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How to approach an older woman!

green lung ''My own research says your full of shit!

I've banged out my fare share of cougars. They are easy pickens out at the bar.

Your research wasn't worth a crap...................Go to bar for once in your life

yeah thats were the pigs who missed there youth go to get there skank on, there the same ones on craigslist n facebook n plentyoffish perveing daily craving to meet up with randoms doing whatever they can to feel adored, only young dudes are so honry as fuck n inexperienced to actually think they got a score, u just got a old mindless idiot with crows feet whos more lost then the young girls who looked at both of u at the club n though ''what loosers'' and dirty ones at that.
I am obsessed with older women.

Girls my age or younger are easy to date. Its not rocket science. No issues in that department. Show some interest then take it back, show some more, take em out, take em home. Rinse repeat.

How does a young guy approach an older woman? Should I be straight up? A part of me thinks that older woman have been through all pick up lines and hoops already.

Ladies, tell me whats up.

I'm not a lady, but I can relate to your story. So if I'm not too forward, I will share with you very briefly, what my experience has been...

90% of all the women I ever dated were older than me. Even when I was in my early twenties, I was always attracted to women who had a mature, feminine & elegant attitude. As a result, most of them were at least older than me by 2 years; some of which, more than several years.

That was just my thing I guess. I was always a laid-back type of individual. I just could never see myself going after younger "girls" that were much more energetic, party crazy, and all that other shit. I tried a couple times, and they were an epic fail!

And with that, comes questions you have to ask your self. Do you feel compatible with an older person? Do you share interests similar to her? Can you relate to things? So with that said; I think most of us in general, tend to drift towards things & people, that we feel are in our comfort zone.

Green lung

Active member
green lung ''My own research says your full of shit!

I've banged out my fare share of cougars. They are easy pickens out at the bar.

Your research wasn't worth a crap...................Go to bar for once in your life

yeah thats were the pigs who missed there youth go to get there skank on, there the same ones on craigslist n facebook n plentyoffish perveing daily craving to meet up with randoms doing whatever they can to feel adored, only young dudes are so honry as fuck n inexperienced to actually think they got a score, u just got a old mindless idiot with crows feet whos more lost then the young girls who looked at both of u at the club n though ''what loosers'' and dirty ones at that.

O' yeah brotha......they can do some dirt'e things.:dance013:


New member
Funny, the man asks for women to respond and the few that do get shot down.

Dont listen to the clowns and be yourself. And dont forget that you have balls. There, a woman wouldve said it more elegantly, but this is in our language.
Mr. Mountain is 8 years younger than I am, and we've been married for just about 5 years. It was his idea to get together and he just hung around and waited until I got a clue. Well, I started to get a clue, but as the older woman, I was suspicious of such a young man (the age of my baby sister, ya know?). Anyhow, I was observing him and seeing what he was all about for a few months, and then we just decided we'd get married and got together, got married a few months later.

Whenever people realize how much young he is, they look at me with different eyes. :) It is sort of salacious to have such a younger man as my husband, but boy is it a lot of fun. My father, the ever practical one, said we were perfectly matched since women outlive men by 8 years on the average . . . . . .


My suggestion, being that I am the older woman with the younger man is be cultured and educated, know about the world and be able to talk about it with people and give opinions and disagree without being an asshole. Don't drop stupid lines or try to play lame games. Do spend time seeing if you have mutual interests, outlooks on life, ideas about how life ought to be lived. Do spend lots of time in the car where you can really see if you can keep each other company without wanting to jump out the window. Be yourself and if you're what she wants, it will work out. If you're not what she wants, why would you want to get with her, b/c it's just going to be yet another short-term worthless relationship to add to everyone's baggage.


I'd rather shove my erection around in to my own anus and jump on a trampoline landing on my ass over and over and over again till it bleed uncontrollably and I died of blood loss.

That's the sugar coated version, now tell us how you really feel


I am two years my husbands senior by age only. He has me beat time and time again in life experience, maturity and gray hair. We are very much compatible in every way. I am not sure if that's due to our age difference or our coolness.

Oops! I did it again....


I am obsessed with older women.

Girls my age or younger are easy to date. Its not rocket science. No issues in that department. Show some interest then take it back, show some more, take em out, take em home. Rinse repeat.

How does a young guy approach an older woman? Should I be straight up? A part of me thinks that older woman have been through all pick up lines and hoops already.

Ladies, tell me whats up.

Approach them with your wiener hanging out. Sure, 99 out of 100 will slap you.... but when you find that 1........


At my age with a spoonful of jello. We like women who are in their 30's because that is their sexual prime.....
I've met my share of psycho 30+ year olds. They think they know it all and they are real bitchy and insecure about their age while pretending to not be. I'm too dominant and I don't deal with that..
Older women are just like younger women in almost every way.

Women want to be approached, hit on, and complimented.

Cheesy pickup lines that don't work well on younger women will not work on older women.

Regardless of much it appears or you may think they have heard it all before, women still like hearing it, period.

Society makes men think that pickups have to be perfect. What needs to be perfect is your sincerity, not your pickup line.

Women with age are more likely to be able to see through bullshit, but that does not mean they will push someone away just because his lines are not perfect. It can be a compliment to them and you would never know if you don't try.

Tell her something like,
"I'm not 17, but I might be as close as you'll get for the night" - lol

Be lighthearted, humorous, flexible and show her your sexual interest. Older women appreciate a man who can put himself out there much more than a boy who is scared to. Older woman do not want to spend as much time getting to know you before sex, like younger girls who think they might marry you one day so they don't want to blow it. The older woman will likely blow it for you, instead. lol

I speak from experience, too. At 15, I was seeing a 30 year old woman who was my best friends older sister. From her I met a rich woman who took me in, for a short time, who was 27 at the time.

You could say, the older women taught me everything I know.
I speak from experience, too. At 15, I was seeing a 30 year old woman

You could say, the older women taught me everything I know.
I was with a mature woman when I was 18; it was the BEST BJ I've ever had and think back to it all the time...

Women are just hitting their prime at 40 ! That's when the sex gets really fun :)


Active member
You should approach cautiously. The best way is to have both hands firmly and securely covering both balls and say, "I'm a stud. Wanna fuck?" :)


Active member
if you want love, then you just gotta be yourself, and prepared to wait maybe bit (1 out of 10 billion girls, after all)

but if you just want to settle for a comfortable pussy that looks good.

you just either needs lots of cash or be an "good provider"

be prepared to lose either chick if you aint got the "goods" though.

the "goodprovider" girl, might hang around for a few years longer (they usually are fooling themselves they are there for love, not a "provider" and you would need to be a good provider for a few years for them to stick around for a few years after you lost the job or whatever..)

when your heart starts jumping like crazy and you just cant be without that person.

thats love.

and it goes both ways, if the other person aint same,it aint love.

anything else is the other two (crotch jumping like crazy or eyes at beauty)

or you just plain like her (not love,just a friend)


Active member
For me to be attracted to an older woman, she would have to be extremely wealthy, and have a hot daughter who likes to smoke herb.

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