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I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
ok after numerous attempts, my wife and I found out a way to do it.....

you have to make your 6 by starting at the middle loop (in a clockwise direction)... its hard to explain, but instead of making your 6 by starting at the top and looping counterclockwise, you have to start and go clockwise...

wow we r some stoners...


Active member
i passed... been doing dumb shit like this since i was a kid.

try patting ur head repeatedly with 1 hand and rubbing your stomach with the other hand in circles.

try rotating your hands around each oother IN OPPOSITE directions
lol me too, i tried rotating my hands around each other in the opposite directions, they keep hitting each other! no im just kidding i can do that one too
ok after numerous attempts, my wife and I found out a way to do it.....

you have to make your 6 by starting at the middle loop (in a clockwise direction)... its hard to explain, but instead of making your 6 by starting at the top and looping counterclockwise, you have to start and go clockwise...

wow we r some stoners...
or you could cheat....


I can do it (although I guess I can't prove it). It's like spinning your hands in opposite directions in front of your body (put your two index fingers pointing towards each other horizontal to the floor then move one in a circle away from your body and the other towards it.) I see people every once in awhile post that it's also impossible to do that and that it's due to your brain being programmed so that you can't but I was able to figure that out as well as this one here in less than five minutes. You just need to really focus on each individual task and in no time it'll be second nature. It's like playing guitar while singing something that doesn't follow the exact melody of the song. Alot of people can't do it but with a little patience, practice, and concentration all of these things should be easily achieved.

Yeah that does me nuggins in also.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
that thar is a goot wun!!!! i cant do it im pissed... lol.. peace.



I have a better one than that.Swing your penis from side to side by swinging your hips.Now lift your left foot and tell me what happens.