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How much longer to veg?

I thought you were out on the top of page 2.

Whoever said baking soda for pH up is sadly misinformed.
Too much sodium will fuck up your plants.

Looks like it's rookie and troll night.

Haha, a rookie and a troll. Never before has a sentence been more true.
I'm a total rookie. That's why I came here for advice.

I might get a crappy yield off my plants but at least I'll learn from it.

I definately need to do more reading.

I do however reckon I'll get at least 2 ounces off them.
I don't know if the pix do them any justice but they're about 1.2 feet tall?


I thought you were out on the top of page 2.

Whoever said baking soda for pH up is sadly misinformed.
Too much sodium will fuck up your plants.

Looks like it's rookie and troll night.

Yeah i got my troll on for a bit but the guys a complete retard an inbred fool with one arm could grow better than this idiot..
Fan, Ph, intake and Temps and ur soil those r what ya gotta check and fix first. Did u add perilite to ur soil for extra drainage?

Any ways im out gotta work 2moro.

Hope it works out for ya dude.


Thanks dude.
I didn't have any perlite so I added about 1/4th coco. Is that any good?
Just had a look at them and they seem to be doing well.

They are gorwing really fast. But during the month long seedling stage they grow hardly anything. They were like 4 inches tall.

The last 2 weeks they've grown heaps though.


Active member
It doesnt look too good at the moment...

But with a 1.4x1.4 tent & 1000w i'm 100% we can get at least 5oz per plant.

We wanna keep things reallllly simple here and we may get a pound from this grow.

1st step is to get these girls in some decent dirt. I dunno how good your local potting mix is this is why i say 40% compost.
This simple mix should be enough food for your plants through most of the grow and all you will have to do is water them.

I suggest a BIG pot so you only have to do this once and to keep thinfs simple.

From your pics they look a bit deficient and over watered. The sooner you get them in some nice dirt the better.

As close as u can keep ur hand comfortably from bulb.

Good advice...

Once they are in the good dirt get to training. If you want a pound you will need to have the tent FULL scrogged! You can do this man!

I want you to top and fim the plants like crazy. Every 3 or 4 days look in the tent and FIM every shoot you see! If part of the plant is getting tall then TOP it.

Get the girls to grow sideways! If you can tie them down and open up the middle of the plant to light!

If you repot them today and top them today in a couple of weeks they should be growing like crazy.

You can get by without a hygrometer now but by flower you are really going to need one. And if you want to get the light as close as you can to the plants then you will need one. Get one.

This could be a great grow! You have 2 female plants! You have a 1000w tent!
I know for a fact that me and a bunch of others could make this a 1 pounder easy.
You can too man.


Active member
Chicken manure is one of the hottest manures. In all my years of farming, the only zinc deficiencies I've ever had were years following applications of chicken manure. It is well known that chicken locks up zinc and will burn plants.

I would never use chicken manure in a pot.


Active member
a indica dominant plant will grow slower than an indica/sativa plant
also id guess ome missed your post 'the six weeks old includes the popping stage'

so they would be closer to 3 weeks old 'rather than 6 weeks'

This is a good place to get advice and learn, I hope ya get your 16oz per plant
but i would train em now, and veg for another 5-6 weeks

best of luck soilMaster!
a indica dominant plant will grow slower than an indica/sativa plant
also id guess ome missed your post 'the six weeks old includes the popping stage'

so they would be closer to 3 weeks old 'rather than 6 weeks'

This is a good place to get advice and learn, I hope ya get your 16oz per plant
but i would train em now, and veg for another 5-6 weeks

best of luck soilMaster!

Hahaha bro. That's the problem. Most of the ****s here are stoned off their minds. Funny shit.
Yeah I have 4 plants. I doubt I'd get 1 pound per plant.
I'd just be happy with 1 pound for all 4.

Going to veg for 6 weeks for sure. Yeah I'm glad you noticed that I said that included the seedling stage. No wonder people thought they were crap lol.

Grew a plant a while ago. Pathetic compared to these. Got 2 ounces and that was me basically neglecting it.

Pretty sure I should be able to get 4 off each one. especially with the advice you sick ****s gave me.

Will post my budshots for sure.
Thanks man.


Active member
Your growing in the Shed, cool! have you got a heater in there? what are lights on & off temps man?. Plastic pots r better, they'll help keep roots a little warmer, looks like your using stoneware pots? I think a couple of posters have been very harsh indeed with ya man, take no notice of complete trollin idioms, thats no way to help someone & they need to realise that! it was help you were asking for? right? Take no note of it mate!



you need to get some things dialed in. you can get more out of it. post some more about what your set up is like, soil, nutes, the usual.

sorry soil i had no idea that was gonna set off a shit storm....

you got enough good advice since yesterday to get you going in the right direction. figure out how you wanna grow, find a forum and start reading stickies and you will do fine. you have some things to work on but no matter how long you do this you will always be working on something (or you should stop). you can get those girls turned around faster than you think, veg for a couple more weeks and still get a good crop. would be cool as hell to see you pull that pound so start reading and don't waste your time playing with trolls.


Sativa Tamer
People should be nicer and more helpful - or just refrain from posting in this thread.

Here is the easiest way to fix things IMO.

1. When you go to the garden center get a back of good potting mix. For base potting mix I would recommend Promix, Sunshine Mix, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, or Roots Organics. While you are there also pick up some blood meal, some bone meal, some kelp meal, and some dolomite lime

2. Read the first post in this tread - https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=53792. It will provide you with some idea of how to amend the soil above with things like blood meal, bone meal, and kelp meal.

3. Re-pot your plants into a slightly larger pot. The pots that the plants are in now are plenty big enough for their size now, but the goal here is to surround them with a better mix so that they can start growing properly.

Once you make your trip to the garden center and have supplies feel free to PM me if you have any questions.



Sativa Tamer
figure out how you wanna grow, find a forum and start reading stickies and you will do fine.

This is very good advice. One other thing that would be helpful once you figure out how you want to grow is to find a grow diary where someone successfully grows this way. See how they do it and copy their methods.

There are people that work hard for what they have and take pride in what they do. There are also people that need to have everything handed to them.

The best way to learn anything is to Go and read till your eyes bleed. Spend all of your free time reading grow journals, EVERYONE grows differently, but there are alot of main aspects that are the same. Once you learn the main points of growing Cannabis " You do not right now" everything else will come and you will start growing dank shit. But starting a post so you can ask questions as you go along is kinda bull... You will grow some OK weed i am sure, but you will not walk away really KNOWING what is going on with your plant and how you got what you got.

You can do it this way yes. But it is like cheating on a test, You will pass yes. Did you learn anything? no...

I am sure you will grow some nice greens, your very early on with alot of people to help.
Just please go try and teach your self. The more educated growers on IcMAG the better!

P.S You really dont need to prove anything to anyone, you seemed really woried about what people think, just relax and do your grow.
Well yesterday I topped my plants and moved the light closer.
Before the light was about 3 feet away. Now I've got it 1 foot away.
I was worried that it might burn it but they are doing great :)

They've grown a fair bit too since yesterday.
Just waiting for Thursday to pick up the ferts and compost.

Everythings going well and I've learnt heaps :)
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Oh goodness me noob alert!!

Its so hard to know where to start with these types of scenarios..

Soilmaster honestly man it sounds like u need to do alot more reading and research and planning before you will even come close to 2oz plants, let alone 1lb monsters. Im not sure if you quite understand how large and well grown a plant has to be (indoors) to hit the 1lb mark.. Your talking pros territory here son!

Luckily for you soilmaster there are so many threads and growers who can help you on here.

Can someone possibly post up a few links to threads that will help him?

Good luck dude.. And if i was you id put quite a few more hours into research and planning before you get too excited.. Growing is about getting the basics dialled in, at this stage basically none of the basics you are getting right.. Those plants should be WAAAAAAY larger than they are given 6 weeks veg time. You already have nitrogen deficincies and maybe other issues as well judging from your picture.. and your soil isnt even filled to the top of the pot u are using. These problems will only compound over the coming weeks IMO.. You cant just go giving those plants this "hydroponic nutes" you have laying around.. Do you even know the NPK values of this fertiliser? Im not trying to come down on you or anything man but u need to educate yourself a bit more before asking for peoples valuable time. Your questions are very vague and IMO it shows you havent given any of this much thought at all.. IMO dont spend another cent buying gear / equipment until u are a bit more aware of what your doing. Not trying to be too rude here but i think its important to say this nonetheless..

Please tell me im wrong though and u have done some research and il eat my words up!

If not dont worry everything u need is on here u just need to spend some hours reading threads.. Starting with the stickies in each section is usually a good place to start to get the basics down..

Peace out