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How to find a theif ?


Active member
Wow, Red, this sux so bad!

I can only imagine the revenge fantasies flooding your brain. All I can say is Thoroughly Think Thru any options before going forward. The only thing worse than losing all you've lost, is to draw LEO's attention to YOU by being indiscreet.

I agree with those who are saying you can't just let him walk, or eventually he'll rob you again.

Sending you positive energy.... C.


Active member
I've read your previous thread and I think your suspicions are correct. It can't be pure luck that this guy had the laptop and camera.
So you have given the police the evidence you have...they will do their thing.

I think it's times like these that will truly test you as a man. The temptation to hunt him down and beat him like the thieving bitch he is will be huge...But you must resist my friend.
His lifes already fucked.

You may just be hunting him down to have a chat or to refer him to the authorities but he doesn't know this.. He will try to defend himself and it could easily transpire into a situation you really don't want to find yourself in.

My father killed a man over 2kg of heroin.... He initially went over to his house to ask him why he took it. The guy freaked and attacked him as soon as he got there. My father claimed it was self defense and evidence showed this.

Although he never had to face punishment by the law he has had to drink/drug himself to sleep every night for the 30 years since. In the end he ended up doing more harm to himself and has lost everything because he put himself in a situation which only had negative outcomes.

Let it be bro.... For yourself and for all that he couldn't steal from you.
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Active member
I think it's times like these that will truly test you as a man. The temptation to hunt him down and beat him like the thieving bitch he is will be huge...But you must resist my friend.
His lifes already fucked.

Let it be bro.... For yourself and for all that he couldn't steal from you.
Things to know^
despearate people uze desperate measures to get out of things' be carefull with whatever you do' life and being free are a wonderfull thing

Classic Seeds

hi red glad you found the sourse of the theft to bad it was someone you had helped in the past ,maybe you will get lucky and catch up with him and get some of your stuff back .if not lead poisoning is a natural death for a burglar ha ha

sounds like this person has a big problem if you can find him with your stuff and you can interest a donut dunker in going with you to recover it before its all sold my guess would be your jewlery is at some gold buyer store in his area and they usually keep good records because of all the gold theft because of it high value these days hope it works out good for you how ever you go about getting your justice aloha bro classic seeds p.s. the same people he asked where you were can maybe give you a address for him or a area where he lives and the kind of car he has or who he is seeing its probably something you have allready tried ,but its just a thought aloha agian my friend and remember revenge is a dish best served cold think about what you do and keep clear of trouble for your self if you can avoid it a mask works wonders when your passing out a ass whipping
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Active member
hi red glad you found the sourse of the theft to bad it was someone you had helped in the past ,maybe you will get lucky and catch up with them and get some of your stuff back .if not lead poisoning is a natural death for a burglar ha ha

sounds like this person has a big problem if you can find them with your stuff and you can interest a donut dunker in going with you to recover it before its all sold my guess would be your jewlery is at some gold buyer store in his area and they usually keep good records because of all the gold theft because of it high value these days hope it works out good for you how ever you go about getting your justice aloha bro classic seedsd

I believe it's called a Citizens Assist.. They do it all the time for domestic violence situations. Getting belongings back etc..

You could go down this route... Please just don't take the law into your own hands. We live in a society where this is not necessary anymore.


Active member
You will never get your money back. Revenge is sweet, no doubt. But, is 15k and a laptop worth possible life in prison, jail time, a possible war? As for your friend, there is no doubt that if he does this to so called "friends", imagine what he does to people he doesn't like. Karma will come for him. One day, he will fuck with the wrong person, and that will be that. You don't really need to do a thing.

Consider the 15k a life lesson, and learn from your mistakes. These kind of people always wind up dead or in jail. Enjoy your life, and don't let negative thoughts get the best of you.


Freedom Fighter
My father killed a man over 2kg of heroin.... He initially went over to his house to ask him why he took it. The guy freaked and attacked him as soon as he got there. My father claimed it was self defense and evidence showed this.

Although he never had to face punishment by the law he has had to drink/drug himself to sleep every night for the 30 years since. In the end he ended up doing more harm to himself and has lost everything because he put himself in a situation which only had negative outcomes.

Let it be bro.... For yourself and for all that he couldn't steal from you.

Bro...2 Kg of heroin is a lot of $$-- while you try and identify with your dad...keep in mind that if he hadn't had killed for that...that he might have been killed for that...due to his decision to not stop it--
Sometimes decisions are difficult to make...because of the implications for other ppl--
Gotta cover your own--:)


Active member
get some big friends and "take" your shit back... when the cops come to settle it he can explain what he's doing with all your possessions


Keep an eye out Red, if your gear is up for sale again, set up a meeting, go, don't show up, follow him home.
I hope you can get another meeting set up so you can follow him home discreetly.
Be careful, he is.
You need to use a unknown vehicle, no cops yet.
Then once you have his home located, you go do your duty.
good luck, I have a feeling this will turn out good for you.


Active member
the lawz of nature see it all' we are just a law in/of nature which doez not trump natural law however nature is the highest law therefore imposing its law 100% of the time' we are judged by this law through all that we do' nature haz its own way of handling situations' we are not kharma therefore its not our duty to "get someone back" or tha cycle will not stop for you' things come back to us in different wayz' liarz believe there liez so if you get your stuff back he will feel like you stole from him which in turn could cauze him to think he has to get you back' the reazons for letting it go outweigh all else' life iz priceless' just my two


Mule what if he calls??? "A hunted man never rests" If you speak to him, use we or us don't say I. We saw you at that starbucks trying to sell my stuff, missed you by a second how do you like the pic?... The next time we wont miss you... Then tell him we are making up some wanted child molester posters just like the cops make next...


"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." Confucius

I'm done getting ripped off, I'm a pretty peaceful guy that is willing to do what it takes to get along with others, until you rip me off.

The cops blew smoke up my ass. And the longer the case goes the more faint in there minds it becomes...

So Ive learned to take matters into my own hands, knowing full well I might end up in prison or dead.

I sent a very clear message to the junkie, thieves around here steal from me and I will hunt you down and hurt you. To find scum you must become one of them...

And in the process lose a little piece of your soul, we all pay in the end.

I would rather die on my feet, then live a lifetime on my knees.

Peace and puffs


eye dunno but imo confucius was saying dig one for tha self and one for tha person you were getting back' like eye said eye dunno though

Yes I believe he was saying the same thing, your death and your foe's death, he also might have meant graves for your souls for selling one's self...


ICMag Donor
Hey Red, some phone companies offer a service called "Cross Check", where if you've got a phone number, they will give you an address. I used it once to find where my ex-wife went with my daughter.

As much as you may be tempted to take revenge, don't do it. Since you've already gone to the police, you would be Person of Interest #1. The thing I've found with revenge is that if I take it, I pay a karmic price eventually. If I resist the urge to take it, most times really bad shit happens to that person. Beef up your security now, move when you can afford it.


Active member
wow red good to hear you found out who it was...but damn bad decisions man! 15k loan that never got paid back wtf!! i woulda popped his grape over that shit. try USsearch.com...whenever i gotta find a rat bastard i use that site and its worked everytime for me. good luck man...honestly i hate the cops, but you seem like the kind of person who is gnna need outside help. get that bastard!!!