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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
DURP...I wasn't laughing at your comment chief. It was the one above mine. And now I'm laughing at you too buddy boy.
Why am I not surprised you have the mind of a toddler. I'm sure you had to look up what DURP meant after I used it lol. You aren't capable of civil discourse.
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Well-known member
The Lefty Woketards police & lurk on just about every forum on the internet. I learned about 15 years ago to simply not engage with them at all. Don't reply or try to debate with them...as they are unhinged like you mentioned. There are PC Police on ICMAG of course just as they infect the entire internet now.

Even some moderators will be woketards...like unclefishsticks here on ICMAG who banned me from the Speakers Corner for posting relevant videos on a thread that was started about woketards. He came up with the excuse that I was trolling somehow. As soon as I began posting vids making fun of and critiquing the woke movement (on a thread that was started and meant to criticize the woke movement), he dropped in just to try and attack and ridicule me.

They are like programmed robots who don't realize they are programmed because they are so very weak minded.

If anything, laugh at them and use them merely for entertainment purposes.

You use words like "woketards" and then bemoan the lack of intelligent, civil, mature discussion? And then you go on to complain about "programmed" people?

So, everyone is "attacking" and ridiculing you, right? But your post is "attacking" and ridiculing nobody, right? Yeah, probably best you stay away from debates with your thin skin and passive-aggressive victim complex if that's what it takes to make you feel "attacked".
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enter sandman

Active member
You use words like "woketards" and then bemoan the lack of intelligent, civil, mature discussion? And then you go on to complain about "programmed" people?

So, everyone is "attacking" and ridiculing you, right? But your post is "attacking" and ridiculing nobody, right? Yeah, probably best you stay away from debates with your thin skin and passive-aggressive victim complex if that's what it takes to make you feel "attacked".
I do have thin skin. I do! I deal with my passive aggressive complex by taking pills. They were prescribed to me by my psychiatrist. I just may have to increase the dosage.
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Well-known member
I do have thin skin. I do! I deal with my passive aggressive complex by taking pills. They were prescribed to me by my psychiatrist. I just may have to increase the dosage.

Nothing wrong with that my dude. Being sensitive can be a very good thing. It's not something to be eliminated with pills unless it's to the point of complete dysfunction. It can be a burden, but it has merit. Knowing one's self is also a very, very good thing. The wrong turn you took is not affording the same sense of emotional freedom and leniency to others; "woketards" may have a lot more in common with you than it appears at first glance.

Lots of people say their message in a shitty way when given a shitty opportunity. It takes an enlightened perception and a lot of maturity to be able to see past the shittiness to the deeper message. It's not easy.
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enter sandman

Active member
"It takes an enlightened perception and a lot of maturity to be able to see past the shittiness to the deeper message. It's not easy."

Absolutely. I try to keep that in mind at all times. Many people cannot see the broader perspective...the Grand Scheme of Things and what your perceived 'shitty' message may really mean on a much more important and larger scale. I myself sometimes cannot see the greater meaning. I am human and nobody is perfect.

And most that may find it shitty and react thusly actually do mean well deep down on the inside. A lot of it is people wrap their personal ego & identity up within their personal opinions and beliefs. They don't like it when their identity & ego is threatened - but we are an ego based species. The human being. Once you realize this then it gives you a better, sharper understanding about people in general.

But yes, most here on this site mean well deep down & I can tell.


Well-known member
Can a white person really comment on racism :rolleyes:
Slavery doesn't care about skin color in any way. It certainly isn't White exclusive as it's roots can be found in Asia.Whites enslaved Whites,Blacks enslaved Blacks,Middle East Indians and Chinese enslaved their own and each enslaved everyone else,all over the world everyone had slaves. Fortunately today it's a milder form depending on where you live and people get paid different wages depending on how efficient of a slave they are.


Well-known member
people get paid different wages depending on how efficient of a slave they are.
slaves don't get paid. yeah, i know what you mean. words have meanings...until we all mean the same thing when we use the same word, there is no sense trying to communicate nor debate. wasting time...:dunno:


Well-known member
Slavery doesn't care about skin color in any way. It certainly isn't White exclusive as it's roots can be found in Asia.Whites enslaved Whites,Blacks enslaved Blacks,Middle East Indians and Chinese enslaved their own and each enslaved everyone else,all over the world everyone had slaves. Fortunately today it's a milder form depending on where you live and people get paid different wages depending on how efficient of a slave they are.
Aren't you describing a prejudice that is more classism than racism?
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Three Berries

Active member
YouTuber known for pranks shot in the abdomen while filming at a mall, suspect arrested

The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office in Virginia arrested 31-year-old Alan W. Colie for allegedly shooting the 21-year-old Cook at Dulles Town Center Mall Food Court, the sheriff's office said in a statement. Colie was charged with aggravated malicious wounding, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, and discharging a firearm within a building.

The gunshot caused panic in the mall and when police arrived, they found Cook outside with a gunshot wound to his abdomen. Cook was transported to the hospital, where he spoke with CBS News' Washington D.C. affiliate WUSA.

"I was playing a prank and a simple practical joke, and this guy didn't take it very well," he said, adding that the shooter didn't say anything to him. Cook's friend had the camera rolling during the shooting, and the footage is now evidence in the investigation.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Until we can get around the shield of anti-Semitism this will not get solved.

Why is that?

YouTuber known for pranks shot in the abdomen while filming at a mall, suspect arrested

The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office in Virginia arrested 31-year-old Alan W. Colie for allegedly shooting the 21-year-old Cook at Dulles Town Center Mall Food Court, the sheriff's office said in a statement. Colie was charged with aggravated malicious wounding, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, and discharging a firearm within a building.

The gunshot caused panic in the mall and when police arrived, they found Cook outside with a gunshot wound to his abdomen. Cook was transported to the hospital, where he spoke with CBS News' Washington D.C. affiliate WUSA.

"I was playing a prank and a simple practical joke, and this guy didn't take it very well," he said, adding that the shooter didn't say anything to him. Cook's friend had the camera rolling during the shooting, and the footage is now evidence in the investigation.

Don't you have something to add to the story to explain its purpose in the thread?
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