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How much do you waste?


Active member
Hello all,

Well this year it appears I have a bumper crop.

As I first began my harvest I was very careful to not lose the popcorn/small airy buds because they were covered in crystals.

Nothing I would not have smoked at any time in the past becuase I am not the much of a snob.

...but after about 10 hours of trimming behind me my bud selection criterion had morphed from class "a" buds, class "b" buds and class "c" buds to class "a" only and everything else went into the hash bag.

So I find myself now just clipping the colas off and everything else goes into the hash bag.

And the trim and the shake are going in my compost pile. I still have about 3 or 4 more lbs of colas to trim leaving about the same amount for hash and and about half of that going to the compost pile.

I have just recently adopted a new outlook when it comes to buds...only the best and trash the rest.

Quite a departure from the old days when pot was scarce and I would not have wasted a crumb.

feast or famine I suppose

Anyway, just a perspective to share.



minds I , I learned what you mean this year too. It almost makes ya feel bad until you think about it and then it feels good again.

monkey style

New member
worst case, donate your frosty trim to medical patients who cannot easily otherwise afford medicine... they would love you for that. yet you waste like you're proud of it... :no:


We are Farmers
Did anyone actually READ his post? He said he is trimming the smaller frosties into a bag for hash. It is just as many of have experienced during trimming where you start out trying to trim and keep every little piece of popcorn to dry and smoke and you realize it is going to take WAY too much time to trim every little bud and the bar for what is smoke versus made into hash is raised.


Active member
who reads posts? just the header please...pass the pipe please...squeeze me please(or please me squeeze) good grief that is a lot of pleasing...


Active member
Come on krunch you got 10k grows going and you worried about low light airy little popcorn?

I agree minds I have alot of stuff that should have been cut off the bottom except I was worried about cutting off to much during flowering and the hormones. When I am trimming I will start getting to the end of these "buds" that don't really even have bud on them. Sometimes ille just try to snap off above the leafs sometimes I just put it in the compost bin.

It might seem like a decent amount but if you let it dry out ussually there is very little "weight" that you are losing. Trust me anything I got that is even decent is cared for. That doesn't mean im gonna smoke stuff that had 2 and a 1/2 feet of dense canopy blocking almost any sign of light.


Please don't waste anything. There is no need and I promise some needy person out there would love even old fan leaves to make butter.

Make all your trim into hash if it's frosty or butter for the rest.


Overkill is under-rated.
Shit, my last harvest was so big, I just clipped off the tops, doused the place in gas and set the rest of the room on fire. Next month I'll just build another one.

Nah I'm kidding, I waste NOTHING. Fan leaves and stems are composted. Popcorn is sifted out with a screen and collected. Small popcorn buds go into jars for my own smoke. The hairs and smallest sifted stuff is rolled into joints. Trim is processed into very high quality alcohol hash (about 2 oz a month of it) but hey, that's just from "garbage."


Save all your trim and popcorn buds for hash. Don't waste any buds. Toss stems & leaves.

Why be wasteful? If you saved all your trimming & popcorn buds im sure your friends would appreciate some bubble hash with you.
ya! i dont have a gram of weed to smoke right now, so airy little popcorn would be nice......
Has the recent events treated you this badly, krunch?

Hit me up in a couple of weeks if you're still bored (and I'm able to PM), maybe we'll grab a beer and bullshit about everything that's going on. I have some stories, myself...

el dub

Broke down a few small plants a couple of weeks back. Will end up with a little over a pound of manicured flowers, just under 8 oz of popcorn for oil and about an oz of sweet trim for more erl.



Active member
ya! i dont have a gram of weed to smoke right now, so airy little popcorn would be nice......

Damn that does suck bro. Necessity breeds diligence.

I don't really "waste" anything myself. The bottom stuff thats composted might not even get you high. I get to the point on the cycle that im overwhelmed for 3-4 days from the day I chop.

I do one big run so there is a ton to groom all at once. Before I even start on that I completely clean my flowering room top to bottom with bleach water. Make any seasonal room modifications and then air out the room long enough to eat. I then set the room back up and move my new girls over.

I move the entire veg room over and then clean the veg room top to bottom with bleach water(although I didn't do as good this last run). After its aired out I move the veg back over and reconnect the blumats in flowering. At this point I start to trim and have lost most motivation.

The next few days I trim(which I can't do in the house) and clean around the rooms.