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How many growers use the RED or BLUE beer cups?

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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
The red cups have a chemical in the red dye that promotes more males I heard :bigeye:

tony clifton

The red cups have a chemical in the red dye that promotes more males I heard :bigeye:

i would of swore it was the blue ones after my last couple of runs!!!

i'm going with green ones next!!!


T.C. :pimp3:


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
not anymore

I found a equal size black plastic pot.. I can fit 18 black square pots in a garden flat, can't do that with the cups if I remember

also why hassle drilling holes or punching holes?


kegger cups are my fav

How does everyone poke their holes?

I use trimming scissors in the slightly open position to poke holes around the outside of the bottom


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
A straw works awesome if you put your thumb over the other end first AND you know how to properly use the force :biggrin:

Someone said to use a soldering iron in one of my threads recently & that made sense too. :good:


The red cups have a chemical in the red dye that promotes more males I heard :bigeye:
I may just have to go out and get one of those soldering guns.I have a harbor freight nearby. I use the end of my friskars for now.

I use clear cups inside of red cups. One thing I have found is that if they are left in the clear cups inside the red cups for too long the roots will continue growing out of the bottom of the drainage holes and start encircling the red cup if water is let sit in there.
I have some now that are 4+inches out the bottom of the clear cups that are gonna be a bitch to transplant.Easy way to solve is make holes in red cups too so the water doesn't collect.but on my last batch of clones on a few instead of top watering I poured some water in the red cup(w/no holes) and put the clear one with holes inside and let it soak up the water.the roots on those seemed to have gown much quicker, or at least grew to the bottom quicker. I have no scientific facts or anything so noone jump down my throat..
ok I'm rambing sorry guys, long story short yes I use these cups,red ones and clear ones


Tropical Outcast
I may just have to go out and get one of those soldering guns.I have a harbor freight nearby. I use the end of my friskars for now.

I use clear cups inside of red cups.


Get one, you like it!

I melt mine in a "5 pattern" like on a dice.
Keep them holes within the raised part on the bottom of the cup, that way very little if any roots will grow through the holes.

I may try those clear cups inside red cups some time. Just for the fun of it. ;)
Since I take my clones from the ongoing grow
(no more moms!) the day it gets flipped on to 12/12 the plants gotta stay in those cups for 50 days.
Not feeding them keeps them kinda dormant. Once I transplant them they take off like on steroids.
Yeah I know all about you! Haha how creepy that sounds but I lurk your threads all the time haha.that one outdoor you just showed looked to be very nice,esp since you checked it so little if ever.also your generator guy sounds hilarious, no more NL for him lol


Tropical Outcast
Yeah I know all about you! Haha how creepy that sounds but I lurk your threads all the time haha.that one outdoor you just showed looked to be very nice,esp since you checked it so little if ever.also your generator guy sounds hilarious, no more NL for him lol

ROFL that's pretty funny!

The generator guy has a penpal lady in Cali and is thinking to get more serious with her - up in Cali!
I heard a rumor BabyA might be taking over his job. Gotta talk to him when he brings back my Jet Ski. He is a very very good friend but I'd rather see him back in the US of A rather than here.

Guest 88950

I have some now that are 4+inches out the bottom of the clear cups that are gonna be a bitch to transplant.

try and cut / break the cup away from the plants and maybe you can minimize damage to the roots.

good luck


Active member
And for the record, plant roots should not be exposed to light if at all possible it's not natural for one (unless they are surface roots)

Really, it's not "natural?" You've NEVER seen a plant in nature whose dirt has been washed out around it exposing its roots? We're not talking the root tips, we're talking the MAIN part of the root where ALL the nutrients flow through to reach the plant...yet miraculously the root/plant doesn't die. OMG HOW COULD THIS BE?

Here we are growing plants in indoor conditions under artificial light, in coconut coir, or in a plain water reservoir with dissolved minerals, pumps, and timers, yet despite none of this being "natural" the plant seems to get along just fine. The answer is, the plant doesn't give a shit what's "natural", it only cares what WORKS. Experience shows that clear containers work perfectly fine.

along with a host of other reasons like the light promoting algae growth in the moist container and anyone worth their salt knows this but I would not waste my time arguing with angry testosterone fueled noobs like gingerale over it lol. :bigeye:

The only reason you don't "waste your time" is because you would get utterly and thoroughly schooled like your pal Strainhunter. Next time I take pics I'll be glad to show you the massive root development from some recently harvested plants...NO algae....NO dead roots...just a huge ball of roots and coco in the shape of a 1 gallon milk jug. Then maybe you can come back and explain to us all why, if you're SO much of a better grower than this "testosterone fueled noob", YOUR plants don't do well in clear containers? Funny cause MINE do perfectly fine, so it must be YOUR lack of skill. Sounds like you and Strainhunter both need to head back to the lab and gain some more experience before running your mouth.
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