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How my iphone got me busted!

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You need to quit smoking weed and lawyer up. Superlawyers.com find one. You are going to essentially be o probation after your first appearance (pre-trial service), you will want to test clean. You are in for a bumpy ride.


Active member
Growing in an appartment with over 100 plants wtf. You could have burnt alot of people up man thats not cool. Also nieghbors had probably already given the man tips. How do you do a large grow in an apartment with out people seeing you bring in equipment. I have to pull into the garage to unload after a trip to the hydro shop. Also what if a fan burnt up and your carbon scrubbers quit working. Its like you never put a single thought into security. I hate to see anyone do time for pot, but you basically set yourself up for failure. I think they probably were watching you close and seen you leave your phone and swooped it up when you walked away to get info for a warrant. Probably were watching you close at the post office to see if you were sending any packages or picking anything up. Like stated above his account needs deleting but it probably wont do much good the feds probably already have all his threads and pms saved and printed out. As we speek now the are turning his case into a criminal enteprise conspiracy case. If you are friends with Jedi and have talked to him or gave him any one on one grow advice watch you shit you might be in trouble if you can be linked with your Ic account through your IP adress. Be careful Talking to another person about a crime you are commiting can add 10 to life to the end sentence.


Active member
A guy I used to work with got 4 years for telling a guy over the phone how to cook meth. The call was recorded and the guy was arrested charged and fucked. I hate meth and I think we should clean up that problem, this is just an example of how the man works.


Active member
Hopefully, just a slap on the wrist is coming.... them Pigs will probably pinch half of your grow for their palls!...
I bet you never make this mistake again :O)

Good Luck Bro!
Why are you living w/ your parents and owning an apartment at the same time? Seems like you didn't need that much help getting on your feet if you can pay rent and utilities and afford all that grow equipment.

rick shaw

It wasn't your I phone that got you popped. It was you,you obviously make poor choices. Drinking,still living with Mom,but even bigger is why do you take pictures of your grow. Taking a picture means you will be flashing it around trying to impress other kids,who probably drink and still live with their parents. In the military there is something called "Need to Know"



I've been telling everyone here on ICMAG in past posts...


It's your fault you broke security.

I really don't believe this, with you posting on ICMAG after a bust...

IMO something seems fishy.

Then why the Fuck are you posting...


I can understand your skepticism. From what I know of this site everything is anonymous. My intention is to get advice and hopefully point out to others what not to do. Some people have already posted that they took pics off their phone. I hope my story helps. I deserve the criticism and insults. I was stupid.

Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
You'll be alright bro. You just gotta be smart about your phone usage, and how you move around in the future. Believe they are watching you right now, but the DEA is not gonna be put on hold for 1 MJ grower..Lay low for awhile, and don't go around your friends that have similar hobbies;) 1st time offender....slap on the wrist(probation & fine)...



But you already had an apartment where you were growing so why weren't you staying there keeping an eye on the grow? To me this would be suspicious behavior. The apartment neighbors would only see you there for awhile when you did plant care. They wouldn't hear a TV at night or your car parked outside. Did you get any mail there? I hope so.

It's one thing to have an isolated house as a grow area and you aren't there much. People won't notice as much. But a house in a neighborhood or an apartment just seems like a ticking bust bomb to me.

Also what about safety. Anything can and will happen in a grow. Lights break, timers fail, wires short, power outage and turn ons can cause ballast and bulb failure, fans break and things can catch on fire. You didn't care about the neighbors at all just you having a grow and the good life.

I don't like seeing people get busted but thoughtless dummies like you need to be taken out of the game.

Left your cell phone at the Post Office counter! You are an idiot. A danger to yourself and innocent people.

Now you don't even have the common sense to tell your parents, who you live with and what is going on. Maybe your dad is doing something on the side. Maybe he would like to know that the cops are following him. And don't say you know everything about him. Your track record for smarts is not very good.

And since you had pictures on your iPhone I am sure you accessed this site with it and made some posts. So they know you posted all this. They have your password. They have all the pm's you were probably too stupid to delete too

JJ or somebody needs to delete your account and ban you now so we know this trail has ended.

I wish you luck in getting out of this. I am glad though that you are out of the game and can't kill some innocent apartment dwellers. However, any friends who grow that you visit or clients you sell to will still have to sweat it out wondering how long and where they followed you the last week and continue to do so.

Well, thanks for at least wishing me luck:)

I don't know exactly how the phone was lost. I am assuming I left it on the counter or something, but it also could have fallen out of my pocket or lap getting out of my car. Have you ever lost something? It happens.

I am assuming that I am being followed. Phone tapped. My question is whether or not they can get my internet activities through my ISP. Not that I'm doing anything illegal. But that is the only way they would know me on here. But even if they did, I'm simply posting on a forum. I don't have any friends I know personally on here. And if they have access through my ISP then they already know everything about me and my activities here, so writing now won't make any difference to anything.

I did not access this site through that phone.

I am an idiot. I will give you that.


It wasn't your I phone that got you popped. It was you,you obviously make poor choices. Drinking,still living with Mom,but even bigger is why do you take pictures of your grow. Taking a picture means you will be flashing it around trying to impress other kids,who probably drink and still live with their parents. In the military there is something called "Need to Know"

Fair enough. It appears a good look in the mirror is in order. I will have lots of time to relect on all of that now.


Thank you for all the support, suggestions, and hard criticism. I deserve everything received here.

I do have questions. Many people are suggesting a good Jewish lawyer. Why? What is the best way to go about finding a good lawyer? I have several consults scheduled.

Any idea on the possible price for a lawyer in this case? Ballpark?

I recieved advice rom a lawyer friend that in this type of case it is most likely going to be treated similar to a DUI. Since there is a confession, the strategy will be to try and get charges dropped or reduced. Is a high price lawyer really going to make that much of a diference for something like this?

I assume of course that there is surveillance on me. My question is for how long and to what extent can I expect that to be happening?

Phone and license most likely tapped and traced. What else?

Could they have access through a warrant for all of my internet activity through my ISP?

What am I dealing with as far as the DEA or big brother goes for the foreseeable future?


Why are you living w/ your parents and owning an apartment at the same time? Seems like you didn't need that much help getting on your feet if you can pay rent and utilities and afford all that grow equipment.

I actually am not very well off financially. My hope was to be so, but everything was still in the developing stage. It was all much smaller until recently, and this was my first run with a larger setup.

I was home temporarily saving to get another place, and in fact already put a deposit on one and got the keys. Now I have to go and explain to the ll that I can't take it. Prob lose the deposit. This is not going to be fun.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Well here is where it all gets interesting and strange and to my mind almost unbelievable.

Think about that really long and hard...

He says that he is going to do what he can to help me out.

It sounds like he is getting a lot in return for helping you out.

He also promised this would not go into the paper, as a favor to my (family member) and when I checked this morning there was no mention of it.
I had a total of, well... let's just say it was way over 100 plants. They had to bring in a truck to take it all away.

Let me get this right: The DEA busted a grow of over 100 plants and doesn't want it in the news media?
Okay... I'll buy that at face value. They don't want to tip off anybody else until they are ready to take the entire area down.

But mark these words and be ready:
"Your new friend and protector in the DEA will soon be asking for a few favors in return.

It's an almost unexplainable situation, me being here and able to type this all to you right now, with some herb to smoke, a little money in my pocket, parents who are unaware of any of this, and freedom still here to enjoy. Is this real? I almost can't believe how it's turned out so far.

Now reverse that feeling of exasperated relief and consider things from DEA's perspective.
"This dumb ass MOFO took pictures AND video on his phone. He left it laying on the counter of a FEDERAL post office.
We have surveillance on him for a full week and know his habits, contacts, friends, family, and we have his phones, ISP, emails, bank accounts and a GPS on all vehicles he might have access to.
We have his grow and can prosecute anytime we choose on whatever charges we choose.
Let's wait, use him as far as we can and take down as many growers, dealers and smokers as possible".
I am afraid I'm being watched. Am I paranoid? I did just get busted by the freaking DEA yesterday. I must assume they are watching to see what I do and who I talk to. Everyone is a potential lead. I have friends that I could put in danger.

Did you think of that all by yourself?

Damn man people like you scare the hell out of me! Leo and DEA don't need any high tech FLIR or GPS or drug dogs to bust people like this.

The problem is that it's people like this that get everybody else busted too.

Now to answer your own question:"I see possible danger in my future if I continue to to take the risk. Part of me says fuck it and leave it all behind. Part of me says find a way to do it better and safer and cover my bases even better. But now I am on the radar. For how long? Forever? What is safe to do or to say, and which path will I decide to take."

Do yourself and your friends and family the biggest favor of your life: Stop growing, smoking and thinking about weed. You are just too careless to be around it at all.

Either that or you rolled over in return for all those favors.


shut the fuck up Donny
Any idea on the possible price for a lawyer in this case? Ballpark?

I recieved advice rom a lawyer friend that in this type of case it is most likely going to be treated similar to a DUI. Since there is a confession, the strategy will be to try and get charges dropped or reduced. Is a high price lawyer really going to make that much of a diference for something like this?

I assume of course that there is surveillance on me. My question is for how long and to what extent can I expect that to be happening?

Phone and license most likely tapped and traced. What else?

Could they have access through a warrant for all of my internet activity through my ISP?

What am I dealing with as far as the DEA or big brother goes for the foreseeable future?

I don't know what state you are in and whether it is medical or not, obv Cali would be best, so its hard to give a real quote on the lawyer. Regardless though, the best marijuana lawyer is gonna cost you 15k+.

The whole 'treating it like a dui' thing is unlikely because of your plant count. The biggest unknown now is whether it will be referred to federal court because of your plant count. If that happens, lawyer fee goes up, jail time goes up, its all bad. You need to hope and pray that the fact that the DEA guy knows your family member will spare him from suggesting the case goes federal. If it DOES go federal, it will be bad, very bad.

Don't worry about the big brother thing. Your entire focus needs to be on the case and landing a good lawyer RIGHT NOW. They already got everything they need on you. Obv don't go visit other grow sites or anything but DEA monitoring your internet right now is the least of your worries.

Keep breathing and good luck


Look up NORML for Lawyers and information.

Get a lawyer fast, you are going to get played by the DEA. Over 150 plants and your sitting on the net already talking about it. They aint done with you, son.


Active member
dont beat yourself up over it...but you need to stop all illegal activities asap. no more dealing, no more grows of any kind, etc. dont even talk or call people you know who grow/deal themselves.

i also think maybe they let you back into the world to tail you to other growers.

are you in a med state? sounds like maybe not....dude non med state growing with pics on a cellphone and 100 plants in an APT...sorry but not the smartest way to do things.
HOW DID THEY FIND YOUR APT? is it under your name? did they tail you to it....seems like some shot in the dark shit.

if the cops get my phone all they get is a couple dozen pictures of cats and dogs lol...still pisses me off that the gay ass DEA is wasting their time with small grows...
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