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How Ready Are We For Bioterrorism?

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
A new article in the NY Times analyzes the current state of affairs regarding terrorists using biological attacks like anthrax and the like. Its a long article, but these reports in the Times are very educational and worth reading if you are interested in the subject. This is a subject we all should be interested in...


Here is a taste:

A few days after 9/11, a retired Air Force colonel named Randall Larsen entered the northwest gate of the White House, crossed a courtyard to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, stepped through the front door and stopped dead in his tracks.

In place of the usual security checkpoint, there was an elaborate upgrade that included not only metal detectors but also machines to sniff out radiation and explosives, elaborate pat-downs and a mandatory search of all personal belongings. It was the search that worried Larsen most.

After passing through a body scan, he stood quietly while a guard thumbed through the contents of his briefcase. It was mostly books and papers, but after a few seconds, the agent pulled out a respirator mask and shot Larsen a quizzical look. “That’s just for demonstration,” Larsen said quickly. “You saw Mayor Giuliani wear one at ground zero, right?” The agent turned the mask over a few times, then stuffed it back in the briefcase. Seconds later, Larsen was through.

Inside the building, he followed a long corridor to a room where Vice President Dick Cheney and members of the national-security staff soon joined him. Also in the room were Tara O’Toole, who is now the Obama administration’s top official for biodefense research at the Department of Homeland Security, and Thomas Inglesby, who runs the Center for Biosecurity. Three months earlier, Larsen, O’Toole and Inglesby collaborated on a national-security exercise to simulate the effects of a smallpox attack. Now, with the twin towers in ashes, they had come to brief the vice president on their findings.

As O’Toole began the presentation, Larsen studied Cheney’s expression. The vice president showed no reaction as O’Toole listed the officials who participated in the simulation, the complications they encountered as they tried to develop an emergency response and the arguments that broke out as they watched the disease spread beyond control. She concluded by telling the vice president that the country was unprepared for a biological attack.

Cheney nodded. “O.K.,” he said. “But what are we looking for? What does a biological weapon look like?” At this, Larsen reached into his briefcase and pulled out a small test tube. “Mr. Vice President,” he said, “it looks like this.” Inside the tube was a weaponized powder of Bacillus globigii, almost genetically identical to anthrax. “And by the way,” Larsen said, “I just smuggled this into your office.”

At one of the most secure buildings in the world, in a moment of unprecedented alarm, the White House guards had searched Larsen’s briefcase — and never even saw the powder. “They were looking for the wrong things,” Larsen says now. “They still are.”

For the rest of the article click on the link to the Times up top of this post...


Active member
not ready at all . its just about impossible to stop. any idiot can spread bios without much effort. we are screwed if the wrong folks get some. but no more than any other country. personally i would be more afraid of getting struck by lightning.they aint terrorists if you aint terrified.

h^2 O

I don't know about that story man...it's very familiar...I bet the guy who wrote it from the times unwittingly used the plot from "Die Hard: Live Free or Die Hard" - the villain worked for the government and hacked into NORAD just to show the generals and politicians how vulnerable the current system was. He was then fired.


NO and to be fair it would be impossible w/o giving up every freedom we have left and even then NO.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Mustard gas would be bad enough..and that's WW1 technology

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Well I think I'm equipped enough to handle thrips, fungus gnats and spider mites. As far as anything more serious I would probably just shut everything down and start fresh from seed after a thorough bleaching.


This will undoubtly happen, im kinda shocked it hasnt yet.

Airports are fucked, one ill person coughing and spreading the wrong shit, sends the sickness international.

I figure the only reason some Pakistani or N Korean scientist havent done it yet is because it would kill too many Islamist/Koreans.

The gene that causes 'sickle cell' in africans, also helps prevent malaria. So theoretically weaponizing malaria could enable immunity in an african population.

All some mad scientist would need is to find a natural immunity in their 'preferred' population, and unleash the plague on the others.

Pheromone and those type of 'weapons' are VERY interesting. A 'Gay Bomb' was hypothesized

The "halitosis bomb" and "gay bomb" are informal names for two theoretical non-lethal chemical weapons, which a United States Air Force research laboratory speculated about producing, which involved discharging female sex pheromones over enemy forces in order to make them sexually attracted to each other.


Andinismo Hierbatero
prohibition is a sort of bio-terrorism; that is, restricting your biological organism from the use of such wonderful medicine as cannabis is.

we are already under attack :yoinks:


Bent Member
Could anyone imagine the independent peoples of the US partnering with Al-Qaeda to try and exterminate this current cancerous government.

Then ya I can see the OP premiss.


Active member
Stuff like this is just spreading fear and makes some folks want to give up their freedoms for further safety. If people have the desire to harm us, they'll always be able to find a way. We can't protect ourselves from every potential threat or harm. Worrying about things so far outside our control isn't healthy in my opinion, it's unnecessary stress.


Active member
My family will be unaffected by all airborne biological agents...

Years of exposure to boiled corned beef and cabbage attacks has strengthened their immunity.

Pull my finger...


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys




shut the fuck up Donny
not ready at all . its just about impossible to stop. any idiot can spread bios without much effort. we are screwed if the wrong folks get some. but no more than any other country. personally i would be more afraid of getting struck by lightning.they aint terrorists if you aint terrified.


You guys can worry about it daily, I'm gonna go ahead and not give a fuck. There is no way to stop it, people will die if it goes down.




Im sure you were not,but i hope you are kidding.

Protection from Mustard Gas

READY! (except for the skin of your hands.....)

Protection from a level 4 bio-weapon.

Not even close.

WWI Chemical Weapons
WWII Nuclear Weapons
"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Albert Einstein
WWIII will probably be a bio and cyber warfare.


Bent Member
Im sure you were not,but i hope you are kidding.

Protection from Mustard Gas

READY! (except for the skin of your hands.....)

Protection from a level 4 bio-weapon.

Not even close.

WWI Chemical Weapons
WWII Nuclear Weapons

WWIII will probably be a bio and cyber warfare.

Someone has been thought MOPS training.

Me too Ive even had to shit while in level 4, Dont know if the filters are still any good but ive got the full gear setup along with atropine injections with all my old gear.

Cyber HAHAHA that will be the first thing to be taken down, you've seen how easy it is just a couple months ago (No power no internet), that will be the biggest Achilles heal to any force depending on that. couple sacrificial lambs at major facilities and that's over with.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Im sure you were not,but i hope you are kidding.

Protection from Mustard Gas

READY! (except for the skin of your hands.....)

Protection from a level 4 bio-weapon.

Not even close.

WWI Chemical Weapons
WWII Nuclear Weapons

WWIII will probably be a bio and cyber warfare.

no i was very serious..............................thats me and my child.................................................................................................

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