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How to Garden By The Moon



Thanks TB4U! I found my camera, but guess I broke it while losing it.. It was a piece of crap anyway, but at least I could show blurry images to ya'll.

My clones are knee high! WooHoo!

My Cali Orange Mom is really putting on the buds! She has wanted to bud for a while now, so she is going wild.

Sorry no pics...anybody got an extra digital camera for sale?


No Longer a Human Watering Can
hey there Lola

hadnt stopped by in a while !!!!!!!
you gotta get a new cam i want to see that cali o bush i love cali o


Hi Lola, so......... wednesday & thursday good times for a bit of sprouting? Need to get going soon. thanks.


weed fiend
Lola, I love your thread and you may have already posted what I'm curious about. I'd like to have a few clones rooted by the 3rd week of April, May 1st at the latest. Rooting will take 10 to 14 days. Is it in the stars and when should I cut?


Saturday April 11th is a day for cutting and cloning. Moon is in Scorpio and 3rd quarter. It won't get better all month long. That should get you right on schedule Disco.

I am going to clone some Widows, Ice Cool and SSH that day myself! Good Luck.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I took cuttings Sunday (which seems ok, as above) and put seeds to germ on the 28th... did I miss the good days for seeds?


Hi Ya'll! Today is a good day to transplant. Moon is still in Taurus.

Sunday- 29th Moon in Taurus, 1st quarter

Monday- 30th Moon enters Gemini, barren sign, at 9:36 AM EST

Tuesday- Gemini, 1st quarter

Wednesday- April 1st, Moon enters Cancer, Fruitful sign at 12:30 PM EST

Thursday- 2nd, Cancer, Water Sign, Fruitful Moon enters 2nd quarter 10:34AM EST

Friday- Moon enters Leo, Barren Sign, at 3:32 PM EST

Saturday- 4th Moon Barren LEO, Kill weeds, pests!

There you go Jamie, all next week. Plant on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, but be careful about the times given and make sure to adjust for your time zone!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
thanks :smile:
I found this one too -

Sat 28th - 6:09 AM EST, Moon enters Taurus, Semi-Fruitful

I think I missed it before...I was getting worried as I'd specificly waited til after the 26th and THEN forgot to come here and check for the right dates...doh!


Got some incredible root growth in our clones through the waxing crescent, and an old, dried up seed I found in some year old trimmings popped a nasty tap root over night! Thanks for the info Lola and everyone who contributed.


Clone on April 11th, All day, all night, anytime.

Clone on April 11th, All day, all night, anytime.

took some clones around 2 hours ago...here's hoping :smile:
Good Luck Jamie! I'm waiting to clone until Saturday April 11th. Moon is in the 3rd quarter. When the Moon is in 3rd quarter and Fruitful sign, clone! It is a day made for it.

this is when all the outdoor clones need to be started for best results.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
then thats when I shall take the next ones ... I really "need" to keep this one particular strain going as I can't replace it easily.

thanks again
j :smile:


Got some incredible root growth in our clones through the waxing crescent, and an old, dried up seed I found in some year old trimmings popped a nasty tap root over night! Thanks for the info Lola and everyone who contributed.

Good job Energy! or should I say MC squared...lol. You gotta make that Moon work for you! No need to try and work against the Moon when planting or any other crop related thing! The Moon is too big, we will never win..haha

To All The Moon Cultists! :abduct:
Went treasure hunting this morning, and all I found were cops trying to mess with me...haha

My plants are loving the Lunar-tarium (my bloom room). My Cali O is budding like mad. I know it's only been a few days on 12/12, but she is SO ready to bud.

I now have Ice Cool, White Widow, Cali O, White Rhino, and WhiteBerry x Power Plant blooming, sort of a smorgasborg of buds. I don't want to burn out on just one strain. Hopefully, they will not all finish at the same time.

I am putting what I consider tiny baby plants into bloom, but I guess they are about 15-18 inches tall and some are 24 inches. (I do tend to over-veg to say the least...lol)

This is just for my personal stash only. I need my medication! I can't wait till harvest. This is my first round of good genetics, and Boy, Oh Boy, have I got some good genetics at last!

:dance:Well, thanks for coming by to visit Ya'll! :dance:


Beat Camera With a stick, now with Pics!

Beat Camera With a stick, now with Pics!

OK gang, Couldn't get into the LunarTarium Bloom Room, so here's a few pics of stuff in veg!

Oh, wanted to show Hippie Lettuce my Ghetto Walls! Here ya go! They are styrofoam, covered with mylar gift wrap.

Pretty Ghetto huh Ya'll! It works great though. This is the side showing in the veg chamber. Gotta go through the black door into the Bloom side.

Let's see, wanted to show ya'll my $20 reflector up close! Not bad for $20!

Here's a pic of one of my vegging GreenHouse Seeds Super Silver Haze. She sure has big leaves! She is a fem seed.

Also just a shot of my clone, Cora The Cali Orange Bud. She was cut on Valentine's Day, if I remember right. She is about 24 inches tall and 18 inches wide. Lots of her sisters are budding out in the LunarTarium.

Now that I got that ole camera working, will take some baby bud porn shots tomorrow when the lights go on. See Ya'll later!


No kidding Che! Be sure and send me secret location of harvest. Yum.


Hi Ya'll!

Got some photo updates for ya'll!

Here's My Cali O Mom. She's been through freezing temps, but she loves me and gave me lots of children and is starting to Bud! Sorry about the blurry pic, can you see the buds?

Here's My White Rhino Mom. She was LSTd also, and gave me a few extra tops! Here's the tops!

Here's my little Sea of Green! My clones like it in the bloom room!

My White Widows are about 2 feet tall. They showed sex under 24-0, so I decided to flip them too! Here's a couple of the gals. Don't they look fat and sassy?

That's it for show and tell today folks! Hope you enjoy! What do ya'll think of my babies?


Garden Nymph
Hey Lola!

Wow that wall is impressive! Good building skills you got there!
The plants are doing well. They are on their second node. They stretched a bit when they were seedlings, but I love them anyway.

Your plants look gorgeous, too!


Thanks Hippie & Che, and Desi! I spend more time thinking about building than actually building..lol

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