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How my iphone got me busted!

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weed fiend
The stupid part is that you set down pictures and videos of your grow on the counter (at the post office) and what walked away? ... honest mistake.

Shouldve torn it all down (the people in the post office OR your GROW) as soon as you found out it was stolen though!

It was probably the cowards trying to calm you that fucking stole it! honestly. hard to believe some theif stole it and then gave it away to snitch. that would seem pointless. seems more likely an asshole post office cashier snooping through and ratting you out

Also, in the last thread someone said it was probably smashed in the parking lot.. Doesn't seem logical when it was lifted off the counter

really sorry though man :petting: use something with a special memory card if you continue growing & stay strong!!!! Peace

If the post office gave the phone to leo, a snitch isn't necessary. Leo can search your phone if your arrested, (may be declared as unconstitutional but don't hold your breath.) From the looks of all this, they can search lost phones too.

jedimike, ask your lawyer about the lost phone search. It wouldn't the first time that leo may have stepped over their authority.


Think about that really long and hard...

It sounds like he is getting a lot in return for helping you out.

Let me get this right: The DEA busted a grow of over 100 plants and doesn't want it in the news media?
Okay... I'll buy that at face value. They don't want to tip off anybody else until they are ready to take the entire area down.

But mark these words and be ready:
"Your new friend and protector in the DEA will soon be asking for a few favors in return.

Now reverse that feeling of exasperated relief and consider things from DEA's perspective.

Did you think of that all by yourself?

Damn man stupid mother fockers like you scare the hell out of me! Leo and DEA don't need any high tech FLIR or GPS or drug dogs to bust idiots like this.

The problem is that it's idiots like this that get everybody else busted too.

Now to answer your own question:"I see possible danger in my future if I continue to to take the risk. Part of me says fuck it and leave it all behind. Part of me says find a way to do it better and safer and cover my bases even better. But now I am on the radar. For how long? Forever? What is safe to do or to say, and which path will I decide to take."

Do yourself and your friends and family the biggest favor of your life: Stop growing, smoking and thinking about weed. You are just too stupid to be around it at all.

Either that or you rolled over in return for all those favors.

Fair enough.


My question is whether or not they can get my internet activities through my ISP.


You need to re think things is all. Everyone makes mistakes in life.....some worse than others. Like I said before.....get a good lawyer. Do not worry what others are saying it could happen to them tomorrow. They are not perfect either and if they think they are ....well they have a rude awakening one day also. This is not the end of your life but you do need to clean your act up young man and do it quick! Stay of the booze and drugs and keep your mind strong. Tell your lawyer the truth and your parents. In the coming months you will need their help more than you think.

Young man you do have a hard road to walk before you now. Keep your head up and be strong. And I mean strong.

The amount of plants you had is a Federal offense....as far a jail time goes it is better than State time. But talk to your lawyer.

I do wish you good luck with this. Do not take what some of these people are saying because i could be them next.......no one is perfect. We are just human and since the dawn of time to my knowledge......no one is perfect. Not even the man called Jesus.......even he made some mistakes.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah, what's done is done. you clearly know it was your own fault which is a positive step although there was bad luck involved too. now you need to make sure you dont make it any worse. i second von's advice.

good luck.

EDIT: Mike, assuming you do federal, before you go inside, throw out a contact so we can keep you eating right on the inside.

Stay strong. I think it'll be a big sigh of relief once you get inside and realize that in federal, hardly anyone gets physically fucked with unless they ask for it.

You'll be OK. You really will.

Best of luck, and we're here for you brotha. You are not a bad person. Remember that.


Active member
vodafone what you are saying is that the ISP can give LEO detailed records that show what websites we visited? are they able to access email and private messaging as well? i dont see how this works....since my computer automatically erases any login information, etc...


Mods, if mindlessly harassing and mocking a fellow brother grower who is facing our collective worst fear is not worthy of a ban, I've gotta know what is.

you are correct.

I want everyone to edit things like this out of y<our posts

stupid mother fockers



Mods, if mindlessly harassing and mocking a fellow brother grower who is facing our collective worst fear is not worthy of a ban, I've gotta know what is.

answer to your question......you are correct that the other members should not be harassing and mocking this young man for a mistake any of us could make.

Thanks for that post bringing it t my attention.

@ everyone...........edit the foul language and offensive statements to this man.

I am writing your names in my little book.


hey jedimike, really sorry to hear what happened and i hope everything works out ok for you i really do, i know its a bit late just now saying this but you always got to go with your gut feeling bro, its there for a reason, most people when they get that bad gut feeling try and convince themselves that there is nothing to worry about and that their being over paranoid, its the paranoia that keeps us safe but as i say m8 its there for a reason, this post is for every1 else also, 99/100 you will be correct when you get that gut feeling, please dont try and convince yourselves otherwise, i have had to stop growing just now as a few people in my area have been busted, i got the same bad gut feeling that im next, might be me being over paranoid but there is no way im gonna convince myself otherwise, everything had to go and i mean everything from my seed stash, if im wrong then i can always start back again at a later date, if im right then they aint gonna find shit, safety is #1 bro, i hope everything works out well for you jedimike i really do and im sorry to hear about your loss also m8.
I doubt they will be looking into your computer and all that. That's for finding incriminating information and they already have the best evidence they need...your grow and your name on the lease. They got a warrant if they wanted to gather more information they would have IMO.

Thanks for posting this so everybody can read it and I like the way you handled some of the ruder comments. You got caught, do your time like a man and don't believe the cops are your friends for a second. If they try to get you to roll on someone else just remember that it's not going to help your situation at all and and not talking is commendable IMO. That goes for snitching and legal advise ....just keep your mouth shut, good luck.

sac beh

vodafone what you are saying is that the ISP can give LEO detailed records that show what websites we visited? are they able to access email and private messaging as well? i dont see how this works....since my computer automatically erases any login information, etc...

LEO can subpoena an ISP for information relevant to an investigation. Depending on the investigation and the ISP's attitude they could be forced to give up the information.

Now the question of what information your ISP has about you, that is all up to you. For example, if you always use HTTPS when visiting ICmag, they would only know when you visit www.icmag.com, but they wouldn't know what your username/password are nor what pages in particular you are reading here... that is IF you always use HTTPS.

Same goes for email, messaging, etc. If you are using secure connections, SSL/TLS, or other form of encryption, your ISP can know where you are visiting or what email host (e.g., gmail), but they most likely won't know your private info unless you've compromised it.

Madrus Rose

post 69
when i click on IC Mag link & properties , get

"HyperText Transfer Protocol with Privacy"

sounds good to me ;)

phones & PC's ...right after finding the money and contraband
thats what they go for right after . Have heard friends enduring searches
where they bring in the tech fellows right away & go for these devices .

* Fortunately am in one of the most tolerant counties in NorCal
& seeing 60plant grow inside a house & check current med cards ,
they say :

"have a nice day"

and leave .


The stupid part is that you set down pictures and videos of your grow on the counter (at the post office) and what walked away? ... honest mistake. Shouldve torn it all down (the people in the post office OR your GROW) as soon as you found out it was stolen though!

It was probably the cowards trying to calm you that fucking stole it! honestly. hard to believe some theif stole it and then gave it away to snitch. that would seem pointless. seems more likely an asshole post office cashier snooping through and ratting you out

Also, in the last thread someone said it was probably smashed in the parking lot.. Doesn't seem logical when it was lifted off the counter

really sorry though man :petting: use something with a special memory card if you continue growing & stay strong!!!! Peace

Let's see: Post Office= federal building. Not that hard to figure out how it went down. They turned it into the police, and the police went through it to see if they could figure out whose phone it was. And they did.

I'm sorry to say this, but it's not the IPhone that got him busted... he got himself busted. And yes, I've been there, and I know I went through my first two weeks in jail running over in my mind how I should have done it differently... remember, paranoia is your friend.

And like Vonforne said, GET A GOOD LAWYER! It will make the difference between time and no time... I know, preaching to the choir.

(BTW, I am sorry about your situation... it's not the end of the world, though!)


really bad luck :( you should for sure keep going. live and learn. I wouldn't stop if I was you. Your first priority is to get free and clear. Get a really good lawyer, these top guys play golf with the judge and prosecutors. Next, figure out what sort of tab they keep on you from here on out, do you have to give a regular piss test etc? Then come back with a really good plan and make sure you're extra careful. Goodluck to ya!
i doubt they are wasting to many dollars on this. they got their bust, they are done with you.
kepp on the up and up, resolve this, and move
frankly, for the dea to be involved, and it being only 1600 watts, it was a waste of their time. they got you at your moms house for christs sake.


Active member

You need to re think things is all. Everyone makes mistakes in life.....some worse than others. Like I said before.....get a good lawyer. Do not worry what others are saying it could happen to them tomorrow. They are not perfect either and if they think they are ....well they have a rude awakening one day also. This is not the end of your life but you do need to clean your act up young man and do it quick! Stay of the booze and drugs and keep your mind strong. Tell your lawyer the truth and your parents. In the coming months you will need their help more than you think.

Young man you do have a hard road to walk before you now. Keep your head up and be strong. And I mean strong.

The amount of plants you had is a Federal offense....as far a jail time goes it is better than State time. But talk to your lawyer.

I do wish you good luck with this. Do not take what some of these people are saying because i could be them next.......no one is perfect. We are just human and since the dawn of time to my knowledge......no one is perfect. Not even the man called Jesus.......even he made some mistakes.


fed time means you do all your time. sure the class of felons is better but with state time your lucky if you even do half of your time


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Jamieshoes- a 'good samaritan' found it and turned it in to police as a lost phone

Vonforne- I have been asking myself the very same question. I covered all my other bases so well, how in the hell did I do something so stupid? Looking back now it is obvious. Never take pics or vids with your phone, and for gods sake get a password lock and an app that will wipe your phone in case it gets lost or stolen. Very simple measures to take. Lesson learned the hard way.

answer to your question......you are correct that the other members should not be harassing and mocking this young man for a mistake any of us could make.

Thanks for that post bringing it t my attention.

@ everyone...........edit the foul language and offensive statements to this man.

I am writing your names in my little book.

I edited my post.
But the OP is the one who said it was stupid and while most everybody who responded also agrees with his analogy, I guess we shouldn't say so.
It might be considered mean, foul, offensive, and hateful to state our opinions... Even after being asked.

The fact is that the OP (jedimike) has been on ICM since April of 2010, posted 140 times and has 115 pictures of his operation in his albums.

Yet he DID every single DON'T that has ever been posted in every forum ever posted on ICM regarding security and safety.

Some might think that is more than a little bit stupid...

AND then if that same person returns to the scene of even MORE EVIDENCE (140 pictures of his operation) the DEA might not have found yet, and proceed to taunt the DEA with a thread like this, knowing that the DEA is more likely than not monitoring?

I'm sorry but some might think that is really F*****G STUPID!!!...


Well-known member
Good luck to you and everyone does make mistakes and hats off to the mods for stoping all the hating. Job well done because all that BS does not help anyone its just a small person trying to become big.

Again I wish you and your family the best and as someone mentioned do not trust the DEA or any pig. I wish I could remember the post but another grower got the same warm feeling from the cops. The real reason was they wanted more info to solidify the bust. Sounds crazy but they want anything and everything. He is baiting you in my opinion.
Be careful!!!!
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