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How Long can you keep a Clone in "clone form" for purpose of Sale?


I know a jackass that paid $140 for a clone of pre98 bubba from Riot Seeds out in Cali. clone came with a date of 3/17 on it. Its almost freaking august.....Been a couple weeks and its still not growing any new roots.

Dude... got some kick-ass rooting systems in the garage that will totally solve his issue... new roots in 18 hours! For him, cut a great deal at $280 for the whole box...? ;-)


I know a jackass that paid $140 for a clone of pre98 bubba from Riot Seeds out in Cali. clone came with a date of 3/17 on it. Its almost freaking august.....Been a couple weeks and its still not growing any new roots.

this is the funniest shit I have heard all mutha-farkin week!!!!!!!
Old clones could be given as an incentive for new members/customers. the ones that are healthy anyway.

clones should be sold on the basis of a profit margin, nothing in life is for free

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