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How long till we reclassify Cannabis?

How long till we reclassify Cannabis?

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Bong Smoking News Hound
How long till we reclassify Cannabis?

When will it be a schedule B drug so all Doctors across America can prescribe it? I use to say 10 years. I think its going to be a lot sooner than that now with current administrative changes. I use to say about 10 years. i give it about 4 years. If not sooner. How long do you think.. if ever....
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I chose 1-3 years but I'm probably wrong. Let's just hope Ed Rosenthal is right and it's legalized in 2010.
It would be nice if it was yesterday... but I think that the gears of government are slow to turn (no matter who is behind the wheel). However, on the bright side, we have good initiatives being passed and good ones coming up. The one in Oregon looks great, but it still even has to get on the ballot. They have good laws though that let things get on the ballot with less signatures required than just about anywhere else I've heard.

On the local level, the 'lowest possible priority' measures seem to be a really good thing. I think if there are enough of those and the states keep passing progressive cannabis legislation that we could see cannabis freedom within the next 10 years. :rasta:
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livin my way the high way
i believe that the ball has started to creep along. i think in the next few years it will really start rolling and eventually the feds will have to pay attention to all the evidence that exists and stop BSing america. im in the middle so im gonna say 1-6 years but im voting 1-3 because i have high (haha) hopes for Obama's administration.


I put 10+ years, only because I think the pharm companies still have too much of a stranglehold on our government. I think with out them funding our doctors, insurance, and lining our governments pockets we would be in a better situation.

Stay Puft

I believe the Schedule system will be reformed or done away entirely before this plant will be remove from "schedule 1" status.
This will happen slowly in the next 6 years. (Crystal ball speak)

The "schedule" system is A.F.U. and should be abolished.
The DEA/HSS should turn the authority to determining the medical value of a substance over to the FDA. ( Which is another entity that is almost as messed up as the DEA. :bashhead: )
The DEA has shown themselves to be incapable of making logical (fact based) decisions regarding substance classifications.
My 2 cents and my vote!
Stay_Puft :bashhead:
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I'm going with more than ten years, possibly never. I hate to be pessimistic, but I just don't see the federal government fully reversing course and admitting that the last several decades of policy was driven by lies, racism, and very likely large sums of money from pharmaceutical companies and perhaps even the alcohol and tobacco industries. IF it is reclassified (fat chance), it will never be slotted as something that should be available to the general public, and I doubt the raw smokable form will ever be available legally either by prescription or other mechanisms. The government could possibly open up the long-closed channels for honest research which would lead to more marijuana derived pharmaceuticals, but I'm guessing with the current slump in the economy, they'll be quicker to send that money to other areas they deem more necessary.

Hopefully I'm completely wrong and they'll at least decriminalize it, and if my deepest heart-felt dreams come true, it will be legal for general use in the same way alcohol is.

Now, will Obama end federal raids on MMJ dispensaries as he indicated he would? That's yet to be seen, and I'm not holding my breath. I remember Bush making the statement while campaigning that MMJ should be a "state's rights" issue and the federal gov should stay out of it. Yeah, he sure backed that statement up with action.

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I think we may be just days from the start of the reschedule process.


I sure hope your right PB but we are such pussies it will never happen. Look at the homo's they get out and march. They make all kinds of noies. I don't think we will get anywhere untill we get some guts, march, through rocks and burn up cars. Good luck everyone, see you in jail.

Storm Crow

Active member
I am hoping that Obama will call off the raids on dispensaries ASAP- and state he is for recognizing a state's rights in such matters. Then tell the DEA to focus on "DANGEROUS" drugs (and maybe he should take a deep drag on a fattie while telling them! lol I can dream, can't I? :laughing: ). I think that the 60%+ voting results will encourage other states/counties/cities to either try for MMJ or LPS (lowest priority status). It's "domino time" folksies! Next election, we ought to see several new initiatives!

Cannabis won't be on the "A" list for Obama (he's got bush's big mess to deal with!), but sometime during his first term.... so I'll go with 1 to 3 years, maybe 4.

He could save it for a "popularity move" for right before election. Or it might be part of his "big bang" beginning. Could go either way. Everyone, just keep writing in to him about cannabis!- MAKE it an issue! The bigger the issue, the better the chance he will do something soon! Make your voice heard!


Well, click the link and sound off! :jump: :jump: :jump:

Granny :joint:


Greenburrow said:
I'm going with more than ten years, possibly never. I hate to be pessimistic, but I just don't see the federal government fully reversing course and admitting that the last several decades of policy was driven by lies, racism, and very likely large sums of money from pharmaceutical companies and perhaps even the alcohol and tobacco industries. IF it is reclassified (fat chance), it will never be slotted as something that should be available to the general public, and I doubt the raw smokable form will ever be available legally either by prescription or other mechanisms. The government could possibly open up the long-closed channels for honest research which would lead to more marijuana derived pharmaceuticals, but I'm guessing with the current slump in the economy, they'll be quicker to send that money to other areas they deem more necessary.

Hopefully I'm completely wrong and they'll at least decriminalize it, and if my deepest heart-felt dreams come true, it will be legal for general use in the same way alcohol is.

Now, will Obama end federal raids on MMJ dispensaries as he indicated he would? That's yet to be seen, and I'm not holding my breath. I remember Bush making the statement while campaigning that MMJ should be a "state's rights" issue and the federal gov should stay out of it. Yeah, he sure backed that statement up with action.


I agree 100%, only way i see marijuana becoming legal is if there is a major revolution


The costs of incarceration of non violent offenders is a heavy burden on the States and this will lead to de-criminalization sooner rather than later, in my opinion. But, it is likely to be piece meal by states as is the medical situation now.
crtoker said:
The costs of incarceration of non violent offenders is a heavy burden on the States and this will lead to de-criminalization sooner rather than later, in my opinion. But, it is likely to be piece meal by states as is the medical situation now.

To deal with these costs, the trend (for now anyway) has been to privatize the jails. I know the county I'm in just privatized the jail and started taking in federal prisoners as well as the usual lot, so they're obviously getting federal bucks. Plus, the correctional officers get paid much less in the privatized company than with the county or state. It's a money making deal for the private companies, and a money saving scheme for the government agencies. Regardless, they'll always find a way to make it profitable to keep the herb illegal.

Again, I hope I'm wrong. I'd love to be able to burn one without any fear of scolding from my nanny, er... I mean government.

Where's my lighter?


I put 10+ years.

I agree with what Koroz said. The big pharm in this country has too much of a stranglehold in government. Their lobbyists are rampant and aren't going to go away anytime soon. Money = power. Unfortunately this is the norm in our government.

Things have to change. Obama is a good start, but I don't see any significant movement on this subject until generation X/Y starts to get into the system and really starts to change it.

The younger generation has much more lenient views on drug use. Until they are in power there wont be much of a change IMO.


Freedom Fighter
Obama will not do anything for our cause-- He will stop the raids, and recognize States Rights....but that will be it-- There are like 500 ppl that run this Country...the 500 wealthiest in the World-- (Go figure!!)
They are Big Pharm, RJ Reynolds, and Anheuser Bush...amongst others-- They will not back down...they have the most to lose, and all to gain--
I think we will lose our Rights...before we actually gain them-- What I mean is, I think the States will reform the MMJ Laws, till they are unworkable-- But...and I say "but" with an emphasis...BUT...I feel that there will be a revolution in our near future...not like a Coup or anything....but I think (I mean, "Am hoping") that the American People will wake up, and dispute being stripped of our Rights....and figure out a way to push full legalization...not just for MMJ...but for all Marijuana and Hemp uses!! From Medical to Recreational...and from Fuel...to saving our Rain Forrest's!!
Maybe I am just a wishful Hippie or something.... :rant:


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I say 10+ years even with the current debates and discussions in Congress.


Fight unemployment!

Save DEA agents and budgets!

Keep weed against the law!


Bong Smoking News Hound
Great responses so far. and pretty close poll. I thought this would be a interesting one. Hope to see more responses and votes!

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Let's see... We have 13 states that recognize medical marijuana, a federal government with a medical marijuana program of its own, not to mention that same federal government owning a patent for medical applications of marijuana-derived compounds. So I'd say a reclassification to Schedule 2 or 3 should happen any day now. I mean our government is there to serve the needs of the people, right?

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