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How to ask a girl you are interested in how she feels about chiefin?


Active member
Have sex with her and afterwards instead of lighting a cigarette light a joint and hand it to her. I guarantee you if you were halfway decent in bed she'll take a hit regardless of her views on weed. On the off chance she flips out on you, well at least it wasnt a total loss.

Yeah this, make sure to lose your mess :woohoo: before even mentioning it :joint: just in case she don't like it :noway:


who wants a chick who doesn't smoke, in my opinion, its the only way to go.

personally i think nothing is sexier than watching a girl clear a bong

h^2 O

you're WAY ahead of yourself man. You just want some lovin' - isn't there "special" massage place near you in the interim?


Step #1 check your pants, you feel those? might be your balls.

Step #2 Ask her.

If you can't be direct and open with someone your going to date then the relationship is already f'ing dead.


You won't have to ask her after she gets a whiff of your weed scented aura following you around. If she smokes weed, she'll ask you first.


Bush Doctor
Step #1 check your pants, you feel those? might be your balls.

Step #2 Ask her.

If you can't be direct and open with someone your going to date then the relationship is already f'ing dead.

Yeah I agree with this one.

First, roll up a fat one. Then, ask her if she wants to smoke with you. If not, kick her out and now you can have some all to yourself. Finally, go find another chick who does want to share a doob (and her boobs) with you.


Have sex with her and afterwards instead of lighting a cigarette light a joint and hand it to her. I guarantee you if you were halfway decent in bed she'll take a hit regardless of her views on weed. On the off chance she flips out on you, well at least it wasnt a total loss.

Bingo, i love it and i will do it this way


Invertebrata Inebriata
You sure she doesn't already know? Its fairly easy to figure out who smokes and who doesn't a large percentage of the time

It's easy for one smoker to spot another, but maybe not so easy for a non-smoker to tell who blazes- and we like it that way, right? ;)

I say take her out to dinner, and on the way there, ask her if she'd care for an appetizer...


Honest question not meant to attack: don't you think the fact that you are this antsy over whether or a girl enjoys inhaling the fumes of a plant indicates that you yourself have a problem?


Active member
Just ask her if she wants to come over, hang out, and maybe burn a few. Best case you have a girl that doesn't smoke, but doesnt care if you do<more weed for you>. But seriously, I have decided to only date ladies that smoke too, because nearly every female that doesn't smoke will care eventually about it and make a big stink about it.


do you blaze? asked while your lighting a cone, no matter the answer, do your thing


Don't think in my perspective think about it in yours because this is like some Thurgood Jenkins shit. I'm in love with MARY J.:joint:[/quote]

Just dont go on a date broke as hell and then steal from a blind homeless guy


Active member
who wants a chick who doesn't smoke, in my opinion, its the only way to go.

personally i think nothing is sexier than watching a girl clear a bong

reallly? even fingering herself? stripping??

it is pretty cool though, last night this girl came over with some reaal good Sour and rolled her own joint which i thought was pretty coool, now if i can only get her to like GUYS...

back to OP, what happened???

honestly i dont think smoking is a big deal, i wouldnt bring it up at first and i definately wouldnt be all stoned on our first date, even if she smoked weed i would not base the whole relationship off of it. theres many other things, i honestly didnt really like my ex when she smoked she would always ask so many dumb questions.