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how many dimensions exist in our universe?


i dunno man. ive heard the modern consensus as being that the universe has 10 dimensions. but i dont see how they would just stop at 10. if there are more than 4, id say an infinite amount. but i mean there could be only one, and everything is just a product of that one, there really is no telling. its absurd to think that we can figure it all out, when we cant even our society straight.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah because all the geniuses are too busy with Astronomy and Quantum Physics ... why "waste" their talent worrying about a planet or a civilization that doesn't give a shit?



well that, and we as humans are really not all that smart. even the ones who are wayyyy out there.


Einstein states "there are multiple dimensions, dimensions within our very reach. The
four known dimensions of height, depth, width, mass...but these are only the
beginning point...let us talk about a few more dimensions that are also all around
us...beginning with Light. To be able to sense the lightlike dimension a mass must
also exist in time, therefore we also have timelike dimensions. When an objects mass
is moved in the timelike dimension, from an outside observers point of view, the
lightlike dimension would reflect the still frame movements of the first three
dimensions over a course period of time. These simple six dimensions are
recombinant into our daily lives of our percieved dimension. When the velocity
of the propogation of light is neared, time itself seems to flatten or become
shorter while movement seems to stretch into infinity, as the mass of the first
three dimensions would seem, to our own observations, to merely be going somewhat
faster. The outside observer however would see still frame images of one
individual movement replacing the next individual movement ad-infinitum.
Ergo the true value of an object seeking to travel at or above the velocity of the
speed of light would be mathematically limited to 3/4 c." end quote.

The known dimensions, in my own belief is such that the perceptible dimension
that we so succinctly percieve must also have their counterparts of dimensions
in each and every dimension, if there is even one dimension that truly does exist
at all.


interesting, considering your name. :)

what about the snow??? what if you are all bundled up???

i find that hot ass summer gets me too anxious.

but i LOVE it in the winter. theres just something magical about tripping in winter. maybe its because my first time was in the dead of winter...


movement is inherently non-dimensional...the Universe has no dimensions...so I say 0 dimensions
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Dimensionality, take a closer look...

Dimensionality, take a closer look...

What a cool question I was just thinking about this the other day on a Trip, and ive come to the conclusion that their are no fewer then 11 dimensions.
Dimensional logic is very difficult to describe in an herb forum, but not impossible, so here goes... Most folks here live in a Fourth Dimensional atmosphere(XYZ+time). Now it would seem as though The three spatial dimensions we are all familiar with, are illusionary. Dimensions of perception, rather then actual hard wired spatial dimensions. XYZ altho they appear concrete to our senses, are really made up of three smaller more tightly wound dimensions each. Just like a guitar string is wound of coils of finer wire. And time... it seems is also an illusion, just a mechanism of the law of Karma. So XYZ dissolves into 3X3= 9 dimensions. 9 hardwired spatial dimensions + karma= 10. 10 hardwired dimensions plus the whole! THE Whole IS Greater then the Sum Of its Parts. The 11th dimension is the highest dimension. The clear conscience that is conscious of the whole thing.

So yeah there is at least 11 hardwired dimensions....

BUT Now when it comes to dimensions of perception, like our precious XYZ... Soft dimensions like the XYZ that we cling to, those are infinite. A byproduct of the mind filter used in the true 11 dimension atmoshpere...

I also believe that the Sephirot of kabbalistic mysticism represents dimensionality. The dimensions even have names and you should know what they are..
Keter - ''Crown''
Binah- ''Understanding''
Chesed- "Kindness"
Gevurah- "Severity"
Tiferet- "Beauty"
Netzach- "Victory"
Hod- "Splendor"
Yesod- "Foundation"
Malcuth- "Kingdom"

And the 11th all is one unifying dimension...
Da'at- ''Unification''

These are the Names of the 11 dimensions. Take a minute to learn them...

Much love & many blessings

h^2 O

i think the cold kills psychedelics almost instantly for me

i hear you on that, but you have to remember Bezerkers eating shrooms up in the artic circle and running around in battle naked in the winter........


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
they probably ate like two ounces, each lol

and they only had fire as a source of heat, that's a difficult comparison lol. cold is a relative term!



also, what about the dimensions as you get think smaller and smaller? first they found atoms, then electrons/protons, and neutrons, then quarks, then whatevers, who knows how small it gets, and what it is like down there...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I know I said this once. But...
