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How many should I pop?


I'm about to pop my serious seeds ak47 beans tonight but before I do, should I crack all 11?

I usually do crack all my beans at once and of course pick the best one. But, this time I wonder if 5 or 6 would give me the pheno I want.

Any thoughts?



Discovery Requires Experimentation
I'm a newer grower so take my comments with a grain of luck...

I would only germ 1/3-1/2 of the seeds, that way if anything goes array, you have a safety net.

Let me ask you, what is your growing environment like? If you have the space and ability to have seeds in different stages, even more reason to wait.


Discovery Requires Experimentation
12-15 in flower, 1 or 2 plants of a few different strains at any given time.

Wow, that must make for a very nice smoking variety. Would it be hard for me to attain that same concept, several varieties, using AF in an AeroGarden?



Senior Member
personally i always plant them all, because what if you got an awesome pheno out of the first half, and grew it out for a year, only to try the second half of the seeds to realize youve been wasting your time with a pheno that was nothing compared to what you had stored away. that would kill me, to think i had the infamous "cherry pheno" in that other half of the bag... unused and possibly becoming damaged or sterile...sorta like walking around with the winnin lotto ticket in your wallet for 2 months...

on another note i grew out an 11 pack of ak47 this past round, and personally i don't buy into the cherry pheno...all my plants had the same smell, some of my freinds claimed they all smelled and tasted like cherries, i didn't smell that at all and i certainly didn't taste it. i think simon was right, it's all in people heads, hehe with the sativa looking plants oddly enough ripening first, i had one short squat one at 50% amber at 9 weeks! decent yeild and high, but fluffy buds, the other was ok as well when it was ripe around week 10, the plants that i at least thought were the indica pheno went the full 80 days that i went with everything else in my cab. that was the stronger of the two basic pheno's, though almost all the plants were somewhat different in small ways. it's a good strain, very heavy yeild, my second place yeilder was a chemdog at 15 grams, but every single ak outperformed that, with half of them doing over 26 grams a plant! yes i know it may not sound like much because i grow SOG...but basically it can yeild double what i would consider an average strain while still keeping a kick ass potency and frosty buds. this strain is fairly uniform compared to many out there so there is a better than average chance to get a good pheno in half a pack of seeds, but personally, i wouldn't take the risk, if im gonna grow a strain, i want to grow out EVERY seed, find the best pheno, make a mother, and not mess with the other pheno's after the first round...from what i saw you could find the most potent plant and the highest yielding one in the same pheno, and since they all seem to taste very similar i saw no need to keep more than one of them. to be honest it wasn't my sort of flavor anyway, sort of a sweet spicy flavor, hard to describe...i am into the really fruity strains myself. it does stay in my garden though because of it's great bag appeal, high, and yeild, plus it's super easy to grow. everybody i have smoked it with loved it, the taste thing is just me i guess...

budelight...don't waste your time with auto flowers~! just about any strain that isn't a pure sativa can be grown just as small as any scummy auto but with much more potency and no polluting good genetics with that feral garbage... read a 12/12 from seed thread, i PROMISE you a pure ak47 12/12 from seed will be more potent than an ak crossed with lowryder or some other crap. my last round i had two plants finish in solo cups after vegging for a month! long story short they were for somebody else who turned them down and i didn't have the heart to kill them. they were stunted as hell and only reached about 10 inches high but they stank and were strong as hell...all 6 grams per plant...lol with extensive branch training and light cycle manipulation you can get most strains to flower as small as any autoflowering strain


To Have More ... Desire Less
alwayz pop more than U need.......alllows for better pickingz....in the end...... and SCHITT alwayz happens......better to be safe w/ more than needed ....than too waste time / effort / energy / and what not.....too only end up in VAIN......
budelight...don't waste your time with auto flowers~! just about any strain that isn't a pure sativa can be grown just as small as any scummy auto but with much more potency and no polluting good genetics with that feral garbage... read a 12/12 from seed thread, i PROMISE you a pure ak47 12/12 from seed will be more potent than an ak crossed with lowryder or some other crap.

If you take one thing from this thread it should be this.


Well-known member
I pop at least 10. Always get a couple males and the odd cull. What I'm bad about is not taking cuts of everything. The one I didn't take a cut of inevitably ends up being the one I wished I'd saved. It happened the last run, luckily I was able to reveg the standout. She's ready to take cuts from now and you can bet I will.


Senior Member
another thing to note, people usually report good m/f ratio's with this strain...mine was 7 females 4 males, sprouted the first night, very vigorous! so i guess thats one more argument toward saving half lol but that still only gives you 2/3 females from half a pack, personally im glad i got them all out of the way right off, it was good to be able to compare them to each other because they were all sprouted at the same time, flowered at the same time, and were right next to each other, it was probably a bit easier to judge all the pheno's vs comparing the first half in one grow to the second half in a later grow...i wouldn't know though as i have always used the whole pack...
Are you looking for a mother? If so I would pop em all(multiple packs if possible), label them, take clones and search for the best phenos. This way you can see them all grow side by side from start to finish.

I used to pop a seed here and there but that turned out to be a pain in the ass in the long run with so many different strains/phenos crowding my mother room.

Good luck in your search, you can't go wrong with serious seeds, IMHO one of the better seed companies out there.



Thank you much for your replies. I went and cracked them all like I always do. All pop'd with-in 24 hours and are quit vigorous I am hoping for the cherry pheno and a fast finishing heavy yeilder indica....

Thank you all...


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