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How much weed do you smoke

How much weed do you smoke

  • Less than a Gram

    Votes: 78 30.6%
  • 1 - 3 grams

    Votes: 125 49.0%
  • 4-7 grams

    Votes: 38 14.9%
  • 7-14 grams

    Votes: 11 4.3%
  • 14 grams or more

    Votes: 3 1.2%

  • Total voters


Hmmmm. Where was I? Oh yeah, smokin! This has been a near 40 year deal pour moi. Started out very heavy for many, many years, and then over time, just cut it back. I have a heavy duty job that I can't do stoned, or at least freshly stoned, but it's cool, no testing.

I grow what is for me and many of my friends and relatives one hit pot. Two hits and I'm blasted. Usually I do a hit when I get home, sometimes two, but if I smoke any like after 8, sometimes I have trouble getting to sleep.

There are times when I am so incredibly busy I may not smoke for a day, two, even three. No biggie, it's very easy to stop when I need to.

There's no question I smoke more now growing my own, but not a great amount more. I would say less than a gram/day.



Now in technicolor
I use pot for getting things done, sometimes with amphetamine but usually alone. Very low dose though - 0.10g/day prob .. 1 bowl


Active member
Strictly recreational here, maybe 1g /week, but that's pretty much on weekends. I just can't work high so keep it to the weekends.

But I've always been a lightweight, even in college when I smoked more - which is actually pretty good, saves $$ and weed. :woohoo:

Some of my friends are jealous of my low tolerance. ["Wait, you're baked off 3 hits of regs? Nice! I wish.."]

Now that I am an adult, practically never. Only on my trips back to Ann Arbor to see my college goofball ex-teammates.

For me, it's ALL about the growing~I definately LOVE growing, that's what really turns me on...Taking it from seed to sticky, smelly, plump flower is a trip. Along w/ sharing it w/ friends and family. As for actually indulging, it needs to be a semi-special osccassion, for the most part. Personally I enjoy it much more if I smoke only a few times monthly. While camping by a mtn lake or w/ friends I haven't seen in a while, downtown watching and enjoying the diverse humanity, that kind of thing.
ABSOLUTELY for live music a j is required!!!

haha wow on 7 pages i found 3 posts of ppl not smoking dayily!

i would say usually once a week - but the last 2 or 3 month i have just smoked once. so if i smoke alot 2g a month?
i think thats a healthy dose for me. just think about the week ...

i never could smoke all day


Overkill is under-rated.
One of these days when it's legalized, I say we rent a football stadium (domed of course) invite a couple thousand heads that can bring a pound each, put it in the middle of the field, light it and hotbox the whole place. Muahahahaha!


How much do you smoke a day?

How much do you smoke a day?

I was wondering what the smoking habits were of my fellow icmer's? Ok peace

:deadxmas:happy holidays


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Not enough.

During the work week. 4-5 bowls/day

When I'm not working. Who's counting!!

I've had a bone marrow transplant and use MJ to stay off pharma crap, so I could smoke all day long. When I start having my own home grown in February, I might just do that.

I don't smoke enough either. Just no cash coming in being a college student. On a bad day I usually smoke 1-3 grams on a good one maybe double that.


Active member
Morning mid afternoon i always take 2-3 bong loads to the face.

then around 5-6 theres another 2-3 bowls.

then come around 9-10 the blunts get broken out and shit starts getting serious lol...


not much of a smoker compared to most of the crowd here. Maybe a couple bowls of indica in the evening when work and school is done. Maybe a few bowls of sativa in the day if I don't have super important things to do, but thats not too often. I just can't be very functional blazed 24/7, and I treat it more as a reward anyways. To each their own.


By myself, I'll burn a gram bowl to the dome, each time I smoke unless I want to get riped, then I'll load a couple bowls and lung the shit outta them. Depending on how long I'm awake its 4-7.

In a circle, I can easily burn through a quarter in a couple sessions. So I'd say about 14g when hanging out, unless someone else is throwing down.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor

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LUVS YA :sasmokin:


New member
Just for something different...

I smoke most days, but it's a bowl or two. Some days, four and a doobie or two, sure, but that's most days. Some days none. I'm just busy.

But I'm still baked through most of all my days. I've been smoking for a very long time, but have always felt a NEED to take regular breaks. I'll just wake up one day and feel too lethargic from smoking for a solid period and not feel like smoking....

This will sometimes extend into a day or two, when I am paying attention to other stuff, then I'll have some time, and smoking will sound great again, and I will get high as balls.

Anyone else have this?

I don't think of it as a long-term retardant, hangover, or anything, it's just more that smoking weed is less rewarding; I get less high after a while, feel a bit high in general without smoking, and want to wait it out? Anybody?

I'm wondering how you medical users feel about this; are there diminishing returns? Are all yall 1/8-1/4 per day folks medical, or just chronical?

Enough ramble for me,

I´m a chronic user, and for me it works exactly the same way as you´ve described it . But it only started feeling like it when I quited nicotine, I didn´t really smoked cigarettes I just mixed them with the herbs . But I do believe that I´m finally enjoying my weed now .

Thumbs up!:canabis:


2-4 bowls a day, today i just smoke half a one because i did feel lethargic in the morning, didnt really feel like smoking

le crunch

My God I thought I was a heavy smoker @ about 2g a week! Two IC members claim to be smoking more than 14g a week. That's crazy shit!


Since I primarily use mine for medication, I use as directed, which is as needed. Warning: Take on empty stomach and enjoy the side effects.