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How to Garden By The Moon



It's embarassing... my pics look like shit.. and I'm a photographer.

I AM blaming it on the China made VistaQuest $20 digital camera. It refuses to focus on what I want to photograph. It's point and shoot. So I have no control.... help.

Anybody out there got a decent camera they don't want?? I want a Nikon Digital SLR so I can focus the damn thing myself...

Older models OK with me... anything would be an upgrade... Will pay you with pesky gold coins stolen from a leprechaun.. (You know how they go around "Whar's Me Gold"). [I'm getting tired of it... ] :biglaugh:


to bad i gave away my old canon g-7 to someone here on icmag...i would of had no propblem giving it to someone who gardens by the moon.

anyways dude has only posted 5 pics with it since last fall..
yeah,he propbaly sold it for crack or something..


to bad i gave away my old canon g-7 to someone here on icmag...i would of had no propblem giving it to someone who gardens by the moon.

anyways dude has only posted 5 pics with it since last fall..
yeah,he propbaly sold it for crack or something..

Shit! Just my luck! I had a Kodak I used a few times that took decent pics, but it won't turn on ??? Damn Chinese inferior trade goods.... %&**$#@&&%%!!!


All signs are go for Super Germ/Plant/Clone Date of June 14th, all day, all night, all over the world........

JUNE 14 TRICHY!!!! Lol... That's Gonna Be a 3rd Quarter / Pisces Fruitful TIME!

First time planting by the moon. Seedlings are going into the earth in their final location on Sunday the 14th.. Glad to know I have the upper hand!


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Lola, you always give me a day to plant that's within 3 or 4 days of when my schedule necessitates it anyway. I dunno how you manage that, but I love it!

So then, the 14th it is - now to decide on a strain... oh, the choices....




as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
LOOKING GOOD LOLA..nope he didn't want those orange bud..keep up the great work..


Moon Garden Gene Pool Swims Into the Deep End

Moon Garden Gene Pool Swims Into the Deep End

Hey Moon Gardeners!

The gene pool is getting good around the Moon Garden.

Just arrived:

annaC Seeds Freebie: Apophis, A ChemDog/Diesel strain !!!!!!

Karma Genetics: SSSDH x Jack Herer #22 !!!!!!!!

GrapeVine Seeds: A Sour Bubble Strain !!!!!!

Can you say strainaholic? :biglaugh:

Lucky me got picked for a couple test runs! I don't know how, but getting a freebie pack of seeds with 2 free test packs of seeds, was something I never expected.

Big Lightning Headed this way! Gotta unplug! Later Moon Gardeners!

:dance: Lola :dance:


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
you made up for the freebie i didnt get with my last order but hey i cant complain i got on the testers with some killer dna so who cares about the freebie not like ill have the room for it yet lol
So sunday is the day lola or ya cant wait


Yup, I got a lot of work to do in the Moon Garden too! I want to put down new plastic in bloom.

Harvested the tip of the swollen calyx pic above for a tester last nite... delicious, Christmas tree catpiss flavor. A friend swears he can smell the diesel... anyways, I think it's gotta go a little longer... heehee...

I've been reading up on the strains I acquired... It's gonna be a good garden with SourBubble, ChemDog, Karma genes and of course my faves I already have.

I'm planning on keeping a White Rhino Momma, Cali O Mom. I'm not too impressed with the WB/PP, gonna let that one go bye. No room for you!

Still blooming the Ice Cool. I harvested the top of The WB/PP and hung it up. The bottoms will go a little longer. Nice top cola about 2 1/2 feet long, looks sativa... tastes great, but is less filling on the THC...

I'm thinking of grafting several strains onto the Cali Orange Mom's root stock... This could be a good solution to multi Moms piling up in veg. Multiple strains on the same roots. That way I can clone at will from different Moms and take up less space.

I will begin my work on the 14th, grafting super Momma.... Mwahahahahahahahaha


East Coast Grower
Always stop by here to check the planting dates/moon phase and whatnot. Im pretty sure I planted my seeds during a fruitful 1st or 2nd stage and they are doing quite well. The 14th is a bit soon to put out the newest batch of seedlings so Im looking for the next update. I feel bad asking you for the schedule, although Im sure you do it quite often regardless. If theres somewhere I can check easily online or somethin I would but dont know how.

Will the moon be in Taurus when the 1/2 quarters roll around? thanks Lola! :wave:


No, not Taurus on 1st and 2nd quarters... Better!!!! (No search results hitting your specified criteria until September....... sorry...)

Rob you can get a Llewellyn's Moon Sign Book. That's what I use.. They put out a new one every year. It's a paperback. ISBN # 978-0-7387-0720-4 Last I heard they were like $4.... sale! Durn, I paid too much for mine! It has all the dates and times and what not... Of course, they quit publishing how to work with hemp a few years back.

I don't mind sharing my copy with ya'll though... think of the fortune we're saving! lol


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hi Lola i have a question, now do i have to put my seeds in moist paper towel on Sunday or Do i want to put them in Saturday so the should pop thier little tails Sunday aw no i'm all confused
AAHHHH dont you hate it when ya write a long message and ya try and post it for it to say you dont have permission refresh page blahblah


OK, Everybody hates me for saying this... but...

I am gonna just put my beans into some Peat Moss, worm poo. Then I add water! I put a drop of Super Thrive in there in a gallon.

Then I put them under a shop light right on top of them, under an open window,( so they can smell the honeysuckle vines.... heehee).

Usually all mine sprout in under 5 days with this method.

Using the paper towel method is bad for baby rooties! Too risky for me on drying out. But since lots of people like this method, here's my advice.

Answer: Took me a while... Using paper towel method, place beans into towel as if it were the dirt! They don't know the difference at that stage. Use the signs for starting beans.

So Sunday put your beans in the paper towel!

Cloning will be advisable on the 14th as well! Will root faster.

3rd quarter/Fruitful sign is my FAVORITE time to plant. The only time I'll clone!

WARNING: Using this combo will cause triple root growth!!!!!! Plants may need repotting a little sooner than you would think!

Veg=growing roots! They do all the work and get no glory! Yippie!

OUTDOOR UPDATE: Went for a little walk yesterday! The success of my stealth grow astounded me!! My plants were literally invisible to me... I still ain't found em.... :biglaugh:

Let's hope the other patches are not eaten as well... durn deer! Who wants venison??? Speak up now. I can shoot as many as needed... Homeless shelters welcome.. will supply venison to all who are hongry!


Interesting note on the Ice Cool... One smells like CatpissChristmas tree, I told ya'll about that one..

As the sister finishes, I notice she smells like turpentine!!!!!! Anybody seen this??? I don't know whether to smoke it or rub it on my sore muscles. :biglaugh:


Lola's Camera Has Met an Untimely Fate... VistaQuest No More

Lola's Camera Has Met an Untimely Fate... VistaQuest No More

I was out in the fields a couple days ago, looking for my superstealth, deer eaten OD grow when I heard the guard dog begin to bay back at the home base. Coming back to the property I saw I had company.

Not wanting to draw attention to my camera, which was sticking out of my pocket on a small tripod, I laid it down on the back of my car's trunk.

I promptly forgot about it and later went to bed, not giving it another thought.

3 days later, after torrential rainfall, I was in the yard, and noticed the camera lying there...

I opened the battery compartment and removed the card, lying them in the sun to dry out, and shook the water residue out of the camera. Leaving the compartment open, I turned it over to find the LED display was drowned out.

No more pics with the Chinese, crappy, VistaQuest Camera... :mad:


Never count your chickens before they hatch.

Never count your chickens before they hatch.

Hey there Moon Gardeners!! How ya been?

I was supposed to get my Karma genetics, Grapevine Seeds, and my beloved Apophis today, but tragedy struck and I have no beans.... Evidently they fell out of the envelope and my friend made a 2 state drive to bring me an empty envelope! Somebody in the parking lot at his house had a very good day indeed.

I am really disappointed and sad, but there's nothing to be done. We drove back down to his house and searched, but didn't find any signs.

However, when driving to his house we passed lots of Pawn shops... Now I just love looking in Pawn shops, and I would yell " Pawn SHOP!" and scare the hell out of poor Dutch... lol

Since my camera was left out in the rain, I was searching for a Nikon in all the pawn shops! No dice, no Nikon, but I did find a really inexpensive Sony Digital SLR. It's a Cyber Shot? No owner's manual, so I'm sorta trying to figure it out. Hope I got a good deal and it don't turn into a pumpkin buy! LOL That would be the cherry on top for sure...

However, the ride home was lots of fun, and I got to burn one on the back roads as I was not driving...

Poor Dutch, he feels really bad, but I tell him don't worry, it could happen to anybody. Being stoners has it's downfalls I guess.. :biglaugh:

Having dialup troubles lately too.... :D


Used Pawn Shop Sony Cyber Shot Makes it's Debut !!

Used Pawn Shop Sony Cyber Shot Makes it's Debut !!

Hi Pirate, making it all right, glad to see you in the Moon Garden!

I am blue! cause my beans lost! [sob]

However, I wanted to try and figure out this camera, went online got the manual... It's an oldie, but goldie 2006 model ??

Here's my first pic! I stuck a White Widow Nug on the computer and took a pic... Enjoy! Gonna get me some bud pics when the sun comes up!

Here's my second pic! Nirvana California Orange Bud Bud!