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HumbleGrower's 110w CFL Microgrow

Hello all. :wave:

HumbleGrower here with a brand new micro grow.
This is my first grow in over 3 years. I'm not ashamed to say that i'm a bit rusty but after a few bumps, all seems to be going well. Let me start things off by describing my grow space.

I grow in a growtent, The DR40. It measures 1'4" x 1'4" x 3'11"
It has been explained to me that this thing measures almost 2 square feet (1.96 sq. ft., Thanks to Anti for that bit of info).

Lighting: This is a CFL grow, my first such kind.
I have (2) 55watt CFLs, one Daylight at 5000K and the other Warm White at 2700K.
Each bulb puts out 3,600 Lumens for a total of 7,200 Lumens. This is all the lighting I have.

Now I know the first thing most will say is that I need more light, and I would agree, but I really don't have the extra funds for more lighting ATM.

The medium: I am using soilless hydro, namely rockwool growcubes and perlite, in a 2:1 ratio. All this in a 6" pot (not sure as how much it holds weight-wise; will take exact measurements later).

The strain: I'm growing a single feminized Casey Jones in NYC (casey jones x NYCD). These seeds were freebies from Seedbay more than 3 years ago and they are still good, wow :eek:

The Nutes: I use a 3-part fert called David's Grow. It comes in a Base, Grow, & Bloom formulation. It is an in house formula from this growshop that I know of. It is IMO very similar (if not a knockoff of) GH's Flora Series. I plan on getting some Cal-Mag plus as this stuff doesn't supply enough of both (from what I remember). I have luckily gotten away without it and all has been well, but I want it for flower.

I had an awful time germinating seeds. I had forgotten my method and needed to do it a few times before I got it right. I also had a terrible time learning how to properly use rockwool. I conditioned it properly and all, but my problems arose from the info I had received about rockwool itself and how to water.

I was told that you only need to water when the planter feels light. This is totally wrong!
My plant sprouted and I followed that routine. I noticed it was growing very slowly and was looking funky. After a few days I finally tested the runoff water and it was damn near 7.5. OUCH! I read up some more here about rockwool and learned that you need to feed at least 2-3 times a day. I now feed 2 times a day by hand with a half gallon of pH-adjusted nutrient solution and this thing is rockin'.

I know with my light setup and all things are not optimal, so i'm pushing for about 5 to 7 grams dried with this plant. I think that is a respectable amount to shoot for, but we'll see what happens. I apologize that this thing is so far into veg and I am just now posting, but i have been busy it being the holidays and all. I plan to switch it to flower on the 1st of December, one day away. Stay tuned for more & thanks for dropping by.


HumbleGrower :tiphat:





Well I got my cal-mag plus. I've been using RO water and had forgotten about this crucial additive. I have a small bit of leaf tip burn from the plant eating itself (YIKES!), but I have added it today to my nutrient line, so all should be well soon :) Pics on day 7 of 12/12.



Happy you got that sorted out. :) Looks nice besides that.
I would recommend keeping it vegging until it returns to optimal growth, before switching to 12/12, but I guess that is to late?
Yeah, a bit too late at day 3 for my tastes, but really, its nothing bad. Silly me, forgetting stuff after 3 years :tongue:

Also, I picked up a bit of this stuff to counteract the slight odor coming from the exhaust fan:

I got the pint. This stuff is STRONG. I use about 1/2 Tsp in a dish and this is enough for about 6-8 hours.
I'm gonna connect my carbon scrubber soon.



Awesome man! I would like to get one of these tents for my room :)

Pulling up a chair for this one, happy growing!
how close are the plants to the bulb??

Hi PC.

As close to the plant as I can get them. They DO put off a bit of heat, but nowhere even near an HID lamp. In practice, this means the lights usually hang about 1/2" to about an 1" away from the plant. With the small desk fan I have in there, I can sometimes get the lights right up on top of the leaves with good/proper heat removal. Peace.

why the whiteout on the walls?

The white boards you see are foam boards used for science projects by kids and such. They're flat white. I use them because with my exhaust fan connected and turned on, the walls of the tent compress. I know that I have enough air coming in, but the tent just compresses too much. So I bought these boards & secured them to the frame of the tent using zip ties. I also place one in front of the opening flap. Now the tent doesn't compress inward any and I still get good reflectivity from the whiteness of the boards.



Hi PC.

As close to the plant as I can get them. They DO put off a bit of heat, but nowhere even near an HID lamp. In practice, this means the lights usually hang about 1/2" to about an 1" away from the plant. With the small desk fan I have in there, I can sometimes get the lights right up on top of the leaves with good/proper heat removal. Peace.


great work hombré..



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You can put foil tape on the side of cfl that is facing away from plant. Cheap reflector. Vertical is the way to go imo.
You can put foil tape on the side of cfl that is facing away from plant. Cheap reflector. Vertical is the way to go imo.

Foil tape you say?

I really don't want to put any type of tape directly onto the bulb surface. I'm afraid that the heat will melt the glue enough to start a fire. Safety first always.


Thank you so much for that bit of suggestion, as it has gotten my mind juices a flowin'. I think tonight I will use some foil (the dull side of course) and use it as a cheap reflector, placing it on the side of the bulb facing away from the plant, and securing it to the plastic ballast part of the bulb with some foil tape, making sure not to cover any vent holes. Awesome!

yesum: :thank you:




Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I have not used the foil tape myself, but have seen others use it, so I assume it is good to go. I measured light from cfl with lux meter, without clamp reflector and with it, and it was about 2x with it.
Week one of 12/12

Week one of 12/12

Hello all :wave:

HumbleGrower here with some new pics as promised. The plant is one week into 12/12 (1 week on the 8th; pics were taken later that night). Nothing to see really, just some stretch. Not one white pistil yet, but I do see what look to be a calyx here and there. The package DID say "FEM" on it, lol. Only time will tell. Ah well, on with the pics:

The first one is of the "girl" (hopefully) from sorta above:

The second pic is of the carbon filter. This is a Can-Filter brand filter, the 705 unit. I have this hooked up to an inductor fan that "supposedly" pulls 80CFM. With it hooked up to the filter, and a few bends, dips, and twists in the duct pipe, I don't think it reaches that amount of air movement, nevertheless, it moves enough air to remove heat from the cab (although I have seen temps rise about 2 degrees w/ the filter attached, but not bad) and filter the air properly. The plant was beginning to stink. Heres the filter:

The third pic is simply a pic of the whole cab:

Note the foil reflectors that I have placed on the light to reflect light onto the plant (idea thanks to yesum). Just some simple foil (dull side used) taped to the lights with a bit of foil tape. Thats about it for now. More pics in another week.


Hello everyone :wave:

I hope everyone here had a great holiday. I am sorry that I didn't post for quite awhile here, but the holidays was a whirl of family, friends, and well-wishers, dinners, parties, etc. I had a nice time :) I hope you did too :)

My baby has been in flower for quite some time. She is now 35 days into 12/12. Full strength nutes now for about a week or so. I'm thinking of letting her go to 60-65 days. That should be good enough. Well on with the pics:




Peace :tiphat:



Looks nice and healthy HG :good: but I think SAN is right looks like a 70+ day strain to me too.

GL I'll be watching for sure,
Chomp :joint: