys are doing such a great job. That's wild you guys are keeping males are they far enough away from the females? They are gonna produce sick genetics. Whoop Whoop


Where did you guys get your tomatoe cages ? And how much were they? That size is what I'm looking for but I haven;t been able to find anything similar to those locally

Karma Genetics

This is the best thread bro, I love looking here everyday, and they arent even in flower yet.

As for those males hmmm got to love a selection Choice's he he he, Sour D IBL is nice to cross with, just a slight change on hermie's.

Ganja D

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy all the great threads in the outdoor forum here on IC. It's really great to see everyone's gardens and the results of all our hard work. The outdoor forum is the place to be right now,so many great threads and personalities. So gald we can all share our experiences.
Here at HL's things are crazy,and when I say crazy I mean out of control huge plants! I will try to do a nice picture update tomorrow night or most likely Friday of each garden and GH here.
Have a great night everyone!


Tropical Outcast
How are you planning on keeping the pollen from cross contaminating before taking it?



Here is our males. We have 1-2 males of each of HumboldtLocal's stains and a few others as well including SSSDH,SD IBL,and a blue moonshine. The males are the very best of each strain. Many didn't make the cut. We look for strong structure and branches,good symmetry,vigorous growth of the plant and it's roots,and a strong smell when choosing males.


Sorry for the lack of updates and my absence from the forum for a while. Been real busy. Lots of exciting things happening in the world of Cannabis right now and I am happy and proud to be a part of it. Our world is changing quickly right now and we can either make preparations for it or we can stick our heads in the sand. I for one will not be caught with my head in the sand. I have a passion for Cannabis and my community and want to see both thrive in the coming times.
Humboldt county has always represented Organic farming, Sustainable living, environmental activism, and a close knit community. I stand for these same things. I take pride in knowing my neighbors and community and lending them a helping hand. I care for my land, my neighborhood, my rivers, streams, and trees. I try to live side by side with the native wildlife and minimize my impacts on their habitat. I try to educate those around me and new comers to my community why it is that we love living here and how to value and respect this land that has given us so much bounty.
Humboldt means so much more than just the best Organic, Healthy, Sustainable Grown, Cannabis available. We are trying to set the standard of how we can responsibly cultivate Cannabis and cultivate a strong, healthy community and lifestyle at the same time.

Big updates coming soon. I promise.:)

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