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Is it possible to love 2 women?


Guest 18340

Well, what do you guys think? Is it possible to be in love with 2 women? A very close friend of mine who is married has been seeing another woman for over a year now and hes totally in love with both of them.
As he puts it, each one has what the other doesnt, each one fills in the gap left by the other.
I've seen them both and they are polar opposites in every way. One is tall, the other short. One is blondish, the other dark brown. One is country, one is city. One has big tits, the other small ones. One has a booming ass, the other suffers from the noassatall syndrome.
According to him, one is wild in bed, the other more shy. They're both in the same age group,early 30s'

So what do you think, is it possible to love 2 women? :joint:

Guest 18340

Agreed. And i let him know that too, but he quickly reminds me of my past indiscretions and that i don't walk on water.
Hes my best friend, we've done jail time for each-other rather than snitch on one another.


Cannabrex Formulator
It is very possible to love two women.......but usually very very difficult, stressful and ultimately doomed to failure, as the two women eventually will catch on and have yer nutsack in a vise.

Only time you can love two women at the same time is if they are bi-sexual and love each other as much as they love you, and you all have a relationship (and lotsa fun) together.

Anything else is lying..................and any relationship based on lies is worth less than a cup full of fermented pork blood on a hot day in Jerusalem.

Guest 18340

Damn genkisan, i think you hit it on the head on all points.
Oh, his girlfriend knows hes married but I don't know if shes expecting him to leave his wife or if shes settleing for what she can get. The girlfriend is attractive, but shes got issues, ebnn shit on by men, 2 marriages, the last ending when that husband molested the 3 kids of her first marriage, boys and girls. Yeah, fucked up shit.
He feels that he needs to protect her, that she needs him. Poor bastard is in deep.


I think your "friend" obviously does not truly love his wife or this other woman. Notice you state that he loves one for some things and the other for the opposite. If you love some one, you love them for all that they are not the things that you get out of it. I love you for the good things and I tolerate the bad because I love you. I would not seek another man who would gladly do the things you won't.
Anyways, everyone seems ok with the situation except the wife who doesn't know. The fair thing to do is tell the wife and let her decide what she wants to do. If she's smart she'll kick his ass to the curb. Come on, a year long relationship with another woman? That's rough. If she loves him she'll try to get over it. But, she will have to forever live with the thought of him lying to her for a year. A year is a long time. That's a serious relationship to me not just a "I don't know what I was thinking moment." Probably telling the other woman that he loves her. I don't think I could ever get over something like that. I'd never be the same person after that, that's for sure. I feel really sorry for his wife. I don't know if I could ever trust you again if you did something like that to me. I might be able to forgive, but I would not be able to forget and the relationship would never be the same.


I love women...always have...but loving two at once is insane, how can you love, which means 100% of your heart to more than one...the math just don't work...after going thru what I have with women you'd swear I've had enough but I still love, just not in a legally binding sort of way...they are my weakness
It is very possible to love two women.......but usually very very difficult, stressful and ultimately doomed to failure, as the two women eventually will catch on and have yer nutsack in a vise.

Only time you can love two women at the same time is if they are bi-sexual and love each other as much as they love you, and you all have a relationship (and lotsa fun) together.

Anything else is lying..................and any relationship based on lies is worth less than a cup full of fermented pork blood on a hot day in Jerusalem.

Couldnt have said it better. U have a way with words.



I guess if the girls are happy, then it's cool but

he risks losing his first girl
gamble gamble gamble

Guess the wife is worth losing or he would not have pursued this other woman.

So what ever happened to this "friend"?
I usually don't label people, but he is an idiot. You don't get married to look for other options. Been married almost 12 years now, and it has been an awesome ride so far, so I don't understand the need to stray or feel the need to find other opportunities like this guy. Either get a divorce and go play, or stay married and commit to play with the wife only....


Sometimes its best to just let things work out on their own and mind your own business. He's your best friend, you did your part. The rest is up to him, don't push him or he'll resent you.

If you the person is you. I should re-think your marriage because if you really did love your wife then you wouldn't be doing something that would hurt her.
I think your friend is in a shitty situation. Hopefully he works it all out if there are kids around.

Note to self: NEVER let my girl join ICMag....