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how many of us will never tell


Weed Robot
i'm real to the end never thought or will think of pointing a fingure i'm from the ghetto so been real all my life,,i hope no one else will ever turn on someone keep it real my peeps 1 luv
hit this thread if you feel me


Well most men will say that they never would tell the cops any info when arrested but you'll find most men will squeal like a lil piggy if they can save there own back..You just get them to get there interview tapes so you can watch it and see what they say..In most places you can do ths for legal purposes..Alot of gangs do that here so when someone gets caught they think twice before running there mouth to save there own ass..

The biggest threat to a grow op or a gang is the informant !! There the biggest threat to any operation, them scumbags get paid for giving info and leading to seizures..You have to be alert for them.


european ganja growers
i hear ya bro :yes: keep it real and stay safe....

am blind to everything else thats goes on outside of my grow room.................if you dont know shit,,thay cant do shit =eg. you haveing to point the figer at some1 else .......grasses/snitches/snakes are all the in same league as kiddy fiddlers and will be delt with accordingly :bat:

keep it green

ghost of sage

Active member
So many things have changed since the late 70's and early 80's when my dad,my uncle, my first cousin,and pretty much everyone that hung around my family home were growing.You could pretty well count on your inner circle never saying a word to anyone much less the law!In 1990 the feds knocked on my uncles door,4 1/2 years since he had retired,got saved,and had a baby that was born with severe cerebral palsy.The man he had almost always sold his harvest to had gotten busted and made a deal to get a lighter sentence and handed over a little black book that he kept all people he bought and sold to and how much he bought from them inside of.It was 6 months from the statute of limitations running out and my unc had to go and do 5 years.I was only 17 when he left and It made me hate that son of a bitch that took him away from his family.I was raised around a bunch of men that lived by a different code than is in place today and I am a better man for it!In 1997 I did 13 months in county on a first offense misdemeanor DUI because I would not rat on a close friend that was in the mexi brick business.Several years later when he let a rat into his business and he did get busted and went to federal prison for 4 years,he never ratted on me!What comes around goes around,you get what you give and as the bible says...that what a man soweth so shall he reap!!By the way the man that ratted on my uncle in late 1988 1989 wound up doing a 10 year stretch the first time after giving up all the people that were his neighbors,friends,and comrades,more than anyone else involved so ratting didn't do shit.Also for the rest of the story he has since getting out went back 3 times and is now back for his 4th and probably final time as he just got out the beginning of last year and after only being out about 2 months got a visit from the fed boys and was found to be in possesion of several plants once again.Out of the last 20 years he has spent more than 15 in.Some would say its bad luck,I call it justice for shitting on your friends.My uncle never told,my dad never told,the men I grew up around never told,and I will never tell,because If I did I would be no better than the rat bastard that took my uncle away from his wife and handicap child!Plus,My family would never accept me again and I would be isolated because I am the son of the son of the son 4th generation bootlegger, 2nd generation herb farmer and the only thing we hate worse than a carpet bagging yankee is the revenuer!!!

good drown

usually people in our situation don't snitch, as a grow is usually the top of the latter. people in our situation just get snitched on.


Now in technicolor
According to Barry Cooper's "Never Get Raided" video he used to threaten people who refused to become informants. He would tell them that he's going to plant drugs on them if they don't comply. They also threaten you by saying they'll take your kids away and put your spouse and family in jail. It's usually enough to scare people into squealing or making wired buys.


Now in technicolor
I had two friends who did some serious crime (compared to drug offenses.) Fraud, grand larcenies and all. I wasn't directly involved but I did teach them to "hack" and do other things which they ended up using in their crimes. Neither of them said a word about me, and though I'm not sure what would have happened to me exactly, being that I wasn't directly involved (maybe nothing. they got caught with the hardware/software/and on cams), the situation gave me enough respect for self-accountability (as stated above) and I can't see myself snitching.

These were great people that ended up doing 8 months in some of the toughest prisons here. "great people" as in they were straight A students who were just curious with technology but ended up getting greedy. Young too .. I think 18-19 when it happened.


Weed Robot
Great to know that over one hundred views to this post and only so little of use think this way about rats aka ratton..
Some good but sorry stories keeps my eyes open..i been in twice because of people not being loyl shit sucks when weak men cant hold their grounds

As far as life goes i will never rat..if i fell it was me that fucked up cant burry someone else to save myself thats not being a man


weed fiend
Well most men will say that they never would tell the cops any info when arrested but you'll find most men will squeal like a lil piggy if they can save there own back..

Most of em don't realize it won't help their situation. Cops don't respect snitches any more than the folks they're trying to bust.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
only thing i ever tell the cops is " I want to see my lawyer "

If your ever dumb enough to think the cops are your friends you might just want to jump out a window... People that dont snitch are hard to find... Probably 9-10 ic magers would fold under pressure.... could be wrong and i hope i am but when it comes to saving your own tail people are horrible


Weed Robot
i forgot to say that the times i been busted was for cocaine..i sold that shit for 13 years
still them half as men that put me down..cops told me they didnt even know who i was and never would have known

its been five years never sold coke again


weed fiend
I know a dumb ass that got popped shop-lifting at Wal-Mart. He has to give his po two names per visit. What a crock o shit.

good drown

how can that be, that would imply the person was still hanging around people doing illegal activities, which is almost always violation of probation. he should get a lawyer


Weed Robot
how can that be, that would imply the person was still hanging around people doing illegal activities, which is almost always violation of probation. he should get a lawyer

when you tell the truth courts think you lie but if you turn into a informent they believe all your words..what a life we live in..thats just the way things are bro they use people to their advantages


Active member
snitching is not allowed if you grow up in the places i came up in.

if anyone in my city got a whiff of anyone snitching, they automatically got branded. people would tag the walls saying so and so is a snitch.

time aint shit, its basically a free vacation way i look at it. i dont gotta worry about rent or finding a meal for the day, maybe il become muslim.

MMJ growers aint going to San Quentin, they goin to the smalltime spots. ive been to san quentin on a feild trip and all that rape scared shit only happens to people who willingly give it up and become boy toys. if you wander into the WP section you might find yourself raped, but in the general population most of them guys just give a F about their college classes and muslim prayers.

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