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how long to cook butter

I'm just getting into cooking with canna.....so lemme throw this one out there...

I bought a nice 3 quart double boiler. I know its too small to put trim in without making alot of batches of budder.

So what I did, LOL, was buy a Bubble Now machine......I'm gonna make bubble hash and then add the BH to the butter in the double boiler......and simmer that shit in.

Should make some killer budder, no?

So since I'm just adding ground up bubble hash to the butter, how long should I cook the butter for in the double boiler?



i reheated my butter after i strained it, did the thc settle to the bottom of the butter, i though it was inside the butter so i rinsed my butter off to get that old water off andd some stuff that looked golden came off

The THC will not settle to the bottom of the butter, it is bound to the fat in the butter(evenly dispersed throughout). Rinsing with water will not reduce potency because it cannot pull the oil soluble cannabinoids from the butter mixture.


AC- you can just add the hash itself to anything you want during the cooking process. not only just butter, but many oils and fats retain the secret ingredient. just watch not to overheat any active cannaboids you enjoy, each has a unique boiling point. there is no need to simmer already collected and sifted hash for long periods of time, but just a short time while cooking a meal (or even while it is cooling just after cooking) can work just fine.

if using buds for butter then i agree with the majority that the time makes a difference, and to look for the oily and glossy look. there is an excellent thread about making butter see if it can be located.

making cannabutter

safe cooking temps


butter is mo betta than oil...
dont over cook... a few hours is plenty.
too much heat is an enemy of thc, but just enough will "turn it on"... low temps- 170 to 230
more fat content the better.
my cookies have just a hint of kaya taste, but eat more than 2 and you might try checking yourself into the ER. (its happened, though he didnt make it, passed out on the lawn instead)


damn 30 mins was way to short then?, but at the bottom and on the top it, looked like some golden kif


Active member
i let mine on the stove for like 3-4 hpurs(i fell asleep)

anywho that butter was jsut too strong i never felt sick from cannabis before but the effect kept on going and kept becoming stronger


i have found that the longer you cook your trim in the butter the stronger the taste of the herb in your butter. i like to lightly simmer my butter for no more then 30 minutes and that seems to get the thc but without the strong taste of the herb. people that have tried my double chocolate chip cookies swear that they cannot taste the herb at all. in my opinion that's what makes a good cookie. im not looking to taste the herb but simply feel the effects. i love chocolate chip cookies fresh out the oven.


I'm not big on edibles, but have made some super frickin' strong butter in the past... My best results were always with a crock pot, leave it on for 12 or so hours and keep temps at about 180, never let them go over 200...

jamie fox

New member
Hi there,
I think you put it in a crock pot,cook it for at-least 7 hours or more and put the burner on Sim. This will give the desired results you want. I've also followed these steps and mine butter was fine enough to enjoy!!

My two cents on this topic:

-What I have found over the years is that low and slow is the way to go for both lotions and butter.I have found the crock pot on low (never on high)works best for me.I dry the leaves/trimmings and grind them in my food processor and freeze them until I get the amount I want.

-One of the most overlooked factors I believe is ratios.I stick as close as I can to a 1:1 ratio.I save up my left overs and trimmings until I get to a pound.

-I use a pound of unsalted butter combined with a pound of trimmings/leavings/males/bottom popcorn budlets. I then add enough water to cover.

-Its a pain in the ass on the back to drain/strain if you use a lot of water but I have found that more water keeps the boiling point down/lower.When I start to see slight bubbles which happens right before boiling,I then turn off the crock to let the temps come down.After an hour or two I will turn the crock pot back on low

-Length of time: I used to do 24-36 hours paying attention to the temps and it always produced some of the strongest butter anyone that has sampled my products have ever had. I then tried 3 days,yeah I know what other nut job will sit on a crock pot for three days watching it...well i guess being ocd helps,haha.Well if 3 days sounds nutty...I have just finished a batch that went 6 days.I must say it is way to much and way to strong if there is such a thing.Again what kind of a nut job will sit on a crock pot for 6 days...well again ocd helps (I dont mean to offend anyone who suffers from ocd,just poking fun at myself). I use the typical straining cheese cloth twist and squeeze method and cooling it in the fridge and separating the solid butter from the the nasty brown water,usually done in 3-4 hours.In the future I want to make a press that will extract more of the butter locked up in the plant material.

-Important considerations:
-Ratios: as close to a 1:1 as you can get
-temps/water: crock pot on low only,and water to keep the boiling point down
-Length of time: the more time on low and slow the better.

If I can find my lotion recipe I will post it later.It works really well.I have someone I know with RA and while the lotion I make wont take out all of the stiffness but it does take the edge off from the discomfort.All of my edibles and lotions are in great demand and I have waiting lists for both.The important concerns for both is ratios,length of time,and temps.

The main thing with my edibles and lotions is I give it away to those who need relief from their ailments.


Active member
I didn't realize that you had to cook it for so long. I simmer mine for 3 hours but I guess I'll have to try 8 hours and see what happens. My butter was pretty potent though and I thought my heart was going to stop. I was just passing around the house for hours trying to calm myself down. It lasted over 12 hours and was crazy. I used 2 ounces of trim for 1 stick of butter and put the whole stick in one 9x13" pan. I ate 3 brownies and it took about 2 hours to kick in and I was on an empty stomach.

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