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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010



Thanks for stopping by nobull, had a real nice time talking with you yesterday. Hope to see you at another saturday market.


holy hell dude U R quite the master gardener. so how r u getting ur plants that big out therr?

like r u top dressing or maybe feeding some really great nuts or whatever.
I want my plants to be as bushy as urs are but not as tall.

I have already toped and trained some of mine. but some of them still seem quite a bit small for how old they are. maybe I need to feed them eather more often or more at one time. i dono.

so ur master gardening skills can help me on this one.
my thread is called (I might try this this summer.)


Hey Cheese, People ask me all the time what brand of nutes I use thinking that is the secret to big plants and buds. I actually don't use any bottled nutes. I do use a couple different Organic mite sprays that come in bottles but that is about it. This year I am also trying Brix Mix as a foliar spray. I do a really hot soil mix and I top dress with high nitrogen bat guano and earth worm castings during veg. During bud I will switch to high phosphorus bat guano. I will also be using some locally made compost tea. I also use the EWC as a foliar and soil drench. Good ol Organics is the secret to huge plants and rock hard buds. Those companies want you to think that you can only get it from a bottle but don't believe the hype. Good genetics play a huge role as well. All these threads about what nutes work best just make me laugh. All the claims by these companies are ridiculous. If you want to know what the best fertilizer is read my sig. I have friends that grow indoors in soil and don't fertilize even once and they grow some of the best indoor I have ever seen so don't think they are needed there either. That is also on very large grows in case you were wondering.
If you read the beginning of my thread than you know about my bird attack we had this spring. I believe that played a role in the bushiness of these plants. We have not topped them or pinched at all and they are crazy bushy. Some are wider than they are tall. I also think being in the hoops the light is reflected on all sides of the plant.
So much of it is timing as well. We started our seeds at the optimal time for our part of the world. We transplanted at the right times. We gave them warm optimal conditions. And then planting them in the hoops helped them take off like I have never seen before while everyone else on the west coast was seeing the coldest wettest conditions in years. A lot of love and dedication is what it really takes to get big bushy plants.:)

Told ya covering the spot in hoops would crush the game bro!! I love how big everything is. I should've also mentioned that if you're going to do that you should probably go with 500+ gallon beds...those plants are going to out grow the 300s we had made this year..Next year...12x12x1....

Most of my strains I have bred to finish on the early side like beginning of Oct. I have always tried to get my meds to the patients as soon as possible. Not to mention avoiding the rain among other reasons. I think the 300 gallons will be just fine for most of them. I will be happy with 6-8 lb plants of my strains. I do have a few strains this year that will be on the later side and they probably could have benefited from larger planters. We'll have to wait and see.


Well-known member
wow that is so cool thanks for the insite on ur grow.

also Im thinking that I need to let my potted plants dry out more often befor I water them.
cuz they r growing slower that a turtle can crawl. so hopefuly they will start growing bigger soon.

all I really need to get is 2-3 ounces pre plant like I did last year and the year befor.

Trinity Gold

Probably bro. Maybe the context of what I'm saying is lost in text...Your shit is B-A-N-A-N-A-S...No doubt. I just can only imagine what would happen if they were in 3x as much soil for the same amount of time...Big like Woah! like you said we'll see next year


Active member
HL, been lurking for quite some time, and its been quite the show this year
I look forward to seeing your plots come september :)

Madrus Rose

post 69
Also got the last greenhouse planted with some of HL's strains and some strains from Reservoir seeds.

OGK x Chemdog

That SSSDH looks great mon but the fans & stockiness of these OGK/ChemD's are impressive for usually very thinner lanky strain stock , what an impressive start u guys have going this yr, wow!

Hey HumT , is Ace a great Pyrennes ? Amazing a friend has a pup he just had flown out from Nebraska , the same age as yours & swear these guys could be twins .

Talk about little polar bears ....& love to chew on anything handy !
(Keep an eye on your sandals & shoes )



And the SSSDH:


Hey Madrus, great to see you brother. How are your projects coming along? Will you be sharing some monsters with us this year? How is that Twister running?
Ace is not my pup. Actually I am kind of regretting not grabbing one of the pups when I had a chance. I am pretty sure he is mostly Golden Retriever. He is a very good boy but I did see him chewing on some stuff today.
Hopefully those Rez strains are worth the space we are giving them. I am a bit worried the SSSDH will be the last thing out of the ground. I would like to be swimming with dolphins before Xmas.:shark:


humlocal- when do you guys foliar your outdoor, sun coming or going down? do you bother checking pH or use any products like dutch master penetrator??
thanx mm


We foliar in the AM only. Before it gets real hot. Evening is a no go. I have never had a problem with PH at any of my spots.


why is eveing a no-go for foliar feeding? what about bug juice?

Several reasons. More of a chance of mold, PM developing if sprayed in the evening. In the mornings the stomata are supposed to be more open. I have even heard that early morning bird noises trigger this stomata opening. There is a product out there that is a cd of jungle bird noises and a foliar spray. They were plugging it in one of the Cannabibles. Play the cd, stomatas open, foliar. I am such an organic nature lover I actually use real birds to open my stomata.:biggrin: I don't use bottled bird noises. LOL

do you check the pH of the water source when you start working a site?

Yes. You should definitely check your new spot especially with the sulfury spring you showed me.


Active member
6.7, bro (on the big one that is still flowing strong at the bottom of the valley). measured on the first trip out there. I don't think the sulphur spring is flowing into the mix yet... needs some digging out.

Trinity Gold

It's always a good idea to get a water analysis done on any spot you intend to buy before throwing any money at it... American Hydroponics on South G St in Arcata can do a proper one for you...they offer multiple levels of testing so you spend and know as much or as little as you like.


Active member
You're probably right... but the money has been thrown... I am sure one of the 5 water sources will prove out. :D


Lots of water on that piece. It was a total score. A place like that around here would be hard to find. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Trinity Gold

Lots of water is bad ass...I don't mean buying the spot..I mean before you start designing your scene.. No matter what you can get some piece of kit to get things dialed in..even if you have insanely high content of things like sulfur, iron, manganese etc., a Triple O Ozone generator in the main water tank will make it so the water is good to go...E. Coli and other coliforms (river water like mine has this some times..) You put an inline UV light and so on....

If a place has 5 water sources good sun and is Private I would jump on it, too.. I'm also waiting to see what happens.

Nomaad if you want any help on the water system for your new place the offer still stands if you're serious :)

Congrats on your new place.

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