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do i have a right?


Active member
probably not, but i am pretty annoyed.

i spent a good month into walking this guy through setting up a grow operation..i taught him everything, even gave him some of my favorite clones to get started and now it's like this guy is too good to have a smoke session and a chat.

its just bullshit...like i gave him these cuts, walked him through the hydro store, even helped him build his entire room/hydro setup..now he acts like he doesn't even grow, and just gives me a sly smile and says "i can't be talking about the operation " when i ask how my clones are doing.

i realize it's not like these clones are my own personal breeding stock..hell, they are all readily available from many seed distributors..

it just bothers the shit out of me that i would go through so much trouble to help this guy get set up and then he would take that knowledge and act like a pompous dick about it.

is this bullshit? please..let me know lol



It may be what he HAS to do (mental mindset) to keep from running his mouth. If he is your buddy, why not smoke him out (I bet your herbs still taste/smoke better..) and ask him what's up? If he went 'big time' I understand. I bullshit with the dude who turned me on, and with another dude that I turned on, but never on 'solid' terms with regards to any thing commercial. My mindset is "I don't wanna know". Everybody has helped everybody this summer, but no one knows exactly how much and where (most) of each other's crops are. No tension, we are all on the same page. We do speak at length about general growing/breeding stuff, and we visit and critique each other's personal grows, but if I am ever asked, I really don't know, you know?


Registered Pothead
barletta said:
It may be what he HAS to do (mental mindset) to keep from running his mouth. If he is your buddy, why not smoke him out (I bet your herbs still taste/smoke better..) and ask him what's up? If he went 'big time' I understand. I bullshit with the dude who turned me on, and with another dude that I turned on, but never on 'solid' terms with regards to any thing commercial. My mindset is "I don't wanna know". Everybody has helped everybody this summer, but no one knows exactly how much and where (most) of each other's crops are. No tension, we are all on the same page. We do speak at length about general growing/breeding stuff, and we visit and critique each other's personal grows, but if I am ever asked, I really don't know, you know?
way better answer then mine.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
when he comes to you and asks how to return his plants to a healthy vigorous state just tell him to make a solution of 1/3rd water, 1/3rd vinegar, & 1/3rd hydrogen peroxide and water lightly 3 times a day.

that'll fix his smart ass attitude.......

now on the other hand, if YOU drilled into him that he should NEVER talk about his garden then he's just tossing it back at you in a funny way.
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ask asa...

wev started 15 to 2O ppl. gavem clones, knowledge, even gave them equipment. n/j...lights, nutes, soil, pots...hell i even vegged the clones so all they had to do was bud...

they all flaked out. ALL.....even my brother went stupid upon harvest. he just let me use his place and wanted it all??

ill not put myself out again....ppl sux.



second thought. excuse double post.

anyone that doesnt go out and try it own their own. dont really want to grow.

ill help ppl, but it will be AFTER theyv tried own their own 1st.



Active member
It is BS. And not a smart move on his part. I'd be concerned about keeping the one guy that DOES know, happy. I'm not suggesting you blackmail him or anything, because I think that's even worse by my own standard. I'm just saying that not everybody has my standards.

My standards also dictate that you appreciate and give thanks to those who help you, educate you, and better your life. If I was him, you'd be writing this thread about how awesome your buddy was for giving you half of his first crop. Without you, he would most likely have no homegrown to do anything with.

Except greedy motherfuckers never see things like that. Somehow, they always convince themselves that you're the bitch, and fuck you, I took the risks. Because at the end of the day isn't he aware that you could (if only theoretically) make sure that nobody gets any weed? He does, and he's thinking to himself, "He ain't gonna do shit, and if he tries to...."

What Barletta says may be true, but it sounds pretty flimsy. The odds are, he's smelling a lot of weed and money, and doesn't wanna share. Good/Bad news is that it's people like that who go down fast, hard, and early. I'll put ten cents down that says he'll give you a bag, when you pay what everyone else pays. If he's a real asshole, he'll tell you you're getting the best deal anyone's gotten/will get.

Don't let the experience change who you are. If you would never say shit about it, don't. If you were the kind of person who was happy to help someone out, keep helping people out. I can tell that you're not doing it for any personal gain, other than what you get out of the act itself, anyways. It is, however, frustrating as hell when you're treating others as you want to be treated, and no one else is- unless they all want to be treated like shit, cuz that's how they treat you....

Fuck em. Karma rules all. Yours is good. , but his? (not that it should even matter) Not so much...

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Active member
stoner, the plants shouldn't have to die just because a couple of humans are having a misunderstanding...which is what it sounds like to me.

it also sounds like these two weren't long-term or even close friends anyways...and it'll probably all get hashed out after the harvest.


Interesting Thread

Please dont misconstrue this as me being critical, I learned this through life expereince and am simply sharing what I have experienced.

This information applies to helping people grow

If you help someone and have zero expectations of getting anything in return, 99% of the time you will be amazed at how your efforts come back to you in like kind


if you help someone and have any sort of expectation you will be disappointed

One reason is the motivation behind growing.

Some people dont get the real scope of what marijuana is, to them its a recreational vehicle and some quick money, maybe some cred. with their peers.

It is ironic that it instills the spirit of giving to some and inspires greed in others

dont worry in the end karmas a bitch.
ureapwhatusow said:
Interesting Thread

Please dont misconstrue this as me being critical, I learned this through life expereince and am simply sharing what I have experienced.

This information applies to helping people grow

If you help someone and have zero expectations of getting anything in return, 99% of the time you will be amazed at how your efforts come back to you in like kind


if you help someone and have any sort of expectation you will be disappointed

One reason is the motivation behind growing.

Some people dont get the real scope of what marijuana is, to them its a recreational vehicle and some quick money, maybe some cred. with their peers.

It is ironic that it instills the spirit of giving to some and inspires greed in others

dont worry in the end karmas a bitch.

I agree with this. Most ppl I know don't understand marijuana. The non-smokers look on it as a bad drug, whereas alcohol is okay. The smokers look on it as just another thing on the menu, and they also drink, pop pills and everything else, basically the addictive personality. It's the rare individual that really appreciates marijuana as the unique medicine it is. My advice is to help those that share your values, that have proved themselves to be good people. And, if you want to help the others, the addicts and selfish types, then make sure you get your end in advance. That is, they pay you up front in cash or weed for each of your services. No "pay me later," because later might not come.

I remember a neighbor wanted me to give a ride that involved me driving about 100 miles. I had never even seen him before, and he's asking for a favor. So I said sure, but made him pay me $90 up front. He bitched about it too, said he would have paid me after the trip, but I didn't give a damn because I had the cash. One less thing to worry about if you're already paid. I am not General Motors and do not have a debt collection agency working for me.


Fuck your friend i would probably be giving you blow jobs if you set me up like that :laughing:. I hate the human race its full of inconsiderate assholes. Does he not appreciate what you did at all? Has he said thanks or anything? This honestly makes me mad cause im like you and feel the same way accept its more about smoking people up then an actual grow. I am sure one day you will find someone who appreciates the help you gave them.

PS: No Homo.
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The guy is being a jerk. He should be offering you part of his first grow and thanking you till the cows come home.



Freedom Fighter
Maybe the guy is just having probs...or maybe it is doing well, and he is just waiting for harvest-- But a new grower might well be having probs, and embarrassed to ask for more help....or be all jazzed with the crop, and wanting to surprise you with how well he done-- Or he may be a dick, and just used you for info--
Ya just never know with this kind of thing...until you know-- :wave:


Active member
I agree with ureapwhatusow. I've known people that help other people only to boost their ego and expect something in return, and when they don't get particularly what they expect, they become angry and start talking shit. I understand this is human nature but 'what goes around, must come around' doesn't quite work that way.

I've learned throughout my time only to help people when I actually want to help them, and not feel pressured into doing anything I don't want to do, or resist the temptation when I feel like I should get something in return, even if it's only friendship. If you think about it, what you are kind of doing is like bribing his friendship for your help, at least that's what you're expecting from him. Yes, that's bullshit what he's doing and I'm not trying to criticize you. Just be careful setting expectations in the future because you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


Old School Cottonmouth
nope you never have a right to anyone elses stuff.

If it was me you asked I'd have told you they died when I tried to clone them and I'm using the light to attract bait fish on my friends fishing dock.


Active member
^^ i meant do i have a right to feel annoyed that after all the help i've given a fairly good friend to start a grow he pretends it didn't happen. i DONT mean do i have a right to a portion of his first crop.
also, if you would lie to a friend about the clones he gifted you, your a dick.

i understand what everyone is saying, and i understand i don't have a right to half of his crop or anything.

the only thing i don't understand is why he is acting this way. i mean we have been friends for a long time.

i went out of MY way to help HIM set up his grow when he asked, and now that things are all setup, i get cut out of the loop? as if im a narc or something?

it's not just him that is taking a risk sharing growing information. i turned him onto the idea..if it weren't for me he wouldn't even be growing, and in order to help him out i had to compromise my own security to help a friend.

maybe i am just too helpful and can't recognize when i'm being used.

all i wanted was a person to shoot the cannabis growing shit with. you must all know this is a lonely hobby, besides coming onto IC.

its so shitty to try so hard to help someone in hopes that you can share a hobby with them, only to find out that they aren't interested in sharing anything with you.


Active member
...maybe you dont know him as well as you think, and maybe he's the narc.

and by calling it "the operation"...he is refering to "operation take down pseudostelariae"

just a thought :confused:


bro i've gone through kinda the same thing twice in the past year. it wont happen again. the first time i helped my friend and his wife, built the room, loaned and bought equipment, supplied 60 killer cuts and all i asked in return was to take lower cuts when lights flipped. they kept all the lower cuts for their outdoor, and after the lights switched(super healthy plants) he never asked me to come back over and whenever i asked him about it they were like, aw its lookin killer no need to see........untill 8 weeks later he come to my house panickin wantin me to go see whats wrong! it was 100 fockin degrees in his room and everything startin reveggin on him like 3 or 4 weeks out. it was a nightmare scenario. i pretty much seperated myself from them and in a new town, they still have a brand new galaxy 400 of mine but i've pretty much wrote that shit off. what should of been 4ps ended up being nothin....i think all because hes grown outdoor before and thought he'd show me up. pride can be a bitch sometimes heh.

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