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how safe,really,is this site......


ok,i gotta talk 'bout this......do you guys/galz think it wise to talk openly about the weed we grow? i mean,honestly, i' just got ripped off for ALL my grow and stuff...everything. it was random im 100% sure. but this has made me think.....if this jerkoff got busted for someother shit and says to the cops....HEY GUESS WHAT I KNOW.....now i think they gotta have more proof to come get me ,i dont know, but ...how likely is it that this site is patroled by johnny,put into some kinda thing that tells them where we all are or some other space age kinda shit like that and find out who we are? can a cop from my home town find me on this thing? guess im paranoid, but i gotta ask.


Undoubtedly some leo has browsed. A few might have even created accounts. But to think they are actively playing a part here as part of an investigation, to me, is far-fetched. The reality is that pot growers in sum are incredibly easy to bust. The outdoors crops can be seen easily from above, and many indoor growers are sloppy/retarded and go in and out of the hydro shops using their own cars.

If there is some rogue law enforcement agency actively seeking out growers(remember, feds aren't anymore, in general), then they are staking out hydro shops. That's easy pickings. To go through all the work of registering, creating a persona, posting fake grow pics etc. to become part of this community, all for what? A one in a million that somebody screws up and implies their IP address from a picture upload, or agrees to sell crops via PM or something?

Highly unlikely. I wouldn't worry about it. If and when I decide to post pics I'll probably start visiting this site using TOR, though. Just to be safe. In other words, there are a million things to be legitimately paranoid about as a grower. Icmag is very, very low on that list.:2cents:


ICMag Donor
Always aim to protect your own and other peoples security online (no names and faces).

This site is here to help normalise cannabis cultivation amid free thinking people... many of whom dont actually care what the "authorities" think because Cannabis is a plant.

Be mindful

Blue Dot

In california dispensaries openly advertise that they are selling a controlled substance.

If you were a cop would you spend time on here looking for someone growing a minor number of plant or wouldn't you just go investigate one of the many dispensaries?

Why go fishing when there is a barrel of fish right under your nose?


Please don't confuse folks like me that are Medical in a Medical State for a person taking chances..

I just wouldn't dare if I had a lot to lose..

There are ways to make your access less of a risk but I'm not qualified to explain how these things work.. What Proxy Servers and such?

On the other hand I hope we all stand up for cannabis freedom because fear of standing up is the biggest tool the minority of anti-cannabis people have left. Most every other argument against has been discredited. I would love to see the Fear tool fail.


In the event that you were to be raided due to some other circumstance, I believe it could be detrimental to have pictures or grow logs on your computer. Let's say you have pictures and grow logs from 2000 through 2009, and the photos can be identified as you or your grow spot. This could lead to CCE and/or mandatory minimum (100 plants conspiracy) charges. I am not sure if it would hold up in court, but I am going to cover my ass anyways and not report plant numbers, weights or exact time periods that exceed any of these. I would be lying if I did report such numbers:joint: as I have a big imagination.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
From a leo standpoint, just my guess, its about resource allocation and the effectiveness of it. For the Feds and local leo, there are much more efficient ways of catching people than through an out of country forum where people from all countries post.

I've have and try to use tor sometimes, but its a royal pain in the ass. Its very slow and you have to log in with every new page because the website gets a different ip address with every new page reqest. It would be worth it for larger grows, but I doubt leo would allocate the large amount of time needed to catch closet growers.


ok.....i'll quit my whining now!! lol i just have a cop in town who openly states that he would love to shoot me and his buddy wants to tase me! i have a bit of a rep of being ruff so these two idiots look at it as a challange i guess!after forty years you would think shit like that dies but i guess it dont. the hell with them. they would love the chance to make an example of me but i aint havin none of that shit! thanx fer the input guys!


ICMag Donor
ok.....i'll quit my whining now!! lol i just have a cop in town who openly states that he would love to shoot me and his buddy wants to tase me!

No matter what your "rep" is, it is against the law to threaten to shoot someone, cop or not. Some state laws(US) proviso's list that a deadly threat; ie: telling someone you will kill them, constitutes your right to defend your self.

Most likely your word against theirs, but a pleasant email to your State Attorney General would get the ball rolling. :2cents:

Good Luck


Apart from the usual precautions, I would say your relationship with the community at large is your biggest asset. There are so many laws on the books, it would be difficult to go a day without breaking one. If you're not harming anyone or attracting negative attention, the cops will probably leave you alone if the locals like you. If the cops are out to get you, they can. Good ole boy network is alive and well, especially in smaller towns. peace.

good drown

it looks like you have other issues in your life than posting on icmag. if the cops know about you, wtf does icmag have to do with anything, you are fucked, and i would leave.


Active member
So your stuff got ripped off , there's 2 townie cops that want to shoot or taze you And you're worried about posting here? IMHO your priorities aren't quite in order. You need to GTFO of that spot if you want to continue to grow.

Yea, I feel like posting on here is as safe as you make it. Obviously your IP is tagged unless you're using programs to counter that (they're easy to find and use). Obviously if you post pictures your relatively increasing your risk. Every action you make on here effects your level of sketchiness to some degree. Thing is, it's most likely not gonna be to any degree that attracts anyone's attention (and if all it took to get busted was something you posted online then you're either really unlucky, incredibly stoopid, or growing something truly insane.


Active member
move to new secure place. other wise the same assholes will come back. its more profitable for them to not tell the cops as they can return.


Active member
what does your IP identify about you?

If your ISP will give it to them...it can be used to get your name, address, etc.

Even though I'm legal, that could change as laws change, so I'd rather stay anonymous...I use a proxy service.


donut engineer
If your ISP will give it to them...it can be used to get your name, address, etc.

Even though I'm legal, that could change as laws change, so I'd rather stay anonymous...I use a proxy service.

Not even. Usually, IP addresses are often shared across many subnetworks - it's not "one-IP-one-user" like with a dedicated network. This makes it nearly impossible for an ISP to link your IP to your person (think RIAA lawsuits - how accurate have they been with those?)

In addition, unless you're posting images with your own face, it's almost impossible for LEO to use those photos as evidence. They'd have to establish your identity through those photos or through your own comments, then prove you took them in the home, then link them to other evidence implicating you in the crime, etc. etc.

Truth be told, LEO does not usually with the "best and brightest" of technology. They are limited to what their district can afford/provide. In terms of people resources, government as a whole tends to hire rather mediocre employees for these positions (I contract extensively in Government technology systems, and work closely with their 'staff'). Given all of this, is LEO more likely to hire a senior analyst at $70k/yr or three full time officers for the same cost?

The Man has not hired spooks to stare at internet traffic coming in and out of this site each day. They simply don't have the resources to do this. CSI doesn't have the resources to do this. Unless you're posting images with your face, drivers license and grow op in full sight, you're probably okay posting on this site.


Not even. Usually, IP addresses are often shared across many subnetworks - it's not "one-IP-one-user" like with a dedicated network. This makes it nearly impossible for an ISP to link your IP to your person (think RIAA lawsuits - how accurate have they been with those?)

This is not true. Every residential internet connection has it's own IP address. These IPs are usually "dynamic" as opposed to "static" meaning your IP will change each time the modem renews the "lease" on the IP, but that is not randomization. They keep a database that says "customer number xxxxxx had IP address xx.xx.xx.xx between MM/DD/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY until it was renewed and now the current IP address is xx.xx.xx.xx."

Granted, when you hook up a wireless router in your home, every computer connecting to the net has the same IP address, the one assigned to your modem, but they know whose house it is.

I'm not disagreeing with you on the resources situation at all though. There is no way they can monitor what every single one of us do.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Something I haven't seen much talked about much on here is wireless router dishes.

You can put your wireless router at the focal point of any dish and borrow internet service from a nearby business that offers it to the public or a nearby customer with an open connection. I haven't done this though, I've only read about it. I did have a girlfriend that picked up a wireless signal in my living room that wasn't mine, so you don't need a dish if there are open local connections.

If leo did ever try to locate an ip address, they wouldn't come to your house.

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