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How to heal After being fucked hard


Ive recently got fucked hard, no not literally. Basically I got involved in a business venture, semi legal, but i invested my life savings which was around 9 thousand dollars,plus put quite a bit on my credit card, i quit my job and i moved to a new area. It was 3 partners including myself, we were initially gonna split all expenses and profits 3 ways, but in the middle of everything both partners came up with hardship stories so i put everything up front, they told me that they would refund me first. They took my money and completely fucked the business to the ground. I lost my home and i cant find work and my credit is ruined. My soul and my mind is completely tattered. I know it could be worse, but i was wondering how other people deal with sort of stuff.


Active member
Best advice I can give you is not give up, be willing to start over and start fresh, stay optimistic, and most importantly, don't have business partners in the future.

I've been burned by 3 sets of business partners for more money then what you mentioned, count yourself as lucky to not of lost something more important then just paper.
Ouch...that's painful to read. I have no idea, I can barely cope with far more trivial issues than that. I know that the right weed helps with anxiety, but you still need shelter and income. Can you grow your way into a bit of cash?


My little pony.. my little pony
Life is full of lessons. Learn and move on. Hardship stories dont pay the bills. Why you would take one in lieu of cash without ending the partnership doesnt make much business sense.


I am really sorry to hear that, could you have asked for some k-Y. No but seriously I hope you are able to climb out of the hole, God only gives us what we can handle, and I a sure that you lived and learned from this one. Prayers for you..


Domesticator of Cannabis
I took 3 days off of any sex recently after being injured from a layoff of the regular action. I've had a few shots at the crown since though. Now I'm ready for full action & I've warned all potential partners this evening. Sometimes I just fall asleep though but I'm drunk with power so who knows. The best of me comes out when I catch a quality fish??

I've made the second largest $$$ deal this week in my legitimate business history , since 2000. Too far & in between but never a bad time to score.


welcome to life! If it was easy they would call it easy. grow some balls wipe the blood off your face and don't make the same mistake again if you do then....YOUR A DUMB ASS.. good luck


The Hopeful Protagonist
i'd beat my money out of their asses.

That's my first instinct as well, it ain't ABOUT the money no more foo....

Then again, I'm in the process of ending a professional business partnership, I didn't get taken like that, but close.....None of my personal assets or credit is at risk though......Rule # 1 of a start-up.

Chin up man, you already said the best thing....It COULD be worse.

Some of the most successful men in this world were broken men like you at one point, some more than once.

Perseverance my friend :joint:


Im a girl, but my partners were men. I agree with everyone, ive should known better these guys were scumbags but they came off as real nice at first. Ive had stuff happpen before ive had a big grow ripped off before. I guess a part of me is filled with rage at my stupidity and i always seem to attract the worst type of people, anyways i try to move on but my mind always seems to wander back to this topic, i guess itll take some time


It sucks, but being a nice person is bad business practice. You have to accept that your goal isn't to please everyone, it's to make money. It is the ruthless who prevail in this capitalistic world.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I'd probably snap like a fucking twig. Take these two said individuals and lock them up in my private dungeon....

Edit - But from a religious / spiritual standpoint, lesson learned, move on and they will get theirs in the end.

I just have a hard time swallowing that. So I'm just a bitter person.

Either let it go or let the hate consume you.


I would'nt be in this thread if it wasnt for your misleading title but since im here.....

Get back on your feet. you aught to see about getting that money back they owe you.....

Have you talked to them since this thing happened?


stone fool
You seem to be blaming your partners, when the fault is your own. I say this because it is the most important lesson to learn, so you get value from this course. Nobody can fuck you if you do not hold still for it. Go back and rethink your decisions to see where you made the wrong choice, start at the beginning. The similar lesson from my own life cost me two grand in 1985. Try not to repeat the lesson.


weed fiend
Just the other day, a fool tried to tell me the rip is an inextricable part of the game. It's actually good to hear bullshit like that to keep things in perspective. Hope everything gets back on course soon.


Hopefully you have some family, some support until you get back on your feet? Please please please do not trust business partners - ESPECIALLY on shaky deals like that one. Be alert with business deals, and always protect yourself. These scumbags were probably working you from the get-go. Best of luck.

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