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how long to cook butter


How long do i cook my herb mixture for?
I am using trim,i am not cutting it up so it is in buds and leaves, i am using coconut oil and non salted butter.
I cooked muine for about 7-10minutes and then strained it into a mason jar.
Any info would be greatly apprecialoved i am a newbie at ganja food.


ICMag Donor
I am still trying to figure out the "point of no return"....meaning, at what point, how many hours, are you cooking it that essentially does nothing...so maybe after 8 hours or simmering, it wouldn't be of any benefit to continue.

I have simmered in a crock pot on low for 24 hours and have done it for about 10-12 hours. I didn't notice a difference in the strength...I would say, that the standard is 8 hours.



I'm with dank.Frank on this, but I prefer to make extracts and melt those into butter @ time of cooking. Takes less time, generally.


Whenever the butter gets that glossed over, oily look to it. Normally 2 hours or so. However with that said I let mine go 4-6 hours, normally around 6 if i have the time.

I have a good friend that does it for 24 hours. Its hella potent butter, but its also very green tasting.


Has anyone made potent butter in a quick mode, say 10-15 minutes over medium heat with coconut oil?


Has anyone made potent butter in a quick mode, say 10-15 minutes over medium heat with coconut oil?

I simmer coconut oil cannabutter for about 20 minutes. I've tried cooking it for over an hour before, but I don't think it made the butter more potent and I don't have that kind of time anyway. That said, I use weed that's already been vaporized once, which is decarboxylated, and this might shorten the necessary cooking time. In any case, I find that the best way to make your butter more potent is to use less butter to begin with.

Incidentally, I definitely recommend coconut oil over real butter. It tastes and smells better, is much easier to work with because it hardens faster, and it keeps better. Probably better for your health as well.
I always let my crockpot simmer on low for 24 hours as a rule of thumb. Not sure if its necessary or not but my butter is always extremely potent and I've got the time to wait...


I set the crockpot on low last night for 9 hours and all looks golden.

I used 1 1/2 oz.'s of prime Trainwreck to make 3 lbs. of butter.
Should be quite the mix...

Grow Tech

I've got a stalk of sinsemilla growing in my back
6+ hours low heat crockpot here. I use 6 oz of roughly manicured herb to 64oz of Ghee


In the video 'Cooking With Marijuana - The Gourmet Menu By Chef Hans' they use 1lb of butter and 48gr. of bud and let it slow boil for 30mins.

The book 'The Art And Science Of Cooking With Cannabis' states 1lb butter, several finely sifted ounces of MJ, simmer and stirr for a few minutes until the butter takes on the greenish color of the grass.

Personally, I use a 1 part MJ (buds, popcorn buds or trim) and 10 parts butter formula and slow boil for 45mins. I haven't noticed an increase in the butter's potency after cooking for more than 1 hour. Although I noticed that longer cooked butter usually delivers a stonier high, sleepier, heavy body effect.


New member
What about simmering your trim and buds in oil? What kind of oil do you typically use? Canola or vegetable? And how long do you allow to simmer for maximum potency?


I just ran a batch with coconut oil and butter ,i cooked it for over an hour and i got a stonier butter.still not psychedelic.


What about simmering your trim and buds in oil? What kind of oil do you typically use? Canola or vegetable? And how long do you allow to simmer for maximum potency?

You can use any edible plant-based oil to extract THC, but I find that the finished product is easier to store and titrate if it's solid, as opposed to liquid. That's one advantage of coconut oil (and real butter) over, say, canola oil. Also, if you use an oil/water combo for the extraction, the oil must have the ability to solidify again after cooling so that it can be easily separated from the water. Again, advantage coconut oil and real butter.


For cow produced butter, I crock pot the butter/water/herb mix on high for 4-6 hours. That has better potency than when I used a gas stove for 2 hours.

I have done oil and herb in a saucepan at ~ 220° for 40 mins. The herb gets dark in the process, but its more work than the crockpot way with the required stirring.

I prefer the cow butter.



Active member
I've always sautee'd my weed/butter in the pan, usually for only about 30 mins. I've made some pretty stoney butter, but I don't know if doing it for WAY LONGER would make it that much better...


30 minutes on simmer with salted butter and water, 6gs of goodgood trim, to short of time?


I fucked up cannabutter dozens of times before I found this foolproof method:

1. Bake herb or trim in the oven at 300 degrees for 5 minutes(this turns the inactive THC-A into active THC without vaporizing). Ground buds are preferred, un-ground trim works.
2. Get quart sized mason jars and add mixture of 14g trim or buds, 2 sticks of unsalted butter, and two cups water. Seal the jar(s) and double boil for 25 minutes. Use a baking mit and shake the hell out of the jars every 5 minutes to ensure good mixing.
3. Let the mixture cool to the point where you can strain it with cheesecloth(a clean cotton sock will also work if you are a cheap ass like me). Make sure to squeeze all the butter mixture out of the plant material.
4. Pour strained mixture into a glass bowl and place in your fridge... after a couple hours the butter will separate and harden at the top, while the water(and water soluble plant nasties) will settle at the bottom.
5. Separate the water from hardened butter and presto, you have cannabutter.

If you try this method, be careful about your dosage as it is easy to eat to much...


i reheated my butter after i strained it, did the thc settle to the bottom of the butter, i though it was inside the butter so i rinsed my butter off to get that old water off andd some stuff that looked golden came off

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