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How to fight the spread of poor advice?

To the folks who say low/high stress training is detrimental, anything can be detrimental if its excessive or not performed properly. Who cares if your plants are tall, yield is what matters at the end of the day. This plant can be manipulated to suit the growers needs. Even if your not a micro-grower, the LST/HST techniques are ubiquitous.
i always ask for answers from people with first hand experience, people just luv to say dumb stuff whenever they get the chance to be listened too.


Overkill is under-rated.
Every post should start with: In my opinion, or In my experience . . .


I do this a lot to hedge my bets against the 1% that my advice doesn't apply to.

But on everything else I'm always fucking right. Well, almost always, lol

I agree that getting more advice and consenting opinions makes me more confident in a solution, but I also consider carefully where my advice comes from.

For example, I don't take fan sizing advice from cabinet growers, or lighting advice from guys who only do outdoor. Stick to your trusted pool of growers that are in the same boat as you and the results will be much better.


Interesting thread. First off, this being the internet, everyone should expect this to be a ultra-samsaric realm featuring the best and worst of human behavior. I figure that it is everyone's responsibility to make sure the information they are employing makes sense for them. While it is easy to blame the info-seeker -and in many cases, doubtless, the blame is deserved - I think the person getting the information is as -if not more responsible- for doing their own due diligence - researching, going through threads, forums, etc. etc.

FInally, I'd be interested in knowing, specifically, what kind of bad advice motivated the author or the thread. I know I learn through debate and back and forth. Perhaps there should be some kind of "urban myth" forum that debunks hogwash, humbug, snake-oil and just plain hooie. Kinda like snopes.com...


ok...my suggestion having read ONLY the first 2 posts...I'll update after I've read the whole thread...

A Pontiac-like stamp of disapproval...a frown...only available to users with certain post limits or other approval....it could even be access to a limited smiley...a 'frownie'...or a brown leaf!

Wh@about a brownleaf smiley...:biggrin:



Active member
ok...my suggestion having read ONLY the first 2 posts...I'll update after I've read the whole thread...

A Pontiac-like stamp of disapproval...a frown...only available to users with certain post limits or other approval....it could even be access to a limited smiley...a 'frownie'...or a brown leaf!

Wh@about a brownleaf smiley...:biggrin:


Yeah, this is kinda what I had in mind. Just some way to rate a post based on the advice, that people can check to see if it's legit or not. I don't know the details of how it would work, but it seems like it could help.


I think hands on is the best way to learn but for the question I think that even going through and having a bad experience on a grow or taking some bad advice is in the end better for you because you will take all that experience and learn from it then if you where to just do something that you don't understand and it work and you learn nothing from it other then that it worked that one time just imagine what you would do if the next time you tried and it didn't work to fix your problem you would be back at square one and atleast when something doesn't work you know not to do it again and not to take advice from that person again so no matter how you look at it any advice is good advice as long as you learn from it




the same methodology that was used 20 years ago to "seperate wheat vs chaff" applies to the internet

A) gather information

B) conceptualize information, compare vs experience for accuracy

C) if information seems to have some validity DO A FUCKING TEST

YES, try it on a test plant or in a diminutive manner and judge the response before you adapt it to your whole grow

The real problem is the new generation wants information in a hot second AND they want to apply it with testing it

cant have your cake and eat it too


New member
Key: (guess its a dumbass dealer thing, try telling them the correct term and they just don't listen)
- Reggie: Mids; for some reason Schwag is included in this.
- Dro: Beasters

Think thats bad (Op)? I have to deal with this one MF that is an arrogant little fuck that has read 'Buds for Less' (and only this; plus has no other gardening knowledge/experience) and thinks he's the shit and knows it all. At first I explained to him the correct term/knowledge but after figuring out he's arrogant and keeps giving his own wrong info out, I have decided to avoid going to his house (sadly a friend of mine for 7years is his roommate... fucking sucks but fuck, dude makes my blood boil)

One main lie that everyone in my area believes is that if you take a reggie (not schwag but lightly seeded and handled horribly, been a while since I've seen schwag) seed and try to grow it all the grower will get is reggie (for some reason schwag is added into the classification; fucking dumbass dealers). Funny one that shouldn't have made me as mad as it did yesterday (but it was a long day and had just smoke with homies) was (fuck it here's a few) that you can't grow a male hydroponicly(sp), a grower can't grow both soil and hydro in the same house, a grower can't grow reggie (reggie seeds that is, which utterly makes me cringe... ITS A FUCKING PLANT GOD DAMMIT!) in the same house/area as dro (again... ITS A FUCKING PLANT)

On to another point, these fucks think hydro is a type of cannabis (enough said).

Didn't read the whole thread but found it by chance (was going to start athread about this topic).

Guess this turned into me venting (rambled so if it doesn't make sense, owell)


Gene Mangler
I stopped trying to give advice, it just ain't worth the frustration :booked:
What a perfect smiley, growbook to the cranium! lmao

Launching my own commercial grow systems now instead.
Soon my advice will be... Buy this, add water lol

Like someone else mentioned. Checking album quality is the best way I've found to separate the wheat from the chaff online.

An online proficiency test with a green Leaf by your name for passing would be a start? Maybe advance to silver & gold leaf for advanced growers?
It would require a ton of dev work/man hours to implement, but would be sweet! ;)

For now... "No pics, kick rocks" works pretty good :yes:


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Sometimes reputation can be the difference between who one chooses to listen to or not. This is part of the problem, Hell anyone can sign up today, spend 3 months posting 100's of post daily, emptying their rep out as much as possible (Rep Whoring) I call it. Inside 5 monhs they will have a huge reputation bar under their handles and only had time to grow 1 maybe 2 crops, and then people start automatically assuming they are some exellent grower. When they may or may not be, So the rep bar can also incourage people to take advice from someone who spends countless hrs giving out rep and making random ass post to get their post count up, and very very small ammount of time actually growing. So just because one has a huge reputation bar under their name it does not automatically qualify them as a skilled grower who's opinion should be trusted.

GL on your agenda been this way for years probly going to carry on just like it has....


Overkill is under-rated.
I think we need a thumbs up/thumbs down rating on posts, or like Amazon's "32 of 48 people found this post useful" type thing. That was good info is solidified, bad info is shunned.


Weedomus Maximus
Interesting thread. First off, this being the internet, everyone should expect this to be a ultra-samsaric realm featuring the best and worst of human behavior. I figure that it is everyone's responsibility to make sure the information they are employing makes sense for them. While it is easy to blame the info-seeker -and in many cases, doubtless, the blame is deserved - I think the person getting the information is as -if not more responsible- for doing their own due diligence - researching, going through threads, forums, etc. etc.

I agree completely. It's up to the individual to research the information and gauge its application in his situation. If I'm honest, I can't feel sorry for folks who leave a forum misinformed. I attribute it to laziness, a lack of foresight, and a tendency to look for quick answers to complex questions.

Let me take this one step further and say that our pursuit attracts some of the dumbest individuals to walk the Earth. Is it any wonder they simply regurgitate a convoluted version of what they believe will make them a part of the gang? Similarly, is it surprising that some can't find their way with a bazillion grow pages at their disposal? The questions are rhetorical, but I think that you guys see where I'm going.



Active member
my pet peeve latley is trying to ask serious advice/opinions, and then 30 comedians show up posting one liners,they tend to be newer members.so im thinking mabey some other shitty forum closed or somthing,i mean im no saint but i keep that shit in the DEN.


Living with the soil
Don't listen,don't read it,don't follow it....Make your own decision based on your own research or experience. Don't give advice,give an opinion instead.....That's my advice/opinion..Peace

Green Smoke

Just got done doing my regular browse of the boards and something occured to me. If you are looking for advise, DON'T start a thread to ask your question! That invites every self proclaimed pro grower to offer up his/her nonsense. Instead, find a thread where somebody is growing like you want to(or are already) and ask them. Then find another thread like it, and yet another, and ask them.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I think we need a thumbs up/thumbs down rating on posts

Who thumbs the thumbmen? Too great a danger of folks knocking the poster rather than the post. Now we need to grade the grading and who grades that?

- Reggie: Mids; for some reason Schwag is included in this.
- Dro: Beasters

I feel like I've fallen in with a gang of Scientologists. Reggie, mids,schwag, dro, beasters? WTF? Get me a comm class. (Not really but, kids and their slang, gotta love it.)


Active member
I think we need a thumbs up/thumbs down rating on posts, or like Amazon's "32 of 48 people found this post useful" type thing. That was good info is solidified, bad info is shunned.

i like this...

i will forward it to Skip and we'll see if something like this is workable here.

good suggestions!:smokeit:

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Someone do something. Just saw a kid say Blumats won't work in coco....but he's never grown in coco before. Uh, we have Blumats in coco and they've been working just fine for us. That's a product advise fail....blumats are very cool and some people could really benefit from them. I'd liket to see more people use them and talk about them here. Point was that bad info can screw people up...

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