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how many dimensions exist in our universe?


Active member
my HPS pushes out vibrations in the 5th dimention ^_^

loving all the great responses, especially PnkFloydianSlip's :) dam cool info !


Active member
Einstein states "there are multiple dimensions, dimensions within our very reach. The
four known dimensions of height, depth, width, mass...but these are only the
beginning point...let us talk about a few more dimensions that are also all around
us...beginning with Light. To be able to sense the lightlike dimension a mass must
also exist in time, therefore we also have timelike dimensions. When an objects mass
is moved in the timelike dimension, from an outside observers point of view, the
lightlike dimension would reflect the still frame movements of the first three
dimensions over a course period of time. These simple six dimensions are
recombinant into our daily lives of our percieved dimension. When the velocity
of the propogation of light is neared, time itself seems to flatten or become
shorter while movement seems to stretch into infinity, as the mass of the first
three dimensions would seem, to our own observations, to merely be going somewhat
faster. The outside observer however would see still frame images of one
individual movement replacing the next individual movement ad-infinitum.
Ergo the true value of an object seeking to travel at or above the velocity of the
speed of light would be mathematically limited to 3/4 c." end quote.

The known dimensions, in my own belief is such that the perceptible dimension
that we so succinctly percieve must also have their counterparts of dimensions
in each and every dimension, if there is even one dimension that truly does exist
at all.

very cool quote !
11 dimensions sounds nice, but it is also possible that there are 13 dimensions... because I dont know the nature of the law of karma/time. I assume that it is a one dimensional one directional dimension, but assuming I am humanly wrong, It probably is itself three dimensional.. So if Karma/time is infact three dimensional that would bring the total to 13. number 13 ties into alot alot of stuff.
But it doesnt matter how many hardwired dimensions you have because those are just the operating platform for the infinite realities of the mind filter. The mind filter can be tuned I think to recognize these hard wired dimensions.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
There is one for every living being in the Universe times itself. For humans the number is increasing by the population growth rate, but I estimate the "it this minute" number for humans only is 36 followed by 18 zeros. For all life, 1 followed by 648 zeros.

The only "wormhole" within my grasp is dreaming. The one time I tried moving from this time to that time I slammed into my sister. I still won the Powerball, but only for a buck. I just wanted to be in the Universe where I had won the Powerball. I'll be more specific next time.