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how to live in society with no I.D.


Oh, sorry - I guess I misunderstood what you meant when I read this in your 'grow' thread:

Hope you don't burn your mother's house down, by the way.

--Getting back on track

With regards to living with NO id (as opposed to an assumed ID), the only suggestions are to work cash only jobs, and find people who will let you live with them, paying cash.

It is a tough way to live, you are pretty much dependent on cash, which is a huge security risk (illegal immigrants are often robbed, since they tend to not have bank accounts).

In fact, a good source of info for you would probably be illegal immigrants. They often live without IDs. Go to a place where day workers gather and talk with some of the guys. They may have some tips for you (and it will also be a place for you to find cash work).

Good luck.

Thanks for the info the attic is on its own dedicated 30 amp circuit but it might just do it.



My driver's license has been expired since 2007...not a big deal, but it's sort of a middle finger to the man...


you can have my id. make yourself a fortune. commit some crimes.i don't care im insured against this. and as to the crimes i have an alibi

just don't steal my DNA


LMAO...funny thing is, I've been pulled over only once (that I can recall) and the cop let me go, and only gave me a ticket for my exhaust, which is in compliance with traffic laws, but I wasn't about to argue with the guy...I think he saw I had my work clothes on and didn't want to give me a hard time. Lucky break I guess; not too many of those these days.


Active member
the govt is in control man. Why do you think they want you to take a new pic everytime you get a liscense? SO they can plug all the pics in a computer and look at the change over time.

Mapping peoples faces .

BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING>>>>>fuck i better go, he knows im talking about him


Active member
Do you know someone that is say, retarded, that is about your age?

Rand....Don't give him any ideas...half the people he works with are retarded:wink:
Seriously, I think 'searchers' goal is to loose his identity not gain another:tongue:

JohnnyATL said:
the govt is in control man. Why do you think they want you to take a new pic everytime you get a liscense? SO they can plug all the pics in a computer and look at the change over time.

Mapping peoples faces .

Thats more true than you may realize...
I was incarcerated with an old head whos wife needed an operation to live...He had no insurance, no money...Bad MFer he was, he robbed a bank (No Mask!!) They used a facial recognition program and cross referenced it to the state ID/Drivers License...boom...got him. Not your typical scenario when asked "what are you in for" When I asked him if his wife got the surgery he nonchalantly replied "Of course...shes alive and well because of my crime, and I'd do it all over again, but next time I'll wear a mask"
Nice man, I believe he only got 5 years due to the situation (probably only serve 2.5 years) and gets to spend the remainding time with his wife. I got to "meet" her too (Maximum Security- so it was more of a wave "Hi" through glass)
Now thats Passion for you!!


BTW, What was the topic:tongue:


Does anyone know if it's possible to get a REAL phone without having your name attached to it? I'm cool with burners I guess but all the hype on them iphones makes me wanna get one.


Does anyone know if it's possible to get a REAL phone without having your name attached to it? I'm cool with burners I guess but all the hype on them iphones makes me wanna get one.

What do you mean by "real" phone?

If your issue is security, you could use prepaid phones or tracfone...or just have someone buy the phone in their name.

Or do like me; payphone....I'm all about the old school..haha.

Edit: Oh I see what you're saying...


Active member
Does anyone know if it's possible to get a REAL phone without having your name attached to it? I'm cool with burners I guess but all the hype on them iphones makes me wanna get one.

What exactly do you mean by "Real Phone" and "Burners" I assume your not referring to a handgun or stove top...


Edit: LOL Karmic, posting at the same time...


Move to Hawaii or the woods somewhere, it's just usually if you don't show id they will take you in until they figure out just who you are? Am I wrong??? I would like to drop out.


I guess by real phone I meant not radioshack brand pay as you go phones. I mean they're secure yes, but they look so fucking lame! I could have someone else buy me one in their name, but I don't want a friends name attached to my illegal ass convos either.

Burners are those gay ass 12 dollar phones that you buy the cards at 711 for.


Move to Cali and become a gardener. :D

Nah, but seriously, ask an illegal. Two things are essential:

1) Have an under the table job and carpool there.
2) Have a shitload of friends and/or family.


Yeah they only offer the crappy phones for prepaid service. Besides, cell phones are cell phones they can be intercepted. Stick to hard lines, that need to be tapped.


Active member
Quote from Googled Urban Dictionary:

March 24, 2007 Urban Word of the Day
A throwaway prepaid cellphone, typically used by dealers. Used until the minutes are up, then thrown away so they cannot be tapped.

Sheeesh...in my day when someone pulled out a burner, it wasn't to make a phone call.

You didn't hear it from me...but one can clone cell phones, look it up, quite different from cloning a plant I'm afraid...

Also...Pain in the ass I'm sure but virtually untraceable/untappable is a laptop, stolen signal, and a magic jack...LOL



Active member
I really think a person can go underground, have ID, drive a car, work a job and even write books. I think my plan is fool proof, as long as you do not do something that will require fingerprints. In some cases even being fingerprinted may be okay.

Sure...but you need to start off, off the grid...I'm been printed and photographed more times than I can remember...Now my DNA and retinal scans are in their data base...

Fingerprints can be surgically removed...retinas can't


I better not go "OJ" anytime soon...


I really think a person can go underground, have ID, drive a car, work a job and even write books. I think my plan is fool proof, as long as you do not do something that will require fingerprints. In some cases even being fingerprinted may be okay.

I think it's totally doable. You just have to make a conscience effort to not let anybody know who you are.

Has anyone noticed how in the last few years you go to buy at stores like Sears, how they ask for your name, number and zipcode? I went to Advanced Auto last year to buy some oil and shit, and the clerk asked for my number so I gave it to her 'cause she was real cute...but when she said my name and address I was like "WTF!?"...I didn't remember giving them any info!

Now anytime they ask for my info, I give 'em my uncle's name and number, lol.


Registered Non-Conformist
Read: MY NAME IS LEGION, by Roger Zelazny.... A book about a person who is as we speak - WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION, in a world most catalogued.... How the gov't uses him to take care of covert ops, because he is the only one who cannot be traced (in the future - not too far away).

Some people - much smarter than me - have deduced that someday, Everyone will be required to obtain a SUBCUTANEOUS CHIP INSERTED UNDER THE SKIN... These devices have ALREADY been tested on Soldiers.....

It will serve as ID, Debit Card, Medical Records, and 'other' info...... I do like him, for many things, but I could see a prez like B.O. making this happen. He is HELLBENT on getting all Tax Dollars Owed to the Gummint.... He will not go after Pot so much, but the Money it generates.....

This is much easier for the "Authorities" than changing laws and growing revenues from MJ sales taxes, etc...

GET ME OUTTA HERE.......! lol, it is just an Herb......!