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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


Humbolt..... how do you secure the long sides of the film on the hoops and how do you secure the short sides..... do u raise the sides up on hot days before you remove them totally .... if so how do you hold them up.... and how do you enter and exit the hoops without lifting them up.... TARP ZIP OR JUST SLICE A FLAP IN THERE>>> PUT MY HOOPS UP TODAY CHECK IT OUT ON MY ONETIME ADVENTURE THREAD>>> BUT I NEED TO FIND OUT MORE INFO PLEASE HElp


outstanding work brother, you rock my heart!

Also got the last greenhouse planted with some of HL's strains and some strains from Reservoir seeds.

OGK x Chemdog




PTW/GFxGF/P F2 and F3 and PTW/Zenu(an old school Humboldt county legend and massive yielder) on front right three plants. I choose short bushy ones that has an incredibly fruity smell from early on.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Burmese Kush Goo and Shoe Goo devouring their tomato cages.

Where can someone find these Goo genetics?? I have been seeing the Goo in gardens that past couple years and am real impressed would like to have a few in my garden next year.


Active member
IMO the straight AfGoo is nothing to write home about. Unless you are medicating for insomnia. Very numbing, sleepy high. Not my style at all, but still a plant with great value. Also very vigorous, easy to grow and early finishing. It does bring a lot of desireable breeding traits to the table.

These crosses sound irresistible.


Hey folks. Finally getting some beautiful weather. Getting some more plants in the ground today and working on our drip systems. We are still pushing hard but things are looking good. Yesterday was crazy windy and it was a battle to keep the plastic on the hoops. If the weather stays nice we will only keep the plastic on for another week or two. Tonight is the last night we will be running our supplemental light. We have had some clones we planted almost two weeks ago without light and they are vegging nicely with no sign of budding.
Here's a little wild life. Capt's new pup Ace. He is a good boy.


Gopher snake I chased out of the road today. He was about 4' long. Five minutes after this pic he was in our garden trying to get in the warm hoops.

Planting our second to last row of clones. Half and half OG and MR Nice. These plants were in 15 gallon pots. Real fun to transplant.:)


Lots more monsters. These plants are close to outgrowing the hoops. We will be getting our trellis netting to put over the hoops real soon.











can u post or send me some pics of the side walls and the bottoms of the hoops how you secure it .... how do you get in and out of themm.... i am having alot of trouble with mine... also my plants look droppie.... i been keeping the hoops closed completly yo keep them warm no side walls up and no fans but only around 85-90 inside max is this okay and not to stale of air... i could put a box fan blowing in


can u post or send me some pics of the side walls and the bottoms of the hoops how you secure it .... how do you get in and out of themm.... i am having alot of trouble with mine... also my plants look droppie.... i been keeping the hoops closed completly yo keep them warm no side walls up and no fans but only around 85-90 inside max is this okay and not to stale of air... i could put a box fan blowing in

I'll try to get a pic up in the next couple days. We access them from the ends only. On hot days we roll up the ends otherwise it will get too hot and you plants will droop/wilt. 85-90 is a about the max you want those plants dealing with. Mine can take it a little hotter as they are a lot bigger and more established. I am trying to push them to the edge of how much heat they can take. I want them to be used to the 100 degree weather once it hits. I don't think you need a box fan but you should open at least one end of your hoop during hot days. We like to close ours up late afternoon while it is still very hot so they go into the night with a lot of heat in them. On a smaller hoop like yours they can really cook so you really need to be aware of the temps. If left completely covered on a really hot day you can fry your plants.


Well-known member
holy hell dude U R quite the master gardener. so how r u getting ur plants that big out therr?

like r u top dressing or maybe feeding some really great nuts or whatever.
I want my plants to be as bushy as urs are but not as tall.

I have already toped and trained some of mine. but some of them still seem quite a bit small for how old they are. maybe I need to feed them eather more often or more at one time. i dono.

so ur master gardening skills can help me on this one.
my thread is called (I might try this this summer.)


Trinity Gold

Told ya covering the spot in hoops would crush the game bro!! I love how big everything is. I should've also mentioned that if you're going to do that you should probably go with 500+ gallon beds...those plants are going to out grow the 300s we had made this year..Next year...12x12x1....

Here's one of mine last week. ...:tiphat:


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